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Everything posted by JustStuit

  1. Time is relative but you cannot go faster than light. Light goes the same speed relative to anything.
  2. JustStuit

    Air Condition

    In Florida its very hot and humid and without AC it gets very humid inside. The hurricanes reminded us of that. As Phi said, circulating the air is very important.
  3. There is an article in this month's Scientific American about computing with quantum knots. One trouble seems to be keeping them isolated because errors can occur when not properly stored.
  4. Very much so - usually at least $10,000 more a year. They don't get federal funding so they must charge higher tuition.
  5. You seem to be typing in English pretty well. It will all grow on you if you take an interest and the formulas will learn themselves. I don't know about college but you usually don't have an unreasonable amount of formulas to learn. You should try to get scholorships - many of them. There are also student loans.
  6. I heard that it goes in cycles of decades where it is more active and then lees active. Is that true? I have doubted it because no proof was given and it didn't seem overwlemingly probable.
  7. I closed my eyes.
  8. Sounds promising. I still say exercise and diet are a better idea, but if those don't work this sounds like it could help.
  9. JustStuit

    sci fair

    Like who? I think its pretty common knowledge that hydrogen is flammable. Any who has access to it should know atleast. ::edit:: Oh, you mean the little smilies.
  10. Calculate it ...er... on halloween and you get (wait for it...) Pumpkin Pi
  11. lol (Oh the puns!) Today we had pi day in calc and i brought in a cherry pie. Another student bought it from me for three dollars and (guess what!) pied another student in the face. The other student and threw large parts of it around the room and made a real big mess. We have an awesome teacher though and we were all laughing. She did make them clean it up. It was awesome. YAY pi day
  12. It's not a myth but I hate it when people believe things such as uncredible magazines, emails, or internet articles without proof or even some skepticism.
  13. This was this one drug that made a small percent of people who used it have orgasms whenever they yawned.
  14. It's not exactly the same as what you're talking about but snopes did a thing on the 8 sneezes = orgasm. http://www.snopes.com/science/stats/sneeze.asp
  15. I suppose gamma is possible but I'm pretty sure there isn't alpha radiation.
  16. I wasn't aware they had shown alpha and beta emitted, is this correct?
  17. In Florida it's hard to tell because it's always hot.
  18. I think the forum should have a time limit to posting, maybe even like 5 seconds. This could eliminate the accidental embarassing double post and spamming.
  19. In a similar related concept, when something emits light does the number of photons emitted depend on the energy used to emit them? If that makes sense.
  20. You didn't find the real password.
  21. I think I've eatin everything because I can't find anymore.
  22. The online TV guide says it is channel 145 for National Geographic. I did find out I get "Discovery Health Channel" what ever that is.
  23. I don't think I get National Geographic or Discovery Science. We get basic cable which is like 2-99 but missing many channels.
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