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Everything posted by forensic-d

  1. sorry! its an experiment we are doing in class here goes; weigh out 10g of blue copper (ii) sulphate (CUSO45H2O) Crystals, dissolve the crystals in 50cm3 of warm water, in a seperate beaker dissolve 18g of sodium thiosulphate (NA2S2O3 2H2O) crystals in 30cm3 of warm water, with gentle heating on the halogen hotplate ajust the temp of both solutions to about 40c, pour the sodium thiosulphate into the copper sulphate solution add a magnetic stirring bar to the beaker and place on a magnetic stirrer to continuous stirring, after a few minutes a bright yellow solid will precipitate out of solution this will be fully deposited in an hour, filter off the yellow solid by suction and wash the residue with cold water followed by propanone,recover the dried solid and allow it to further dry in air at room temp (hope you have not fallen asleep) my tutor wanted a risk assessment report on the chemicals we are using regarding this experiment i thought i had everything in the report but he gave it me back and said i has reported the hazards and not the risks please help
  2. i am doing an experiment on the preperation of a yellow solid i am stuck on the risk assessment i have the hazards (can cause burns, irritating to eyes, corrosive, toxic e.t.c) can you help, risk assessment for ammonia solution sodium thiosulfate potassium dichromate acetone nitric acid solution (to be heated) copper (ii) sulphate iodine ammonium persulfate i hope you can help me ive been all over the internet and read countless books but all they seem to give me is the hazards thanks
  3. thanks for your replies i understand it a lot better now
  4. just say DNA its simplier
  5. can you tell me the difference between co-dominance and incomplete dominance
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