After a couple of days of research I feel that I have the bulk of my study. But i feel sort of skeptic towards my obtained view of the entire process of how light is emitted from the star. Every resource I have researched gives me a part of the process, but never the entire story, from beginning to end. I am confident in the information I have, I just feel as if I am piecing the puzzle in the wrong sequence and I am not getting the whole picture, or that I am missing some steps in between. Or possible I have the correct information and its just going straight over my head (most likely the ladder). Maybe I need a children's translation of the process. Is there any other resource or way that I can assure myself and be confident in my knowledge. The only reason I push is because my information on the subject must be very descriptive and easily taught to others. Thank you again. You have already severely advanced my knowledge of anything past the Ozone.