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Everything posted by walkntune
A breakdown of how a choice occurs?
walkntune replied to futrethink's topic in Psychiatry and Psychology
Sorry for not sounding clear but I I actually agree with you and the fact string theory is not disproved by this below. I lean towards m-theory but I am philosophical and not scientific. That's very interesting to me. -
A breakdown of how a choice occurs?
walkntune replied to futrethink's topic in Psychiatry and Psychology
Especially when I think of empty space not existing and frequencies travelling through it like ripples in the water -
A breakdown of how a choice occurs?
walkntune replied to futrethink's topic in Psychiatry and Psychology
For this to be true would be to prove string theory false which I believe matter is nothing more than a certain frequency of vibrating strings of energy. -
A breakdown of how a choice occurs?
walkntune replied to futrethink's topic in Psychiatry and Psychology
I think I am pretty much aware of where you are coming from. I believe energy is all that exists and our choices have to do with what frequencies are vibrating compared to our frequency.Fear and faith our the ability we have to change our frequency (the more faith the more your awareness is opened)which in exchange alters your choices.People in fear don't have as many choices and live in ruts tied to the same frequencies.When you overcome resistance through faith your frequencies change allowing to be more free and open to all posibilities. -
A breakdown of how a choice occurs?
walkntune replied to futrethink's topic in Psychiatry and Psychology
I understand that the mind can only see one point of reference at a time in a logical or rational perspective because of the theory of relativity and that awareness can be aware of all points of reference at a time or see one or all perspectives of time at the same time. I also understand we can make choices from any of these perspectives we choose too. Unfortunately if we choose to let our mind dictate what we see and guide us then we become unaware of so much of reality because our awareness lines up with our rational or logical minds but if we choose to open up our awareness then we have the ability to choose and see between many perspectives. -
A breakdown of how a choice occurs?
walkntune replied to futrethink's topic in Psychiatry and Psychology
Sorry didn't mean to be taking the most off topic.If you were looking for a breakdown of how choices occur I believe some kind of concept is perceived and filtered through our fight and flight instincts and then rationalized in the mind.I am not sure what you are asking but I was only saying that before any ideas or concepts are perceived in the mind they go through our fight and flight instincts and not directly to the mind. -
Removed my post because some may not see the humor and find it offensive!
Yes please if you would. Thanks I can't even make sense of this or what you thought I would be implying????
It posted the same thing twice!
A breakdown of how a choice occurs?
walkntune replied to futrethink's topic in Psychiatry and Psychology
I believe humans don't have the freewill they think they do.I believe like all other animals instincts we make choices out of fear and faith. When a deer feels safe and full of faith it can think along the lines of finding green grass to eat and shade to lay in and such. Once it senses danger its line of thinking will change. It will seek out the danger, decide what direction to dart of etc.. Too much fear and maybe freeze. Humans are the same way. the biggest mistake humans make is they try to use their thinking to control their emotions. We don't realize that in order to be happy, feel safe and full of faith all we have to do is release the fear or emotions.As we release the emotions our line of thinking actually changes like the deer in the field.People hold on so tight to emotions and refuse to release them and it causes the brain to be stuck in a certain mode of thinking.My personal belief is that eventually when you hold on to bad emotions long enough without releasing them they cause the mind to be stuck in a certain unhealthy pattern of thinking that eventually alters the chemicals causing chemical imbalances(mental illness) Even good emotions can cloud up the mind and clarity of thought.Releasing good emotions also has a great benefit to clearing the mind and so you can make better choices and keep bringing yourself up to a better state of thinking and feeling.The only way to feel good is to allow your self to feel and release the bad feelings no matter how bad they feel and don't allow them to dictate your thoughts or choices.(sometimes you just have to buckle the seatbelt and hang on) So I guess what i am saying is that are emotional state of fear and faith we are in actually dictates our line of thinking and how we make choices just like the deer. So in order to summarize this I believe we are still dictated by faith and fear instincts that actually alter our thought processes depending upon which state we are in.If you want to think more clear and positive and make better choices, all you do is release the negative emotions and you climb to a positive state(state you were born and meant to be in ) automatically and your thinking changes automatically.(just like the deer). -
Power Corrupts. Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely. - PROVEN
walkntune replied to iNow's topic in Psychiatry and Psychology
I am not sure if power corrupts or if it's the fear of loosing power that actually corrupts? I don't think power is and of itself corruption but when it is used as suppression on others around you to try and stay on top. -
How does this play in with people's belief system? If someone was to call you and tell you that your spouse or child is dead(true or not) it would instantly turn your world upside down if you believe it. I wonder what effect it has on people claiming them to be mentally ill and they believe it? I am also curious if when they prescribe medications to people if they take into account whether they are introverted or extroverted and effects of medicines on each? They actually function a little different. http://www.scienceagogo.com/news/19990228212951data_trunc_sys.shtml
I believe I agree and that most of the time it seems to stem from emotional trauma. I am no Doc but very experienced with dealing with those who have depression and anxiety disorders and I am way more successful than those in the psychiatric field. Stored up emotions can have a devastating effect on the body.Once we label these stored up emotions as some form of mental disease they become almost impossible for people to let go of it as their belief system. Instead of an issue of dealing and facing emotions it becomes an issue of dealing with my brain sickness.After all, how can you believe you are something and not something at the same time. So the medicines can numb the mind which is really nothing more than signaling that their is trouble inside the body. But that's what a lot of medicines do, treat the symptoms right? Meanwhile pharmaceutical companies keep placing commercials trying to advertise some form of drug for mental disease(would love for you to believe it even if you don't) all in the name of the almighty dollar!(huge cancer in society IMHO) They think they are discovering new diseases but they are really just creating them. People might be amazed at how well the body can heal itself if given the chance and we work to help it in the right direction instead of always trying to correct symptoms. There are two ways to fight against war. You can go to an anti-war rally or you can go to a pro- peace rally. I would opt for the second because i believe energy has a stronger force with a much stronger desired effect when it has momentum in a good direction instead of being used up as resistance.Goes for your health as well. You can always fight sickness or you can fight for good health. If you are on medicine now I suggest staying on them and follow your doctors advice! You can work on yourself while you are on medicines.
Michael Jackson: Pedophilic Genius?
walkntune replied to Criscience's topic in Psychiatry and Psychology
I know it sounds logically like he was guilty but I actually lean more towards what Sisyphus says. It seems common that people chase after what they don't or can't have and it seems he just wanted his childhood that he never had.It is hard for me to fathom the idea that he could be guilty and still express such warmth and joy in his smiles and laughter. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mS0JxCL5fkA Doesn't look like he is hiding much to me. -
This was the meaning of that post from Timothy. It is all your perception of meaning.Take the story of the guy pushing the rock. His intentions of pushing the rock was never going to happen but doesn't mean his attempt was meaningless and without it's rewards.Once one understands that what efforts one puts out into the universe mirrors back,chasing after love,joy ,peace etc... might not be such a bad thing? A true devout spiritual person(not someone religious) wakes up as everyday being an adventure and not stuck in same old ruts and routines but lives with faith in the heart as a child able to let go of all things that will sink them. Some people may look at spending billions of dollars for a bag of rocks from the moon worthless when we have a starving planet that might benefit more from a different investment of the money. I guess it's all perspective. My eyes are actually very open to the majesty of existence and it is found only through awareness and humility to the truth and not from our own methods.Truth can only be seen by faith that it is in front of you.If you have to search for it then you must believe that it is missing or why else would you search? You are preaching to the choir my friend. I don't think the man is ever going to move the rock! LOL
I could be wrong here but it sounds like your rebuttal was within your own realm of logic and reasoning! LOL If your realm of logic and reasoning changes tomorrow, will your reality change with it?
I believe the metaphysics might be a misconception just like God and religion. I believe there is a natural universal force(possibly same cause of gravity) that might effect small bodies of mass as well.Maybe motion has something do do with it as well. Possibly a certain energy substance that makes up all space. This should have been posted back on my post but I think in reality if Science proved God did not exist, then people would be searching and worshiping all kinds of exterior things and ideas for this force of nature or power or whatever that people sense.Wait, they already do that!!!
If you get time to address this in the near future I would be interested in your thoughts as well.(IF your interested of course)
I never take it personal first since I feel I have more to gain than to give by being in these discussions.I believe in humility and I care less whether someone takes my opinions as the word of God or not.Sorry If I don't take all science to be the word of God either.There is even so much debate between the sciences. Who is the rational one?Which rational truth will be here 100 years from now? If all of reality falls into one nice formula will this make all others become obsolete and irrational? Some see E=mc2 as a scientific formula having a major impact on science. I say maybe it had a bigger impact on psychology. I would like you to demonstrate this instead of claiming it so I can see your point of view? I sense a lot of depth in your rational thinking. I would love it if you would read my continuation of energy concept post and shred it apart(don't hold back) sometime so I can understand what is completely illogical about it. Sorry I am not scientific minded.
I have come further than what I have made clear. Ok but hard to defend against a stance I am not necessarily taken. Piece was written out of my humility to be open to all sources and not closed off with any authoritative stance. If you take it this way it's probably because the universe has a way of being a mirror to or own interpretations of how we ourselves are presented. For me 500 years is ages ago.There are many rational thinkers in the sciences who have a belief in God. I will be honest i am not sure if this is irrational or arrogance in this statement? Sorry I don't express clear my meanings with words because I get caught up in deep thought and maybe assume people will have a clearer understanding of my line of thought then I express. I feel truth and reality our found in the balance of rational thought and intuition, not religion. I believe religion is leaning to far on the side of intuition which falls in the fatal error category.When you lean too much on intuition you become irrational. Here you are arguing against something I don't take a stance with. Never said it truth was illogical. Just said more than logical. There is intuitive truth and artistic truth...etc. My method is to just be open and aware of even that which is beyond my own intentions. I will share a post from another forum I truly enjoyed reading from someone named Timothy out of SPCF.He is much better at expressing these thoughts in words than I am. On Logical and Reasonable Conformity Postby Timothy on December 27th, 2009, 2:19 am Why must logic or reason coincide with reality or existence itself, if existence precedes human mind and reality flows from the human mind? Where does the consistency between logic and reason, and existence or reality arise from? Why must our mind necessarily determine how things actually are? To say things must be logical or reasonable is to say that we decide how things must be. To think solely within the realms of logic or reason, is to think within boundaries that will never illuminate that which is, to us, unreasonable or illogical. Furthermore, must logic and reason conform to reality, or must reality conform to logic and reason? If the former, how can we say things must be logical or reasonable? If the latter, how can we say 'we' do not decide how reality appears? Or where does logic and reason appear beyond the human mind? To say that everything is or must be logical or reasonable is to say that the universe is wrought of mind.
In defense to your post you have written Pywakit I agree with your stance against religion and I do not believe in God in a religious sense. Your post just goes to show meaning is only a matter of interpretation and we can only see what we are willing to see.You see what you want to see in my post and assume I am religious and built a defense. I don't have a scientific background and my stance on what I see is way more intuitional then logical and I was very much in agreement with(some good ideas) your post on the assumption of bounded/unbounded space.If you go to my post on" continuation of energy concept" you will see what I actually think .I am like you even though I don't have even your science but I have steal what knowledge I can from others to understand logically.(its what you do learning from books or standing on the shoulders of the giants of the past anyway).I am looking for truth and choose not to be blinded by religion or science but just open and try to be outside of my own intentions so like what you did in understanding my post doesn't happen to my understanding the universe. There is a place for wisdom in all of this. I will share a story and it doesn't mean i'm religious but this is from another forum I wrote. This is a popular little story to share wisdom and although God may not exist, there is wisdom to be learned. My whole point was to share that it is better to be open to what the universe has to tell us about itself than to make it fit into our box or method of understanding after all it supplied our understanding did it not? To me the God and Satan of religion, the good and bad in psychology, and the positive and negative in science are all the same story with different interpretations. Merged post follows: Consecutive posts merged This was a passage spoken from Einstein and you are wrong, he was not a believer in any religious God but in a cosmic order of the universe. Interpretations my friend. I agree with this and that religion is just an interpretation of this force of nature that drives our sense of good and bad.
Well considering maybe 80% or so of the people on the planet believe in a God of some sort I believe the effects would be devastating. There would probably be a lot more controversial issues between survival of the fittest and morality for a better society as a whole.
You see there is an on going debate through the ages between science and religion.Both are just different interpretations of the very same truths of understanding the force of nature or the cosmic order.To be able to understand and see both sides is what pushes and advances or knowledge and achievements further to come closer to truth. Any stance on either side is nothing more than a limit and makes one fall in the fatal errors category. Every ability to observe and understand our universe has evolved with a purpose and was never meant to be suppressed.Don't crush the abilities we have to interpret the world which people make religions out of just because people misuse this tool and maybe put in a little more imagination in then they should through folklore stories in order to get a point of truth across.(guns don't kill people,people kill people) We are so busy trying to rely on one method and suppress another that we blind ourselves not realizing that the more tools we can bring to a job the better. I came from a point of view of being a devout Christian and I embrace science very openly even though at one point I would have shunned the very word itself. I can recognize why religion is so far out there from rational and logical thinking but I also recognize the truth that it sees and why over 6 or so billion people on the planet follow a religion of some sort. My point in a nutshell is to be open to understanding or universe and not closed to any method.It created us and gave us our understanding and abilities to comprehend. Just take what works from all methods and leave the rest.You can't just take one tool and work on your car and fix everything, there are many intricate parts that need specialized tools to get the job done. So it is with our universe. If you use a method that is only logical then you can only see and understand what is logical. Reality and truth are way more than just logical and takes many different tools to study and comprehend. His ability to interpret the world had everything to do with his scientific achievements.
This is a great link and actually almost every quote on it can back up and give me confirmation on views that I hold about cosmic order and nature itself being creator. I would love interpretations of what I have underlined above.