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Everything posted by JustStuit

  1. Oh, I tried it again and they seem to work. Certain ones don't though, maybe because of a different ending (.com, .gov, .edu, etc.)?
  2. Yea, I think you have to go to the site first but I'm not sure. Either that or have it in your favorites. The ones not in my history log did not work.
  3. Please use capitalization correctly. I cannot read your posts and it can be very annoying. Sorry is this is the wrong spot to say this.
  4. No, I consider when the matter was first formed into us. We of course get more and lose much of it.
  5. All 8 of my toothpaste tubes have NaF as primary ingredient except for a baking soda one which has monofluorophosphate. Every single Crest toothpaste (six) had NaF. I only had two brands, Colgate and Crest, but all of the Crests used fluorine.
  6. Depending on your frame of reference. The matter was not combined into the pattern that we are in today until our birthday. Before that is was in foods, animals, etc. I would consider the developement of organs and human structure and passing through the womb birth.
  7. I thought they already did an investigation?
  8. I agree. I also blame too much free time. They could be volunteering or something if they want to make the country better.
  9. Have they ever found evidense of feathers on dinosaurs before?
  10. I'm not quite sure of what your saying, but moving air around will not decrease the temperature by 20 degrees. Second law of thermodynamics. The surronding air would have to be hotter (or the heat go elsewhere) and this shoe moving does not produce enough energy to do so.
  11. Meh... no.
  12. Nobody knew the middle east thing? Are you kidding me.... Oil inflation it being full of oil countries already with tension. There's a quote I like to say, "When you look for conicidences, you find them." He was wrong on the olympic thing, the civil war thing, etc. If he can't get major things right why bother? If you're looking for tiny could be proofs, anything can be right. People are so gullible these days.
  13. JustStuit


    a(ab) is away, away from, from nasus is nose plus a suffix. Latin rocks!
  14. What is football to you English Folk? Rugby?
  15. It's really a simple problem. Are you trying to learn on your own? Or did your class start recently? If not, just don't think too hard.
  16. Do they even need to be refuted? People believe him?
  17. JustStuit


    I believe you get an insoluble compound chart and check for any compounds in the solvents? I'm not sure though.
  18. Hey, it can seem perfectly plausible at the time.
  19. I like that I am skeptical and can usually keep happy. I also like that I have friends and have activities such as biking, kayaking, and SFN that make me feel fulfilled and relieve pressure. I am also happy with my grades and work at school.
  20. They do work, atleast for most asthma/respitory patients. I'm not sure if it gets better over time but mine have become less and less frequent. It might just be growing out of it but I'm not sure. So aerosols are made to help over time so it should help. It also seems I have a different type of asthma so I don't know how it will work in your situation.
  21. Actually, more people than you think have asthma. Many have it very infrequently, some never see a doctor and tough it out, and many try to hide it or be discreet.
  22. I have asthma and I experience the same not able to breathe enough air sometimes. Most of the times when I have an asthma attack I just feel pain and inflamed. I'm not sure why I have two different types of asthma attacks. I was prescribed Albuteral (spelling?) and it usually works. Occasionally it will not work even when I exceed the maximum dosage so I have to stop and deal with it. I have been with two asthma doctors and neither of them would prescribe or identify why it didn't work or why I have the two types. Good luck, I hope the aerosol thing works. I know how painful it can be. One time I was stuck in Chicago and had a really bad attack but I had forgot my inhaler. That was not a good night. Luckly, the attacks have become less and less frequent. Sometimes I go weeks or months without them.
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