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Everything posted by Kedas

  1. My opinion: As long as you are able to think/... you have emotions if they are less or more expressed is something else. So the answer would be no you can't seperate them unless expressing them is part of your definition of emotions. controling emotions isn't the same as controlling your expressions. the second one exist the first one is 'crazy talk'.
  2. Yes, I think that's possible but the scanned frequences are specific and a lot higher than radio. (communication satellites aren't around that long 1960-70)
  3. not really to one post, just my opinion. Sex isn't 'primitive' but an 'advanced' tool to make your DNA survive. That you don't have to be very smart to use it is maybe an other discussion. Only god knows why nature also want the stupid ones to survive. (just kidding)
  4. It's integrated in the drive for survival at the moment that that powerfull tool is recognized.
  5. Did you know that the crashed Genesis story was a coverup for a crashed alien spacecraft? Well, it's that or believing that NASA is starting to get very amateuristic
  6. Kedas

    Emotional Energy

    So if you look at an EEG you say "look at my emotional energy!" ? I'm afraid someone else already defined that form of energy
  7. it's your advantage telling someone else is only your disadvantage. (and I do mean with telling, telling public)
  8. Would you tell someone if you really could?
  9. Kedas

    Emotional Energy

    Nope, that's not energy but you can call it something else if you like.
  10. LOL Try it, let me know how it went BTW With a lot of big assumtions you could make something. These are very nice picture, especially the look of the children. http://hastings.ci.lexington.ma.us/staff/SLee/science/egg.html at which level of mathematics are we/you here?
  11. "Some astronomers have argued that extraterrestrials trying to advertise their presence would be likely to transmit at this frequency, and SETI researchers conventionally scan this part of the radio spectrum." (1420Mhz) So the obvious question: Do we broadcast such a signal? If we aren't why would they.
  12. So basically that whole mid-air catch thing was just a stunt they tried. since a parachute would have been more than enough to protect the data/material.
  13. So if it's nothing usefull can we please see a science report of "signal nothing"? 1 sept: “It’s the most interesting signal from SETI@home,” says Dan Werthimer, a radio astronomer at the University of California, Berkeley (UCB) and the chief scientist for SETI@home. “We’re not jumping up and down, but we are continuing to observe it.” What is more, if telescopes are observing a signal that is drifting in frequency, then each time they look for it they should most likely encounter it at a slightly different frequency. But in the case of SHGb02+14a, every observation has first been made at 1420 megahertz, before it starts drifting. “It just boggles my mind,” Korpela says. 2 sept: "It's all hype and noise," said its chief scientist, Dr Dan Wertheimer. "We have nothing that is unusual. It's all out of proportion." And Dr Paul Horowitz, of Harvard University, who specialises in hunting for possible alien contacts added: "It's not much of anything at all. We're not investigating it further."
  14. If 'they' are sending to all directions at ones wouldn't that make it impossible to correct for planet drift? Also it wouldn't have to be a planet it could be a satellite that is put close to the star for energy reasons. It could also be a side effect of an experiment. or it could be some new nature phenomenon that explains more about our sun than Genesis would have done One other thing the drift is a good sign because it means that we didn't generate it because our high end equipment wouldn't produce such a big drift. something else the drift could be intentional so then it has notting to do with planet rotation, that would explain the start at 1420MHz before it's start to drift.
  15. I have 101 with 18.5MB
  16. Mine is 17.2MB at the moment
  17. No, not the ball, Genesis.
  18. It was only traveling at 100miles/hour So much planning and then the parachute doesn't work. Press conference in about 1 hour.
  19. Remembering a very good event has an equal value compared to a very bad event. I would even want to say that remembering bad events is even more important for survival.
  20. Why do (some) people cry when they are very happy?
  21. if the fuel thank explodes then everything can break off the only other possible way I see is local heat that reduces the structural strength of the airplane but temperature would recover soon and there is an obvious big safety margin about what force it can take.
  22. I think dreams are more a way of keeping the brain processes active/alive. due to the fact that there is no new external data (or almost none) the brain starts to get data/information out of our memory so it can keep processing. I think the brain has a real problem when inactive for a long time. To solve that it's 'fired up' while the body is resting. just a thought
  23. if you want to go one level lower then you missed the most important one, the electron configuration of an atom. You will easily find the good conductors on the periodic table. http://web.mit.edu/3.091/www/pt/pert7.html BTW the internet seems to have a few tables: http://www.chemistrycoach.com/periodic_tables.htm
  24. Sorry, I guess my spelling correction cleared it up?
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