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Everything posted by evilwalnut

  1. So the general consensus seems to be that these crystals are relatively harmless? Either way, the rain washed them away so its no longer a problem. Thanks for all the help!
  2. I had a container with bleach, and at the end of a tube bleach has been slowly dripping out. I discovered a small puddle of bleach and lots of white crystals around the edgs and in the middle. Does anybody know what these are?
  3. Thermite demonstration was quite memorable.
  4. I still dont quite understand how those with good intentions and proper credentials are having problems getting chemicals. Chemical supply catelogs are available (almost) anywhere in the world. If you are serious about setting up a lab or experimenting you can obtain certification and the chemicals you need. Its just a matter of resource expenditure and determination.
  5. I was also wondering the initiation temperature for thermite, and if any catalysts could lower the activation energy. I dont think that the melting of Al is what begins the reaction, rather the Al begins to melt at a lower energy level that is needed to begin it's reaction with Fe2O3, magnetite or what have you. If this is right, you could very well have melted Al without the reaction begining. As a fan of Occam's Razor, I choose to accept this simpler explanation rather than that of you friend's. Any criticism or feedback is, of course, appreciated.
  6. I have no idea how the system works where you live, but here, a phone book of your city and an adjacent city will yield a chemical supply company or some sort of retail supplier within an hour drive, the only disadvantage generally being minimum purchase orders in the hundreds.
  7. I would stick to unitednuclear, and if they dont have what you need, a local chem shop. If the only way you can obtain chemicals if from sketchy internet websites then you probably need to wait before you experiment further.
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