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Everything posted by walsh155

  1. thank you for all that info plutonium is deadly
  2. i will never mix bleach and acid beacuse i know the dangers of it.cl2? chlorine
  3. i wont do anything dangerous but if it is il get help
  4. can anyone tell me gaseous experiments that give of gas and differnet types of experiments to do with gas just like the chlorine with acid+bleach please Brendan
  5. how do they work
  6. how much does a pro chemist earn a year in pound :confused:
  7. if you add sulfuric acid to drain cleaner in little amounts it will be safe as a experiment
  8. what does fire and pain mean
  9. what are the whole reactions and compuns made when you mix sulfuric acid with bleach/drain cleaner
  10. thank you
  11. can anyone give me instructions for hot ice please walsh
  12. thank you for all the links guys but i know that i will do a degree in astronomy when im older Merged post follows: Consecutive posts mergedim not ready not even a little for a diploma i will keep on learning
  13. because i m a astronomer i have skymap pro 11,starry night pro plus,deepsky software,celestia,voyager software :-)
  14. my father knows alot about chemistry and i know a little but if there is any good experiments my father will help me Merged post follows: Consecutive posts mergeddoctor you said there was instructions on experiments on here if there is can you give me a link or tell me where to go on here Merged post follows: Consecutive posts mergedsodium acetate and co2??? Merged post follows: Consecutive posts mergedi was talking on irc chat a few days ago im trying to talk now and no1s replying for 2 days know does anyone know why its stopped working
  15. is there any cool experiments i can do with household chemicals thank you Merged post follows: Consecutive posts mergedand i dont mean a bomb so dont ban me
  16. walsh155


    ok then thank you all
  17. there is a theory that we are likely connected to loads of othere universes and even multiverses but our universe only contains life because that our universe was just cool enough to support life and in millions even billions and trillions of years time our universe will be to cold due to expansion or to the universe expanding and when it expands it will likely hit another universe and there will be a massive explosion like the big bang again and no life no matter what there adapted to all life will be gone.there is also othere reasons why just our universe has life it could be due to the right amount of dark matter or electromagnetnetic radiation or that when massive stars explode (supernovas) throw out carbon and that carbon entered the solar system when it was forming it was able to contain life because we are around 18% carbon based life and that is how there is life on earth and also that all life started in the ocean as cells this is due to the oxegen it the atmoshphere after volcanic eruptions millions of years ago and that how there is life in the solar system.
  18. walsh155


    but i looked on a bottle of bleach it sais that THIS CONTAINS SODIUM HYDROXIDE
  19. yes.but it has to be proppelled first and it wont stop because it there is no air to slow it down
  20. walsh155


    fuzzwood dont take it out on me just because im learning get a life
  21. if antimatter touches a form of any matter it will be the most massive explosion ever the mas production of antimatter is 2.5 million dollars per gram that is the most expensive thing in the world.
  22. this asteroid is apophis nasa reacently said that in 2029 this asteroid will be likely to come as close to us lower than geosynchorus sattalites and return in 2036 nasa also said do not be alarmed by this asteroid (could hit ) and then they said that in will be a 1-45000 chance to hit.
  23. walsh155


    well why did fuzzwood say there is a cloud of green gas given of
  24. i ve liked astronomy since i was 11 and im 13 now I think stars give off light as a form of energy being emmited the nuclear core the reactor of the star produces enough heat converting hydrogen into helium when this is taking place it is emmited as heat and light and probbably some solar wind is likely and also some gravitational pull :-)
  25. walsh155


    ok i may aswell listen to you as you are a chemistry expert i will not do this but i would like to know what gas is given off:embarass:
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