(I missed a pair of parentheses)
I thought to put this thread in the challenge area but it is math and all that stuff seems like philosophy. So here goes. I apologize for the pseudo-code but I do not have latex.
Challenge 1:
Prove that if n+1=(m+1)(s+1)
then sum(a^k,k=0..n)=sum(a^[k*(m+1)],k=0..s)*sum(a^k,k=0..m)
Challenge 2:
Show that if n is odd then
limit(a->infinity, ln[a](sum(a^k,k=0..n))-ln[a](sum(a^2k,k=0..[n-1]/2))) = 1
Challenge 3:
Define an invertible function psi taking the set
to the natural numbers.
Challenge 4:
Explain what this means!