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Everything posted by JustStuit

  1. Also, what radioactive byproducts come from fusion of hydrogen and hydrogen to helium?
  2. That's why I don't watch Discovery anymore. It went downhill a couple a years back
  3. The mass for fusion comes from the protons (and maybe neutrons?) becoming smaller - where does it come from in fission?
  4. Which nuclear process releases more energy? Fusion usually takes higher pressure and temperature so does it release more energy? I take it fission is more practical for a means of energy since it can be done cheaper.
  5. I once saw Clinton drive down some street in Chicago in a limo when I was young.
  6. I was thinking more alongs the lines of the elecritical pulses. Sounds like it's already been done.
  7. Could this be used to keep sharks away from popular beaches? I hear in South Africa they have some mean bull sharks.
  8. I read the long term effects of "math". That's not weird. Don't do drugs!!!!
  9. I'm Just Stu it (parody of sorts on Just Do it) because my name is Stu and when I was in ninth grade some seniors made up the phrase. I made it my aim and email so I used it here. I finally put a picture of me as my avatar.
  10. That's funny, I must have missed it. Good thing the reliable onion covered it
  11. It always helps to have someone arguing for the less popular side - otherwise it wouldn't be interesting. Like with Sostyles and pcs. I think its interesting to have people like them around (when they use logic and don't troll ). It gets me pumped up and posting more often/longer. It's more fun to debate than discuss.
  12. Anything attepting to fix the problem would probably lead to the communist principles. Capitolism at its best.
  13. Lower Boiling point, less water tension, nonsoluable, would react to other elements/compunds much differently.
  14. Being non-polar would vastly change nearly all of its properties.
  15. It would also lose its polar properties wouldn't it?
  16. The belief that scientific ideas start as hypothosis then progress to theory and then law. For example, a former US president stated he was not troubled by evolution because it was just a theory. And to go along with this - the belief that scientific laws are absolute and unchanging.
  17. I sure hope not. lol another one - the relativity twin "paradox"
  18. The work done by Hwang in stem cell.
  19. ???? you apply for them
  20. I'll try scanning something.
  21. I don't have a digital camera
  22. Should I get my anime dude back? I don't know what to do for my avatar.
  23. I'm not sure if you guys have heard this but we have love-bugs and people claimed scientists (most of the times from the University of Florida) were genetically created to eat mosquitoes but the plan went bad.
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