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Everything posted by walkntune

  1. I will try to explain better. Whether the ball falls or not is two different realities.If it falls it is one reality and if it doesn't it is a different reality.If the person who dropped it never even decided to pick it up in the first place it would not be dropped and would be a complete different reality.So what I meant by realities being created by our thoughts,feelings, actions is that they play a part in whether or not a reality even exist before they can be looked at scientifically.So I am simply stating that there is way more to reality then science can study simply by the fact that reality is created by every thought and feeling you put into action. Your calling it bad philosophy but I am saying it's a fact.If I go let the air out of my neighbors tire he will be late for work.His reality of events will be changed and they actually will be changed for the rest of his life if I want to go deep with this. Now I also feel that thoughts and feelings do change the behavior of electrons but that's still all speculated and being observed and tested. So science is great for observing the physical world and coming to repeated theories and conclusions but I think there is a whole lot more to reality and how it is created.
  2. Sorry not trying to bring religion and I'm not religious.I believe with the op that thoughts are effecting the behavior of the electron.
  3. But also whether or not the ball actually falls is part of reality too and changes the complete reality of those who observe it on whether the ball was actually dropped.Realities are created by our thoughts, feelings, emotions, and actions and not just observed.
  4. When science can unmask this one they won't come to a conclusion of the existence of God.They will understand though why almost 90% of the world believes in a God and how your thoughts,feelings, and actions actually create your reality and not just observe it. Those in religions watch there realities work with there religions and those in sciences watch there realities work with there sciences. Either way the uncertainties can't be predicted because they are created by us.(even by our very thoughts)Nikola Tesla discovered how this magnetic energy worked years ago.
  5. inow, This is for you to ponder on.Did you know that your reality is not meant to be looked at and observed through any scientific method but you actually create your reality by every thought,decision and action that you make?Also how you create your reality also effects the reality of those around you and so forth.If you create your reality just out of what you observe out of a logical scientific method of the world around you then what a cold reality indeed.Its fear and faith that create your reality and everything is somewhere between one or the other.Where there is faith there is warmth and love and life. Where there is fear there is coldness and death.Which ever one you meditate on is the one you become and create as a reality. We are like animals in a cage and will grow no bigger than the cage will allow!
  6. Please be specific with the post you are talking about so I can figure out how to make it scientific.
  7. Sorry, when I talk about opposing energy I really mean opposing magnetic fields and such. I think there are two fields of energy in play with the universe that are opposing magnetic fields.In other words the whole universe is inside two magnetic fields that are always trying to find a perfect balance with each other. Instead of a man in the sky creating the universe I just see a constant force between opposing magnetic fields that force energy in and out of kinetic and potential forms.
  8. I don't think entities exist except as a form of trapped energy? I think all objects(entities) have a certain vibration of energy that keeps it separate from other objects. I think all entities are just a certain vibration of atoms. Would a certain vibration of atoms not be considered a form of energy?
  9. If you just assume that stars don't collide because of distance in space then that is just a belief also. My hypothesis is that everything is created and controlled by energy trying to take the easiest path and come to a place of rest or balance between all opposing energies and forces. Everything is a result of energy. Just because no work is done doesn't matter. If you push a brick wall and keep a force on it with your arms no work will be done but see how long it tales to run out of energy? There is another thread going on I have noticed about Einstein returning to the ether(aether). There is way more science in the idea so my discussion is rather fruitless except learning some science.
  10. I believe they are in a controlled movement pattern from the galaxy being a balanced ball of energy. I believe as stars get out of balance and collide and etc, eventually the galaxy can get out of balance and collide with other galaxies.I believe our body can behave the same as the universe and get off balance and cause disease.The energy of one galaxy can consume that of another and make one larger galaxy. There must be some form of glue(type of energy) that holds a galaxy together and keeps a balance. And even a bigger picture is our galaxies keeping balance with each other and not colliding until one gets off balance and so forth.(Maybe universes doing the same. I believe this same principle can work all the way down to the atom.
  11. I am not so sure there is not more to the story. What keeps star and planets from colliding into each other? I am not so sure space is empty. I think there could be more of a balance then we realize. I believe only when an asteroid or such gets out of balance with these balancing forces I am talking about do they collide. I thought the definition of space was the lack of force/matter. A void. It is not logical to assume that just because A is between B and C, that A keeps B and C from colliding. Especially when the definition of A (space) is the very lack of ability to interfere with B or C. I believe the very cells in our body work as the universe does. When cells become out of balance in our body,they collide and disease starts to occur. I believe science will be able to fit all of existence into one universal theory.
  12. That's good because this didn't seem like it would be enough to keep the earth from falling into the sun. Do other planets play a role somehow ?
  13. Well I am guessing but we are closer to the sun sometimes then others so I would say falling toward the sun
  14. I am not really understanding what you mean or how I am suggesting a net force of zero?
  15. Gravity against inertia but still same balance.
  16. This is not quite my idea because I believe energy won't transfer unless it is easier to do. If it's in a balanced state then it will remain unless a force from a different energy is opposing it. I just see the orbit as two opposing energies in a balanced state.(Gravity against centrifugal force) I don't just see it as one energy force in nature but more like a magnetic field where energy continuously opposes each other and causes each other to change in and out of form and coming to places where they are in balance with each other. Magnetism is actually very key in my concept. I don't just believe the planets and universe find balance but I believe it's the very key to all existence and when things go out of balance is when they become more resistant and corrode away or die etc..
  17. I sort of understand energy to be like water as far as taking the easiest path.As water flows down stream it feels the holes and creeks on the side before it can continue down stream sort of like building up potential.It will sit at rest in a hole until forced to continue from overflowing. As I am sitting in the chair there is no energy transfer but it seems energy builds potential at rest. Do objects at rest become just a form of potential energy? There will only be an action of energy transfer when energy is forced to move from action to action or object to object or if its the easier path to take. What is it that makes life want to continue when it seems to not continue would be an easier path to take? For life to exist takes work. Work is caused by force. The only thing I can think of is that there must be two forces of energy that oppose each other and continuously cause each other to move in and out of form.
  18. OK, I think I am pretty much with you on everything. You gave better scientific explanations. I still see it all as an effect of energy transfer and I am trying to figure out why it might not be? I see force and work as being an effect of energy. this seems to support it to. I am going to try and think of a situation where it might work out differently. I want to figure out why I am wrong for considering everything just energy transfer or changing in and out of form is what I called it. To my understanding, forces cannot exist without an energy source of some kind and work is just a measure of the force but I still see energy as the culprit that is transferring in and out of form throughout any process.
  19. This was not important as scientific but just some of the history of his ideas with energy and him going insane!It's not important but was only a point of interest. I will try to share more scientifically and see where i am going wrong or have a wrong idea of energy and force. If I swing a bat i will say that it is kinetic energy. When the bat strikes a ball I call that a force on the ball from the bat. The ball moving is the work caused from the force. I guess I might be confused but I also see the ball moving as a kinetic energy and it also will be a force when it hits the ground.The ground gets a dent from the force of the ball. Now I guess where it seems to me the confusion is is that for me I see the original kinetic energy from the swing as changing forms and being in the whole process from the swing to the ball hitting the ground and then the energy being absorbed into the ground somehow. I understand some of the energy turned into heat or whatnot from wind resistance and maybe absorbed in some of the impact through vibrations. Did the rest of the original energy carry on through the process? Did some of the kinetic energy from the swing turn into the kinetic energy that was on the ball(by force from bat and work) and then into the ground from force of ball hitting ground?
  20. If there is misunderstanding then I apologize.I did get frustrated so sorry to anyone offended(especially Mr. Skeptic) I have a few ideas of how to ask a question to try and see if something is not right.I will put my thoughts together later. I don't recommend looking to much into the Nikola Tesla vortex energy.He went crazy with energy at the end of his life.I can't send links. If you type in Tesla and vortex energy in you tube you will see some videos pop up.
  21. Well you take a look at Nikola Tesla and Vortex energy for awhile(see what the genius came up with) You might find it interesting! I found some info.. on Energy and force that I will read. Merged post follows: Consecutive posts merged I never claimed to understand it better than anyone and referred to the fact that I was lacking in the ability to express it scientifically and so the reason I was in the forum! Not sure why you are posting with such poor character and integrity?
  22. And you are right. I was not trying to be scientific.I am not scientific and have been doing my best to try and explain my thoughts in terms that others can understand. Maybe I am confused about how a force can happen without some kind of energy conversion causing a force to act on another! I see a force as a cause and then an energy conversion as an effect and possibly a force on another!Is this not correct? I can see it on the intuitive side but can't explain where someone sees it on the logical because I guess lack of science. Maybe because i am introverted I can't explain ideas in away that extroverts can understand(which most people are.) Maybe that's a science in itself that should be looked at.Why the difference in perspectives?
  23. Tell me what is wrong and why! There has been no great advice! Only childish sort of puns that I never assumed would have been in a forum with supposed scientists! I was searching for some real scientific answers and reasons as to how I found my way to this conclusion and was amazed at the integrity levels in science forums. I am not sure if there are professionals in here or not but it seems people want to try and use knowledge to degrade others and try and think themselves better than others. What is knowledge without wisdom? What is the best way to use knowledge? It's knowledge to be able to break into a car and steal it but wisdom is the choice not too! I guess it's my fault for expecting different.
  24. Please understand again that this is not a new concept from me since Einstein quoted it many years ago. Einstein used in a correct enough definition for me! That's what I am saying!Mass is energy in a potential state!Outside forces/energy determine whether it stays in same state or takes a different balance of the two states I believe energy being forced to change states is the very reason for our existence.We are part of the circle of life just as plants rely on the sun for photosynthesis , we also rely on the sun for this source of energy I am referring to. There must be some kind of energy conversion to cause the force. I am very interested if the positive or negative roles of a charge play a role in behavior such as extroverts being charged around each other in groups and introverts being charged as they go off alone! Sub atomic particles are very mysterious. Yes it can be very difficult to get someone to understand who sees the surface of the letters and formulas under a scientific logical method , that which can be seen so easily through intuition and reasoning mind even from someone like me with just a high school education. I have come to a conclusion and understanding now as I get into the mind of Einstein and Tesla; and see an understanding of how the world operates from such a beautiful force of creation.
  25. This is my speculation I believe energy is the only thing that exists. It is either with mass or without. It is either in kinetic or potential state. Everything you observe is energy in its least resistant state in that particular instant. It is always changing in and out of form never being created or destroyed. I don't think we necessarily have the freewill we think we do. Sure we can make choices but if they make us more resistant to energy then we pay a price with our health! This energy acts like it has its own mind taking the least resistant path like water! People might pick up this energy through intuition and make Gods and religions and all kinds of belief systems. None the less they all have one thing in common and that's a force they sense and I speculate it to be energy! This is what I believe is the God of Einstein and Spinoza! You want me to come up with raw data that everything is energy! Hmmmm! This one was tough even for Einstein! Is E= MC2 Not saying that mass is a form of stored energy? Is energy able to be created or destroyed? Is mass able to be created or destroyed? Which one would most likely be the cause of the other? Can we come to any conclusions by trying to observe over and over again(with logic) that which has mass to get a complete understanding of energy? Since energy can never be destroyed and mass can, which one probably created the other? Can you get to the root of understanding or a problem by trimming the leaves and pruning the branches?No! You have to dig at the root. E=MC2 was a beautiful math formula but that's only what is says on the surface! You really dig deep and it shows the beauty of simplicity! Now you want some raw data to prove that there is energy that can't be measured with any instruments of some kind!It can't be studied with our five basic senses and the use of logic and rational thinking! I knew there had to be a purpose for some kind on intuition! People intuitively sense a force or energy daily. They make a God in there life with it! I believed this this to be a new concept I discovered and started searching science forums for answers and understanding since I am more intuitive than scientific! This is something I have recently found!This concept was discovered a long time ago! People just don't see it. The following passage comes when Einstein and Herrmanns are talking about the Nazis and the flaw in the German national character that lead to Hitler's appeal. —that there is a vital force or energy in creation. Einstein is willing to associate energy with what are generally seen as spiritual concepts. I pulled out some notes. "Once, in England, I was at dinner with people highly trained in meditation, among them Professor Suzuki who asked me to ask you if spiritual vibrations and electricity have the same original cause or force." "I believe," Einstein answered, "that energy is the basic force in creation. My friend Bergson calls it élan vital, the Hindus call it prana." This acknowledgment of at least certain types of energy that cannot, or not yet, be measured by instruments is noteworthy but it is perhaps not completely surprising. Einstein was responsible for showing us that matter and energy are interchangeable. He understood empiricism to be only a tool of intuition. Finally like Spinoza, he saw God, the universe, and all of life as a harmonious whole. I have tried debating with this point of view realizing Einstein quoting this concept, surely people will see where he was coming from! Instead I got pushed into the direction of Nikola Tesla and how he viewed the world he studied. So not being a scientist and being all to familiar with Tesla and searched him out and came to another surprise! Nikola Tesla Now as I examine closer and learning that Newton, Einstein, and Tesla were all introverts. Now I know Einstein and Tesla saw it as a force of nature but not sure about Newton:; though he was a theologian so he must have related to a force also! Anyway I found answers as I was pushed to look into the great scientists through much debate in the forums. Although they would have been much more capable of getting their point across than I can, at least now I can see where they were coming from! And to view the world this way has helped tremendously in maybe not knowing how things completely operate, but I have a strong sense of why. I suppose this is what Einstein meant when he said; Albert Einstein
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