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Everything posted by Kedas

  1. Yeah right So we can assume that most of the sap is located at the outer layers? (not shell ) I did try to find some photo's http://www.weather-photography.com/Photos/gallery.php?cat=lightning&subcat=trees http://www.weather-photography.com/Photos/photo.php?cat=lightning&id=w-191-31 outer layer is blown of any idea's why it's only one side? Edit: look at this one, a nice line at the edge. (oops, I mean outer layer) http://www.erh.noaa.gov/gsp/pictures/lightning3.gif
  2. anyone that can contribute to my question? (instead of repeating) YT, why not only the shell?
  3. This morning I woke up wondering: Where does the force come from that splits trees in two and can 'blow' poeple away. -about the tree: The tree is an conductor and the gas of water creates the pressure that causes the damage. But why nicely split up, shouldn't the whole tree have equal damage? (current spread over the full diameter of the trunk) maybe some electromagnetical forces? -about the body: (not necessary lightning) The muscles of the body are triggered and you are actually throwing yourself away? and some help from wind due to the heated air? any more thoughts?
  4. Yeah, 'orbit' should probably only be used when gravity is its reference frame but I don't know an other word for it. 'rotating' ?
  5. Assuming no volcanic activity what is the total mass of 'life' that can produce such an methane amount. I assume it's not a small bit in some hidden corner of mars, right?
  6. You didn't read my first message, for all I care you are even allowed to hold those two object in your hand. VendingMenace message sums it up. (more or less)
  7. That is assuming gravity is the only force on it. (it don't have to be objects in space)
  8. Kedas

    Maths Teaser

    OR Not sick people 2% of 199 get wrong result 3.98 98% of 199 get the right resultl 195.02 Sick people 2% of 1 get the wrong result 0.02 --> 0.02/200*100 = 0.01% 98% of 1 get the right result 0.98
  9. Kedas

    Maths Teaser

    -what is the likelyhood that this diagnosis is correct? -Assume there is a test for a fatal illness that is proven to be 98% accurate
  10. Kedas

    Maths Teaser

    If it's a fatal illness I would get a second opinion anyway independant of the odds
  11. albertlee, Why the desperate need to link drag with thrust. I think all the information to understand it is in this thread and more. If you don't understand it's because you don't want to let go of some wrong old assumptions. and don't try to oversimplify it.
  12. Just wanted to say that the subject line is funny: "Needing irrational help" I just did my part
  13. Remark after reading a few parts Gravity isn't limited to the speed of light, so other galaxies will always influence each other. soo no space bubbles
  14. I didn't read all of above but: air resistance is determent by speed and shape of the airplain and surrounding air. So completely independent of the trust. and action = reaction meaning the trust will be equal to the sum of F1=m.a and the resistence of the air F2 meaning if speed=constant then trust=resistance/drag (m=mass of the airplain, a=acceleration of the )
  15. Find the amount of molecules based on temperature, pressure (and volume). (Mister Boyle,Charles,Gay-Lussac and Avogadro will help you with that) Then its easy to find the end result. P.S. nice site here to convert the units (if needed): http://www.chemie.fu-berlin.de/chemistry/general/units.html
  16. my point of view: a physical change has an other physical change as reaction. (Thanks Newton ) Thoughts/emotions are physical changes. even if you do't like that idea
  17. LOL It does ring a bell of some statistical method with 'some result' but I can't remember.
  18. windows calculator (scientific mode) 'only' has pi up to 32 digit so you need an other method/program. this accuracy is part of the solution method.
  19. Sin(10^40 - 2pi*10^39) So pi has to be at least 40 digits accurate to have some result in the right direction. A calculator only has pi up to 15 digits? so can't be done with a normal calculator. maybe with a mathematical trick you can solve it on a normal calculator.
  20. Many pictures use colour as a representation of the spectrum meaning this is not necessary what you will see with your eyes. This image has been taken with two different devices. (diff. spectrum) (the computer made one image of it) Quote from that article:
  21. and that is the JPG file!! anyone know the download speed from hubble to earth. héhé this time the words 'download' and 'upload' really fit here.
  22. There are gyroscopes to keep it in the right direction and it isn't one long exposure but 800 shorter ones (maybe 10min. each)
  23. Of couse time travel is possible. I do it every day. I start at 7h15 and arrive at 8h30. (I traveled with changing time)
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