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  • Lepton

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Lepton (1/13)



  1. Hello. I am having trouble with a question in my textbook. If I have an 8.3 g sample of acetanilide (Solubility => 0.53g/100mL at 25oC and 5.0g/100 mL at 100oC) that needs to be purified by recrystallization, then what is the maximum % yield that can be recovered (10% excess of solvent was used)? I'm confused as to how I go about such a question, so if you could, please, hint at what path I am supposed to take, I'd greatly appreciate it.
  2. Were you talking about the CH3 on the right, the one single bonded to O? I also thought that it is the only one that exhibits an sp3 formation. And it's definitely not chiral, since it has three groups that are exactly alike (H's). One thing though, I've been researching and reading my book, but it's listed differently everywhere: can a chiral centre have a double bond? One website said that "If one of bonds is double or triple, the atoms to which it is attached are 'cloned'" (see here: http://www.ysbl.york.ac.uk/~garib/refmac/docs/theory/chiral.html) and it goes to break the double bond and add an extra carbon! I am baffled at that concept! Never heard it done, been trying to find similar situations, but cannot. Overall, as far as I realised, ethyl achrilate does not have any sp3 chirality centres.
  3. Hello, everyone! I am analyzing the molecule ethyl acrylate right now and having a little trouble because I've, unfourtunately, fallen behind in my organic chemistry course at the moment. I'm having a little trouble understanding this whole thing, so any help is appreaciated. Firstly, what sp3 chirality centres are there on the molecule? I don't really get this one, but is it the carbon double bonded to an oxygen an sp3 chiral carbon, with an R configuration? Are there any other chirality centres that I missed? Lastly, are any parts of the molecule conformationally mobile and what is the most stable conformation of ethyl acrylate? Unfourtunately, this part I'm really lost with and can't think of how to answer. Please, help me with this analysis. Thank you very much in advance!
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