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Everything posted by seouldavid

  1. http://www.cse.wustl.edu/~jain/cse574-08/index.html This provides video lectures related to wireless and mobile networking, which are helpful for people who want to learn wireless physical layer concepts.
  2. http://www.youtube.com/user/ComputerHistory This provides interesting videos about computer history - semiconductors, on the history and impact of computer networks and the Internet, and on developments in personal computing hardware, software, marketing and business, from the Computer History Museum lectures and events.
  3. http://www.infocobuild.com/education/audio-video-courses/physics/qcd-cern.html A collection of links to physics video lectures on quantum chromodynamics (QCD) from CERN - introduction to QCD, QCD and collider physics, QCD Phenomenology etc.
  4. http://www.math.armstrong.edu/faculty/hollis/calcvideos/ video lectures about single-variable calculus.
  5. http://www.kitp.ucsb.edu/talks/ This provides public lectures on physics.
  6. http://www.cosmolearning.com/courses/freshman-organic-chemistry-284/ Organic chemistry lectures.
  7. http://online.itp.ucsb.edu/online/qcd04/strassler/ Video lectures related to QCD.
  8. http://videocast.nih.gov/pastEvents.asp This contains video lectures related to biology, health, and medicine.
  9. http://cone.informatik.uni-freiburg.de/teaching/lecture/wsn-w06/movies.html This contains video lectures about wireless sensor networks.
  10. http://www.infocobuild.com/education/audio-video-courses/physics/LHC-Tevatron-cern.html This contains physics video lectures on LHC and Tevatron from CERN - LHC detectors, LHC experiments, LHC physics, Tevatron physics etc.
  11. There are many useful resources related to mathematics, available for free on the Internet. Among them, the following two are very useful in that they bring a good collection of links to educational videos on mathematics - including audio and video lectures and documentaries - to help learn mathematics in an interesting way. 1) Audio and video lectures on mathematics from colleges and universities. http://www.infocobuild.com/education/audio-video-courses/mathematics/mathematics.html 2) Video lectures and documentaries on mathematics for a general audience. http://www.infocobuild.com/education/learn-through-videos/mathematics/math-index.html
  12. http://www.perimeterinstitute.ca/en/Outreach/Multimedia/Multimedia/ Public lectures on physics from Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics.
  13. http://video.ias.edu/sns Physics video lectures from the Institute for Advanced Study (IAS)
  14. http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/elegant/program.html This brings some videos related to episodes of string theory.
  15. http://www.ece.umd.edu/colloquium/ This brings some lectures about electrical and computer engineering.
  16. 1) Sets, Counting, and Probability http://www.extension.harvard.edu/openlearning/math102/ 2) Abstract Algebra http://www.extension.harvard.edu/openlearning/math222/ Recently, these two links from Harvard Univ. Extension School have been updated.
  17. http://www.infocobuild.com/education/audio-video-courses/chemistry/chemistry-and-chemical-engineering.html This contains audio and video lectures on chemistry and chemical engineering from colleges/universities around the world.
  18. http://www.nytimes.com/2009/11/24/science/24collide.html?ref=global-home According to this article, LHC appears to produce its first collisions Monday.
  19. http://outreach.mcb.harvard.edu/videos.htm This contains some video lectures on biology such as microbiology, regenerative biology, neurobiology, and the biology of cancer.
  20. http://www.chem.ucla.edu/harding/lecrecs/lecrecs.html This provides video and audio lecture recordings on organic chemistry.
  21. Computer science videos on computer science and its applications in other areas. http://www.cs.purdue.edu/news/video/ Videos about the software and technology of human-computer interfaces. http://www.acm.org/uist/archive/html/videos.html
  22. http://vega.org.uk/video/subseries/8 This contains some physics lectures by Richard Feynman from Vega Science Trust.
  23. The following site contains some lectures on String Theory from CERN - introduction to string theory, string theory, string theory for pedestrians etc. http://www.infocobuild.com/education/audio-video-courses/physics/string-theory-cern.html
  24. This is a collection of links to physics video lectures on the Standard Model from CERN - introduction to the Standard Model, Standard Model physics and beyond the Standard Model. http://www.infocobuild.com/education/audio-video-courses/physics/standard-model-cern.html
  25. This is a collection of links to video lectures on string theory from CERN - introduction to string theory, string theory, string theory for pedestrians etc. http://www.infocobuild.com/education/audio-video-courses/physics/string-theory-cern.html
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