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Everything posted by JustStuit

  1. It took me a while to figure out Audacity was the program and not an interjection (eg Oh the audacity!) lol. Maybe I'm crazy
  2. Oh cool. Well, the fact that they claim it's God's dimension is completely crazy and has no evidense at all. Maybe I should pick up that book. Thanks for the fix.
  3. And have you ever shot anyone without any responsibilty falling onto you?
  4. Have you? Sorry for FT.
  5. Maybe you would care to enlighten us (sigh).
  6. Happy Valentines Day everybody. Be happy
  7. All I can say is wow. wtf? I especially like this quote wow...
  8. I don't think thats right because your answer would be greater than the area of the triangle wouldn't it? I'm not 100% clear on the probelm but it invovles only inside the triangle right? Am I doing the math wrong or missing something obvious? [math] \frac{13 \pi}{36} = 1.13446 [/math] and [math] A= \frac{1}{2}(1)(\frac{\sqrt{3}}{2}) = \frac{\sqrt{3}}{4}= 0.433013[/math] And [math] 1.13446 > 0.433013 [/math]
  9. How exactly do you shoot someone while hunting birds? I think he might have been drunk. I guess they could have been behind a tree or hidden or something.
  10. If you replaced the Earth and the Sun with black holes so that you were still at a langrange point than you would not be pulled apart by them. Well the black holes would interact with eachother and probably join together and then pull you apart if you're not sandwiched along the way.
  11. In a vertical system gravity only helps in the top half - in the bottom half it works against [math] F_C [/math] and makes [math] F_C [/math] have to be greater. In a horizontal system gravity does not help [math] F_C [/math] at all. You must rememeber [math] F_G [/math] would always face down, therefore only helping half the time.
  12. You need a [math] F_c [/math] which is a force towards the center of the circle. In this case it is either [math] F_n [/math] if it is horizontal or [math] F_n [/math] and [math] F_g [/math] if vertcal. The [math] F_n [/math] relys on the soundness of the material so it must be unreasonably (and impossiblely) rigid.
  13. I always thought that was unreasonable and rather decieving.
  14. When was it published btw?
  15. You would have to make it out of something very very rigid and strong.
  16. ...And then the soy beans were brutally squashed after being kept in freezing conditions and being slit with an unsanitary knife by untrained technicians. The room was knee deep in soy squash and beans were seen falling to ther floor still ALIVE!!!
  17. Reminds me of my first date... Needless to say I was not the pusher.
  18. I think we all have those thoughts once in a while. Some more so than others.
  19. I think it's just one theory. There's a lot of grey area as to what it means.
  20. If you follow the pattern it would seem that .9 repeating is the same as 1. She's not talking sig digits, this is one way to show that 1 seems to be the same as .9 repeating.
  21. Maybe they fear legal reprecussions but just call it "ethnical reasons". I think it is hypocritical if they are unwilling to do so.
  22. I guess my guess was partly right. For once..yay
  23. The problem would be the Fc needed to keep it in circlular motion would be astronomical.
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