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Can Quantum physics one day explain Super natural phenomenon
walkntune replied to walkntune's topic in Speculations
OK I believe all supernatural phenomenon can be a form of misconception from the natural phenomenon of energy! Energy is the only thing that exists and it is constantly changing in and out of form and can move from object to object! It is a constant force and the reason the universe is expanding! I believe intuition is what is at play here! It is a like a sixth sense but honestly i am not sure all humans have it! I believe people have a biofield around them that almost works like a magnetic field! I believe some people who are loud when they walk in a room,want to be center of attention, forcing ideas out have a biofield that projects outwardly.(information outwardly) I believe the person sitting in the corner who is quiet, observing there surroundings,and will listen for hours on end have a biofield that draws in information(undetected energy) Because these fields our opposite when people of both biofields have negative energy, it causes friction and people rub each other the wrong way like trying to push two negatives together! We always have the same repeated groups(certain personalities) forming in the world no matter what school or public place you observe people. You should have noticed a pattern in your life by now of certain people you get along with and certain ones you can't. Anyway I believe the introverted may be more intuitive and the extroverted may be more logical. I believe energy travels through people from biofields and intuition and feelings sort it out into information and the mind rationalizes it. Answer to #1 Sure have you ever seen the LA riots Answer #2 To be honest I have often pondered on the idea of what happens to our energy as it transforms when we die!I do not know if our consciousness belongs to our physical body or that of the energy! Answer #3 I know the sun plays a major effect on our lives and I heard the moon can have an affect! We are energy and I assume they are also so why not?After all maybe there is some energy affecting them making them line up! #4 I doubt it. #5 I believe ghosts and demons are misconceptions of energy. #6 This is a racial question and I don't want to be offensive. -
Can Quantum physics one day explain Super natural phenomenon
walkntune replied to walkntune's topic in Speculations
You want me to come up with raw data that everything is energy! Hmmmm! This one was tough even for Einstein! Is E= MC2 Not saying that mass is a form of stored energy? Is energy able to be created or destroyed? Is mass able to be created or destroyed? Which one would most likely be the cause of the other? Can we come to any conclusions by trying to observe over and over again(with logic) that which has mass to get a complete understanding of energy? Since energy can never be destroyed and mass can, which one probably created the other? Can you get to the root of understanding or a problem by trimming the leaves and pruning the branches?No! You have to dig at the root. E=MC2 was a beautiful math formula but that's only what is says on the surface! You really dig deep and it shows the beauty of simplicity! Now you want some raw data to prove that there is energy that can't be measured with any instruments of some kind!It can't be studied with our five basic senses and the use of logic and rational thinking! I knew there had to be a purpose for some kind on intuition! People intuitively sense a force or energy daily. They make a God in there life with it! So science once again battles off theism, psychics, energy healers, voodoo,it doesn't matter! They are busy working at the leaves and pruning the branches at the same time cutting the leaves and pruning the branches of there own theories that have been learned and built on there observance of mass ! Meanwhile there is this thing called energy that makes a perfect piece of the whole equation. You come across as very intuitive!(smiling) -
I took this from another post of mine so you could see where I come from with my thoughts! Is it possible that there is less resistance in the outer expanse of the universe causing the acceleration
Can Quantum physics one day explain Super natural phenomenon
walkntune replied to walkntune's topic in Speculations
First and foremost I want you to understand that intuition is my science of study.This and what caused everything in the universe to be! Unfortunately those scientist who only use logic in there methods will only be able to see and observe that which is logical! This is why I put this quote in here! I don't need to narrow down the super natural when I am trying to show a science behind all supernatural,religions,energy healers,superstitious,positive thinkers,and all other forms of belief. I believe they all stem from the same source that intuition picks up and then man tries to rationalize it his mind and forms beliefs! Like I have stated I believe energy is the only thing that exists. It is either with mass or without. It is either in kinetic or potential state. Everything you observe is energy in its least resistant state in that particular instant. It is always changing in and out of form never being created or destroyed. I don't think we necessarily have the freewill we think we do. Sure we can make choices but if they make us more resistant to energy then we pay a price with our health! This energy acts like it has its own mind taking the least resistant path like water! People might pick up this energy through intuition and make Gods and religions and all kinds of belief systems. None the less they all have one thing in common and that's a force they sense and I speculate it to be energy! This is what I believe is the God of Einstein and Spinoza! This is his thoughts that I have recently found! Now that I am finding these same ideas in some of the greater scientists, I am becoming more amazed with intuition! You are 100% correct A truth system is a belief that keeps someone in contact with this energy source that permeates through everything living and nonliving material. If they in anyway intuitively sensing this energy then you can not convince them otherwise no matter how irrational the belief is!The energy of creation is the part that I believe is true and in common with all beliefs! I hope above answered this also! Now this study through intuition has led me into wanting to see in Einsteins mind and also very interested in Nikola Tesla! Energy is my religion,science , and belief! -
Can Quantum physics one day explain Super natural phenomenon
walkntune replied to walkntune's topic in Speculations
I believe intuition is a sense in us that can pick up information through energy waves of some sort!I don't believe the mind is capable of sending signals but for processing info! Like I have stated I believe energy is the only thing that exists. It is either with mass or without. It is either in kinetic or potential state. Everything you observe is energy in its least resistant state in that particular instant. It is always changing in and out of form never being created or destroyed. I don't think we necessarily have the freewill we think we do. Sure we can make choices but if they make us more resistant to energy then we pay a price with our health! This energy acts like it has its own mind taking the least resistant path like water! People might pick up this energy through intuition and make Gods and religions and all kinds of belief systems. None the less they all have one thing in common and that's a force they sense and I speculate it to be energy! Einsteins God! -
I think I agree here with you! I don't think it would be a thought process as much as it would be away to communicate intuitively. I believe it is the very nature of how animals communicate with nature. How birds fly south or relate to magnetic field of the earth, some animals traveling thousands of miles for a particular mate. How ants communicate and know what to do to form such a great working colony that they do. How a mother knows her daughter is in danger with no apparent knowledge. I did not find your theory but i was curious to read it. I believe the answer might lie somewhere in intuition!
Can Quantum physics one day explain Super natural phenomenon
walkntune replied to walkntune's topic in Speculations
Not even going into this yet I was using a more obvious explanation that is basic logic. If your actions are affected by how you think, then doesn't that in turn affect your surroundings? If you are mad you may punch the wall. If your happy you may sing. It might be a very simple concept but the reality of the consequences of behavior will always leave us in uncertainty. I believe the placebo effect is the effect of faith and is real and tangible. Now I do believe that as they are observing weird behaviors in subatomic particles that the mind is having an effect but it's yet to be proved. Do you mean tricking your mind or turning skepticism or(fear) into faith? I think its a belief system and not a thought process. This is what I believe! Their is a science behind what people sense through intuition. There is a science behind the placebo effect. There is a science behind intuition itself. I believe anything you can possibly observe with any of your senses is energy in a state of least resistance of either kinetic or potential and that this energy flows through the path of least resistance just like water! I believe it is why we have creation and it to be the God of Spinoza and Einstein! I believe if everything else was gone there would just be energy! -
When your ideas fall in here ,be of great courage!
walkntune replied to walkntune's topic in Speculations
I don't understand what intuition is completely but it comes across as a feeling instead of a thought!It doesn't even seem to be tied in to thoughts! A mother senses her daughter is in danger! etc... Our thinking kicks in as we try and rationalize what that gut instinct is! It almost seems like away we could have communicated before language and expression of thought! I really don't know exactly what it is but I know it exists for a purpose as I keep learning about it. -
When your ideas fall in here ,be of great courage!
walkntune replied to walkntune's topic in Speculations
My point is that although I agree intuition needs to be backed up by logical reasoning, Those who rely on logic only may find themselves not being able to stay a step ahead in the game as the availability to process knowledge becomes faster and faster! Sometimes intuition can give people an added advantage to those who rely solely on logic in coming to conclusions! Computers can give logical data but can not be intuitive! All of the time we used to spend learning in books and such is just a push button on a keyboard now! I think intuitive thinking will become stronger in our thinking as we rely more and more on computers and will be what keeps us ahead of the game! -
When your ideas fall in here ,be of great courage!
walkntune replied to walkntune's topic in Speculations
You are right that a lot of intuitive people don't have the math skills to back up their intuition! Not everyone can be scientists and not everyone can be a song writer! As I have expressed people confuse intuition with emotionally led or feeling based! Now I am also seeing it being confused with what I would call a reasoning mind which is coming to logical conclusions based on past evidence! I find a true significance in our ability with intuition! I have already stated how I see science as a great tool for understanding the world logically! Now Einstein said intuition was the most important part of his thinking! I am interested in his reasoning. Obviously no one in here feels the same way about their thinking ! I am on the pursuit to find out why and an interesting subject to me as I am an intuitive thinker! -
When your ideas fall in here ,be of great courage!
walkntune replied to walkntune's topic in Speculations
I put the meaning here again to show that this is not the context of which intuition is used. If it followed logical basis then that would be the use of rational processes. -
When your ideas fall in here ,be of great courage!
walkntune replied to walkntune's topic in Speculations
I do not consider science to be counter intuitive but a tool that goes hand and hand with intuition to discover the truth of nature! People are naturally born more logical or intuitive or somewhere between and this being so makes them go hand and hand with nature! You will always find those you agree with and those you don't!Those who have the same or relative perception and those who seem opposite! To say intuition is bad because people are randomly guessing is the same as saying logic is bad because of so many illogical people! Just remember you will be limited by the amount of tools you bring to the job! -
When your ideas fall in here ,be of great courage!
walkntune replied to walkntune's topic in Speculations
Actually no! I find politics to be a game of immorality where we have to pick the lesser of the two evils! -
When your ideas fall in here ,be of great courage!
walkntune replied to walkntune's topic in Speculations
I believe what you are saying in your post is correct! Your use of the word humility stands out very strong and shows the importance of integrity behind knowledge! I wrote a longer post to reply to all but sorry I lost it so will reply later! In the mean time imagine if we as humans had the ability to work together like a colony of ants instead of a crab mentality! Instead of one wanting to get to the top we wanted all to get to the top! Instead of one being fed, we wanted all to be fed! There would be no bridge we could not cross! We could reach destines so much easier. Imagine if people understood that joy has the ability to spread like a rapid fire through a crowd of people! Unfortunately so does pain and fear like a cancer! Even if you are on top, if the ones you are standing on fall, so will you! Ants understand this simple philosophy! I wonder when mankind will! Imagine if we really did use the sciences to study what is around us and how we could better ourselves as humans! Even if we just started from a colony of ants! Merged post follows: Consecutive posts merged Also wanted to point out intuition is not random guessing! in·tu·i·tion (ĭn'tōō-ĭsh'ən, -tyōō-) n. 1. 1. The act or faculty of knowing or sensing without the use of rational processes; immediate cognition. See Synonyms at reason. 2. Knowledge gained by the use of this faculty; a perceptive insight. 2. A sense of something not evident or deducible; an impression. Some people are born more logical and others are born more intuitive! Not everyone is born to be a scientist and not everyone is born to be a musician! Nature does not bow down to either logic or intuition but exists as a truth and we come to an understanding of it through both aspects (logic and intuition) Guessing would be not leaning on intuition or logic! Merged post follows: Consecutive posts merged Just wanted to state that this is not necessarily the starting point of when intuition comes into play but is the point of where only intuition can come into play! There seems to be a lot of confusion between what is intuition and what is guess work or someone led by feelings! Although intuition can be felt as a gut feeling or sometimes called the heart of a person, it doesn't mean those led by their feelings or guess work is intuition! Intuition is something I think needs to be studied deeply and is a great tool for science once it is truly understood.It helps one understand causes instead of just learning and understanding reactions! To Einstein it was the most important part of his thinking! He made mistakes sure and so will all scientists! Especially those with the courage to advance knowledge forwards! Again there will always be an uncertainty to what the results will be from our actions!Where logic can't give you any conclusions at least intuition can lead you in a direction of what will bring a more positive or negative result even when the original choice doesn't lean one way or the other! -
When your ideas fall in here ,be of great courage!
walkntune replied to walkntune's topic in Speculations
This is a good example of why there are so many religion and belief systems in the world! But yet science might be on it's way to discover the mysterious energy forces that people intuitively sense! I would be interested in a scientific explanation of what faith is and why it evolved(we must remember it's not a feeling)even though it can be felt! -
When your ideas fall in here ,be of great courage!
walkntune replied to walkntune's topic in Speculations
I really respect this attitude! If we search for failures we may just find what we search for so imagine when we search for possibilities! After all if you are searching for something don't you hope to find what you are looking for? -
When your ideas fall in here ,be of great courage!
walkntune replied to walkntune's topic in Speculations
Hmmmm! Have you really listened to some of the contestants at a beauty pageant? I have met some pretty dumb blonds before! Sure were hot though! So I don't believe they work hand in hand but one might have to rely on one more than the other and would agree they are both part of survival! Charisma also plays it's role but for now I will keep my intuitive thoughts simple! But yes we cry for attention even as babies! Others energy is what we thrive on! Sorry I meant to say "Like the sky being beautiful" -
When your ideas fall in here ,be of great courage!
walkntune replied to walkntune's topic in Speculations
When I said rationalize as supporting evidence, this is verification! What other method do we use to study outside of logic? I can say the sky is beautiful! Logic can't say that! You are right with the instinct as I feel we carry certain instincts to be first and superior even from sperm racing to the egg! But yet its also logical to put yourself first if you are trying to make it to the top! Your values I think will fall under intuition! Like the sky being blue! -
When your ideas fall in here ,be of great courage!
walkntune replied to walkntune's topic in Speculations
And to all of those who are only logical I am sure! The reason posts fall in pseudo and speculations is not even questioned. I understand the science method is only based on what is logical and proved with math! I am an intuitional thinker and all though have some common sense and logic, I rely on intuition to guide me to what is true for me and then I rationalize it with logic as supporting evidence. Don't confuse intuitional thinkers with those who are led by emotions! Now I have shown how a piece of lint can change the world with certain responses from human behavior. If science wants to do away with religion and belief systems it will have to be able to rationalize consequences of behavior with logic! Not just the way behavior has consequences but actually rationalize what consequences will be. Otherwise people will always have to step out into the unknown with faith and intuition or be controlled by their fear. Logic gives us great understanding of the universe but only of that which is logical. Unfortunately the universe is not bound by logic as I have proven above with a piece of lint! The very science i am trying to study is the difference between logic and intuition and observing the human behavior of both traits! Its no coincidence that we have republicans and democrats, bloods and crypts,etc..! I am very grateful to those who do study science and come to logical understanding for i believe it takes both to understand the truth! But just wanted those to know whose posts fall in this category to not be dismayed, they are just on the opposite and equal side of the equation but in a place where their ideas are criticized by the math only! Not everyone who shares ideas, especially from an intuitional point of view are in it for the ego! Only logic would tell someone to have a crab mentality and climb to the top no matter who you step on! Intuition will usually follow a moral path on whats best for all mankind! Merged post follows: Consecutive posts merged I think I have already with a piece of lint! Was kind of the point!!!! Science cannot come to know the consequences of actions of behavior! It can study behavior but never what consequences will be! -
When your ideas fall in here ,be of great courage!
walkntune replied to walkntune's topic in Speculations
Just a thought! Suppose you have a piece of lint! This piece of lint happens to fall on Mr. Einsteins shirt. Suppose Mrs Einstein gets turned off by this piece of lint and so they never went out! Because of this Albert was never born. Endless possibilities! Someone else maybe discovers relativity and atom bomb etc. Maybe America looses war! I could go on and on with possibilities that could have been started just from the action and reaction process caused from a piece of lint! What is there 8 billion people in the world? Everyone making decisions every day that could impact and change reality and the physical world as we know it! I am grateful that for the most part people try to follow a morality that they sense through intuition in decisions because there are a lot of times when logic takes the easy path morality is on a harder one! We may come to an understanding with logic how decisions have consequences but we will always be uncertain what the consequences are! Because of this when science has come to know its last uncertainty it will be standing in the very face of the fact that it is uncertain and as Einstein said , Merged post follows: Consecutive posts merged You may be correct but I am showing just by the affects of an action and reaction process from a piece of lint how the whole world could have been changed therefore science may not actually come to the end of all means. I actually think only intuitively(the reason for my thoughts) and come to many truths!I think science is a great tool especially for those who are logically minded but also believe there is a reason people need each other and intuition nor logic can't come to know the truth by itself! Merged post follows: Consecutive posts merged To keep running with your imagination is never a pointless ego trip and logic without it is pointless! "Where Logic will get you from A to B imagination will take you everywhere!" another Einstein Quote Sorry I use him so much but he was one of the greats who had both intuition and logic. Most people lean on one or the other more often so he had a great balance which made him a great scientist! -
When your ideas fall in here ,be of great courage!
walkntune replied to walkntune's topic in Speculations
This post was for encouragement to those who rely on intuition for direction! I posted it as I believe there is a science in using intuition! To prove Einstein used intuition to propel his knowledge forward is to only be able to observe his actions and words as a witness for he is dead! Did he propel science forward sure! I hope all of those who come to obtain knowledge will use it for the welfare of all and not for self glorification and power! -
When your ideas fall in here ,be of great courage!
walkntune replied to walkntune's topic in Speculations
No he actually had thought experiments of riding on a light beam that started him on his journey on the theory of relativity! He was around 16 years old!Like I was saying, his intuitive thinking was leading his math! -
When your ideas fall in here ,be of great courage!
walkntune replied to walkntune's topic in Speculations
Never implied the math was not necessary! Only implied he backed up his intuitive thinking later by using math! -
When your ideas fall in here ,be of great courage!
walkntune replied to walkntune's topic in Speculations
What, do you want proof of the quotes from Einstein?(is this what you want a resource for) Those quotes are an example of his thinking!You want proof of the work taking years to work out the math? I will see what I can find! I don't necessarily need Newton, Einstein set a great example alone! Meanwhile Einstein Quoted Is there a logical explanation on this idea? -
Just wanted to encourage those whose ideas fall into this forum! Most of Einsteins work would have fallen in here first before he worked out the math 10 or so years later! The same with Newton and all great scientist who start out with intuitive thinking and imagination first!The intuitive mind always has to take the scrutiny of the logical mind but its the intuitive mind that always leads the way! I will leave you with some quotes from Einstein! "Imagination is more important than knowledge." "The only real valuable thing is intuition." "A person starts to live when he can live outside himself." "Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind." "Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new." "Great spirits have often encountered violent opposition from weak minds." "The only thing that interferes with my learning is my education." "Education is what remains after one has forgotten everything he learned in school." "The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing." "No, this trick won't work...How on earth are you ever going to explain in terms of chemistry and physics so important a biological phenomenon as first love?"