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Everything posted by walkntune

  1. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anal_sex I come in here for honest interests of debate and get called rude.You are insulting to me as a person and not my arguments and get away with it. I guess you have to love the integrity. Still searching through peer reviews but thought I would put wikepedias in here for now.
  2. Oh I see, Maybe you can point to the right one. Hopefully it's not next to the same one that says sugar plays no part in ADD in children meanwhile schools were being paid for there support of children getting on redilin and candy and soda machines were popping up all across the nation. Just because information is suppressed doesn't make it false.
  3. http://www.home60515.com/4.html Why do you feel the state should pass laws that support behavior that has health consequences? Sure Two consenting adults can engage in such behaviors and take risks but why should the state support it? If you are opposed to a behavior because of the health issues and welfare of others are you still considered a bigot? It bothers me that it is taught and supported in some schools as an alternative lifestyle to children.What's the difference between this or teaching them about smoking or drinking or any other abuse that has health consequences? How can this bring any benefit to our society?
  4. This is an interesting link and shows the other side of the equation with medicines. http://www.communicationagents.com/sepp/2003/10/29/medical_system_is_leading_cause_of_death_and_injury_in_us.htm
  5. Sorry I posted in the wrong forum
  6. Pal/Secam I see where this idea is trying to come from but it is way off base from the truth in my opinion.I know it's true that many people in insane asylums are born again Christians but its not the fault of what someone believes in for the insanity. There are many insane people who find healing through belief in God and become stable in their thinking. Support groups work wonders for people struggling with all kinds of issues and most of them work through belief in a higher power. You have to understand this higher power is found in the heart through surrender. It's a place where only the heart can go. The problem develops once someone has found this place of truth and then falls away. When they try to get back in there mind to a place that was once discovered in their heart they can go insane trying to get back to that place. It is only found through surrender and humility and not by your own efforts. Bible states(When you are weak, then you are strong) or His strength is found in our weakness. It sounds like your post is doing the same thing and trying to understand spirituality through efforts of the mind and rationalize a belief that it's the cause of psychosis. I am not sure what your source is but it sounds like something written to lead people away like cattle.
  7. Are you talking about tachyon energy particles that are faster than the speed of light?
  8. I am just saying this difference in mass might actually just be a difference in energy vibration of strings which would mean energy changing forms.
  9. I guess to know this for sure you will have to know whether matter is made up of particles or strings of energy?
  10. I have no idea what matter is so I don't know? Is matter made up of particles or is it strings of energy?
  11. When something decays, the mass of particles is less than that of the original before the decomposition.Therefore what became of the original mass? It must have either turned into heat or went in the ground or maybe was eating and used for energy by another energy source(animal). Merged post follows: Consecutive posts merged Not being a scientist I still search for truth and take a very open stance to the different scientific opinions that are much debated. I am grateful that being in this age of information I can get access to lots of scientific opinions and try and way them out to what seems more plausible as being correct.I didn't have to spend years learning one sided opinions and have to way them out in debates and I actually really don't care to as it's far more important to me to be able to be a help and encourager to others than prove my own knowledge correct(which actually is not mine but just searching for truth in others who I am grateful spent their time in study). This being said I still have a pretty good sense of logic and reasoning and I don't just take someone at their word for truth.I way it out with what I observe in the real world and try to come to understand there points of view. I do favor string theory over QM as I feel everything is energy in a certain form and I think string theory would be in favor of that. I guess what's amazing to me is that I had no idea about string theory and I just came into the forum to understand my concept of energy that I sense so strong in our world and universe so although it may not fit into your world of numbers and theories, it fits into the world I observe and has caught my interest to at least learn of it. Don't want this taken wrong. In other words, I take the knowledge I gain in the forums and I use it to help drug addicts in rehabs, abused children etc....
  12. Tesla seems to have thought that energy was the culprit that is everywhere and operates everything. It doesn't seem correct to me that it's just a property of matter. I know science wants to be able to put a math and a prediction on all observations so energy has to be treated as a property that is measured from one mass to another.In reality though I think matter is just a property of energy and energy exists everywhere just like nikola is quoting above. If this is not true than why does everything decompose back into energy?
  13. No I understood the analogy. Without energy nothing exists. I am trying to understand how energy is just the property of things. I am saying that energy changes in and out of mass and mass is just a property of energy.
  14. This is not the same because an apple is made up of energy and matter. If you take the apple from its energy source it will die and the apple material itself will actually change into a form of energy through decomposition. You take redness away you might have a green apple. You take energy away and you won't have an apple.
  15. I see why my ideas were confusing about energy.Just curious to know though how do we know stuff is not a property of energy? In other words how do we know that energy didn't exist first and then become stuff? I know I could be wrong but just curious to how they know materialism came first and energy is just a property of it? I always saw it the other way because energy is the culprit that never wants to be destroyed?
  16. I am still searching for experiments verifying the act of knowing and not knowing specific outcomes not effecting the particles or the waves. Do you have any links to such experiments?
  17. 50/50 Can only works when there are only two options and each option having an equal chance of possibilities. With a die you have 6 options so you only have about 16.6% chance for a one.
  18. From what i understand they can be on opposite ends of the universe and still have this effect. Is this true?
  19. This sounds like it could be reasonable explanation. It seems like it just effects the wave though and not the particle structure which is a little odd.
  20. Your welcome. On the contrary of being accused of not showing respect I actually do take great consideration to someones time and thoughts in posting. Merged post follows: Consecutive posts merged Foodchain, not sure if you assumed this statement was a bout force and energy? I was actually referring to the fact of the double slit experiment where the electron actually behaves differently when it is observed then when it was not.
  21. OK I know energy is the ability to do work. I know force is a push or pull from one object to another work is the measure of the change from the force Merged post follows: Consecutive posts merged How would you explain the different behavior when it is observed?
  22. What specific question are you wanting answered? Merged post follows: Consecutive posts mergedYou came in off guard while I was watching inows video.
  23. Your asking for respect?
  24. Then what is meant by this?
  25. I believe the double slit experiment may very well be on it's way to show this but until then it will have to be speculation on either side. Very well, I will have to remember that this forum is for scientific minded only and no intuitive thinking or philosophy allowed.
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