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msngr of hop

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  1. he isnt world famous because of the conditions in India man... I told you.. All are neglected here...
  2. I dont know how to make you all guys understand about this.. But, If not anyone of you is beleiving me im gonna stop here.. This has been the curse for the world.. The real ones are not identified anywhere.. Indian officers are sooo corrupted..I think u know it.. I asked here help of somebody to bring this doctor to the mainstream of the world so that everyone in this world infected with AIDS would have gr8 relief.. I thought anyone of the AIDS patient would browse this forum and he, who knows the effect of AIDS, would help the doctor to reveal his findings to the world... Ok.. Then, let AIDS patients among you die.. I dont have nothing to lose.. Bye then..
  3. i will now give you the statement of an AIDS patient who was in his treatment. This statement is in Malayalam Language..(The language of Kerala State in India)
  4. You dont know about the conditions in India, thats why you are saying like this.. The doctor showed proofs of his treatment becoming fruitful but the authorities are still not making any work on this.. If this was happened in western countries, He would have been on top of the world with a lot of media coverage... But you know, this is India.. If some of you can make arrangements for any international agency to take up this thing, it would be better.. Let them enquire about this thing and only when the understand the fact they have to make this open before the whole world.. Plz enquire about this by yourself and you would find this true..
  5. I dint understand you kirby.. If u meant to say that He is a fraud, then you are wrong... Because he has proved that it can be cured.. And, numerous patients of him is attaining comfort and started leading a normal life..
  6. you know what, tree, I accepeted this name becuse this was only available.. I know what is the spelling of HOPE.. but you dont always need to follow it.. You got what i meant in my name.. isnt it? I only have that intend in choosing this name.. And I say, take my word, because this is the truth..
  7. You dont need to wait for 1000 years CPl.Luke.. Because Dr.V.R.Vijayan's findings will soon be accepted world wide... This is never a Joke.. This is the truth.. This is the reality.. If You have doubts, you may send some Media persons with some Technicians to him to know whether this is right... This is TRUE...
  8. hey guys, You say that AIDS cant be cured by Modern Medical Science..Yes thats right.. But it can be cured by Ayurveda, the traditional Indian method of Medicine which has more advancements than Modern Medical Science... And Dr.P.R.Vijayan has proved that his treatments can cure patients... If you know anyone having AIDs, you can bring him back to normal life through Dr.P.R.Vijayan's treatmet.. You may contact him directly through his Phone or letter.. He has the real cure for AIDS.. Let me stress, CURE... not prevention techniques..
  9. AIDS the deadly disease can be cured... A Doctor of "Ayurveda" (Traditional Indian System of Medical Science), Mr. P.R.Vijayan of Kerala state, India is proving that his findings can cure AIDS, the most deadly disease affected to a whole lot of Humans... Let me remind you, This is not a fake information... Dr. P.R. Vijayan made his doctorate in Ayurveda attaining the D.A.M. (Doctor of Ayurvedic Medicine) title. He is having a great heredity of being in a "doctor family".. His father was a well known "Vaidya" of that age.. It is considered that the treatment will be friutful when the weight of patients increases.. When weight increases the Immunity will increase.. When the CD4 & CD8 quantity increases in a patient we can say that his disease is decreasing.. Due to Dr.P.R.Vijayan's latest treatment, his patients experienced hunger and their Fever, Cold & Cough, Vomitation, Loose Motion, skin diseases etc. disappeared completely.. Their CD4 qquantity also increased.. A patient who was earlier 52 kg, turned to 59 kg due to his treatment and her skin colour chaned from light ash to normal skin colour.. Also, the blood changed to normal man's blood colour and fluency.. For details please contact: Dr. P.R.Vijayan, Pongasseriyil Ayurveda Dispensary & Pharmacy, Muvattupuzha.P.O. Junction, Ernakulam District, Kerala State, India. PIN - 686 661 Phone (With STD Code): 0485-2833453 (Residence) 0485-2830890 (Dispensary) E-Mail: vijayan.p.r@gmail.com
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