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About ciderminx
- Birthday 06/10/1981
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industrial chemistry
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consultant chemist
- Lepton
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Quark (2/13)
Merry christmas everyone, Does anyone know of a site on the web where i can find what absorbances different chemicals should give? (in the uv/vis range) Thanks in advance Ciderminx:-)
excellent, thanks very much YT!
Does anyone know how salty sea water is? Also, if i was to make up my own solution, how much salt would i need to add to what volume of water? Thanks for your help guys.
the middle one, the only female onboard!
damn computers, spent ages trying to resize that thing, sorry!
ive always found these diagrams the best way to understand it..... http://techniques.geog.ox.ac.uk/mod_2/week_1/lecture-1.htm
George Bush is visiting the Queen of England. He asks her, "Your Majesty, how do you run such an efficient government? Are there any tips you can give me?" "Well," says the Queen, "the most important thing is to surround yourself with intelligent people." Bush frowns. "But how do I know the people around me are really intelligent?" The Queen takes a sip of tea. "Oh, that's easy. You just ask them to answer an intelligence riddle." The Queen pushes a button on her intercom. "Please send The Prime Minister in here, would you?" Tony Blair walks into the room. "Your Majesty..." The Queen smiles. "Answer me this, please, Tony. Your mother and father have a child. It is not your brother and it is not your sister. Who is it?" Without pausing for a moment, Blair answers, "That would be me!" "Yes! Very good!" says the Queen. Back at the White House, Bush calls in his vice president, Dick Cheney. "Dick, answer this for me. Your mother and your father have a child. It's not your brother and it's not your sister. Who is it?" "I'm not sure," says the vice president. "Let me get back to you on that one." Dick Cheney goes to his advisers and asks every one, but none can give him an answer. Finally, he ends up in the men's room and recognizes Colin Powell's shoes in the next stall. Dick shouts, "Colin! Can you answer this for me? Your mother and father have a child and it's not your brother or your sister. Who is it?" Colin Powell yells back, "That's easy. It's me!" Dick Cheney smiles. "Thanks!" Cheney goes back to the Oval Office and asks to speak with Bush. "Say, I did some research and I have the answer to that riddle. It's Colin Powell." Bush gets up, stomps over to Dick Cheney, and angrily yells into his face, "No, you idiot! It's Tony Blair!"
A BOY and his dad are at a chemist. They walk past the condom display and the boy asks, "Dad what are those for?" The dad replies, "Son they're for safe sex." The little boy then asks why one box has only 3 condoms. The dad answers, "Because that is for high school boys. One for Friday night, one for Saturday night, and one for Sunday night." The boy then inquires why another box has 6 condoms. The dad explains that it is for college boys. 2 for Friday night, 2 for Saturday night, and 2 for Sunday night. The boy sees another box of condoms with 12 and asks his dad why. The dad says, "Son that is for married men. One for January, one for February...."
Two buddies, Spennie and Tony, are getting very drunk at Chalkies when suddenly Spennie throws up all over himself. "Oh, no. Now Debbie will kill me!". Tony says, "Don't worry, pal Just tuck a twenty in your breast pocket and tell Debbie that someone threw up on you and gave you twenty quid for the dry cleaning bill." So they stay for another couple of hours and get even drunker. Eventually, Spennie rolls into home and Debbie starts to give him a bad time. "You reek of alcohol and you've puked all over yourself! My God, you're disgusting!" Speaking very carefully so as not to slur, Spennie says, "Nowainaminit, I can e'splain everythin Itsh not wha jew think. I only had a cupla drrrinks. But thiss other guy got ssick on me . . . he had one too many and he juss couldin hold hizz beer. He said he was verrry sorry an gave me twennie quid for the cleaning bill!" Debbie looks in the breast pocket and says, "But this is forty quid!" "Oh, yeah...I almos' fergot, he shhhit in my pants, too.
i have to say guys......you have hit the nail on the head with your observations. When i guy seems not to care its makes you want to prove that you can get him if you want, but then when he does, there's not so much to work for! You gotta hope he still has the same appeal that made you want him in the first place! Maybe im just a heart breaker, or an evil bitch. There must be a happy medium somewhere.....
if they make that much noise why not report them to the authorities, sounds like the relationship you have with them couldn't get any worse anyway. P.S - might be good to borrow a big nasty dog incase they work out it was you who reported them!
I've been single for a little while now after a pretty crappy long term relationship. I have a few guys asking me out, but i love being single! i started seeing a guy about a month ago, and its naff, the guy is seriously dull. Although its been a month, i've been away with work for three weeks. So i finally bit the bullet and got rid. Single is good for the following reasons: 1. you get the whole bed to yourself! 2. dinner can comprise of a bag of crisps and a bottle of wine if you want. 3. You can kiss different guys every night if you want 4. there's nobody to moan at you when you get smashed on cider and make a complete fool out of yourself 5. You go where you want, when you want, for how long you want Now, dont get me wrong....im not down on guys, i just havn't met the one who keeps me interested or the one who thinks slightly further than beer and sex (i dont have a problem with those things but i like to do other stuff too!) and until i meet the one who will make me sit up and listen, i'm going to have a great time with all my mates!
hi, i am a consultant chemist for a maritime company in the uk, (not sure where you're based). I did a straight chemistry course, and did ok considering i am a top class drinker! i now have what i consider to be the best job in the world, i travel about once a month to cargo ships, sail with them and check on residual levels of contaminents in their cargo tanks. In 4 months, ive been through the panama canal, over the equator(MASSIVE PARTY) and gone through the Magellane straights in Chile. The job was advertised on the internet. Doing a broarder based subject is an advantage as more jobs are available to you. When im back in the office i have my own project to work on, so i work to my own deadlines. I suppose what im trying to say is, consider what career you want at the end of it and if the job is easy to get into. I would have loved to do astrophysics, but the chance of me getting a job remotely related to that was non-existent! a broard based course meant i could apply to almost any chemistry job i wanted. Think about the bigger picture and where you want to be in X years time. Hope this helps you.
the frame isnt included otherwise i may have bid! oh and they wont delivery outside of the states, boo hoo hoo