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Everything posted by walsh155

  1. walsh155


    there is sodium hydroxide in bleach aint there but there is not enough to do a weakened experiment of this
  2. walsh155


    but is this dangerous because it produces chlorine gas
  3. walsh155


    hello people if you add sodium hydroxide to sulfuric acid what salt would you have behind
  4. walsh155


    is the cathode negative and is the anode - is washing up liquid good as a electrolyte because i think it has anions
  5. walsh155


    thank you for replying so in other words its eletric shocks the metal connected and 1 more thing can can vinegar or any household alkali/acid be used as a electrolyte to improve eletric conductivity
  6. ok then it dosent matter
  7. walsh155


    can anyone tell me what exactly is electrolosis how does it clean metal when conneted to the cathode
  8. yeach but can you tell me Merged post follows: Consecutive posts mergedelectrolytes?
  9. you can try and learn python or cc+ or at the worst i can programm in java
  10. walsh155


    hey evr1 how doe you make a bomb like the ones called drano and the works i dont have these because i live in the uk is there any other way to make this bomb i wont do it my father will do it a t a god distance please please tell
  11. space is hypothesized that were are connected to a multitude of multiverses and that there is only life in our universe because it was hot enough to harneess life.Billions of years in the future the universe will become to cold to habour life it will be just to cold
  12. is 5% s0odium hydroxide mixed with aluminium dangerous i just want hyfrogen
  13. in electrolosis can you use any alkali or acid as the electrolyte because im sick of using salt which gives off chlorine gas=death
  14. hey everyone been thinking if strong bases eat aluminium like sodium hydroxide like and give off hydrogen and make aluminium hydroxide is there any household chmical in the uk thats where i live eat aluminium help
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