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Everything posted by JustStuit

  1. Your teachers are plotting against you and your sanity. I suggest the obvious action of studing or lack thereof
  2. Possibly a baby? Just kidding. It would also have to have sensors and recievers and the lot but I wonder if even then it would develope into a concious entity.
  3. http://www.sciam.com/article.cfm?chanID=sa003&articleID=000EA775-7465-13CD-B46583414B7F0000 I've made a resolution to laugh more. It puts us in a better mood and apparently is good for us too. I've also adopted the motto "Ignorance is Bliss" to help with depressing situations.
  4. I bet for some money she might
  5. JustStuit

    Irony in Islam

    Do you know how much money it costs to keep a high risk criminal in maximum security jail? How could we afford to hold all the people who have a life sentance in jail. It would take guards, food, survelince, building, electricity, water, safety precautions, etc. I bet it costs a lot, although I'm not sure how much. I am against using the death penalty but it would sure cost a lot of money. If only it were cheaper or something. Also the threat of escaping could be another con. Too bad people can't just be nice.
  6. Because it needs a force to go faster - it just won't slow down because there is no force in the opposite direction.
  7. No - this is a misinterpritation of newtons first law. They will remain in motion. They will not accelerate - this involves a force needed. They will remain in motion but not accelerated motion. Newton's second law says that acceleration is directly related to force and inversely related to mass, thus a force is needed.
  8. I think you may be in the wrong type of forums. Btw, they uses bugs or loopholes in the code to do this or ways around what is allowed. There is no science in this unless they hack and you consider hacking science which I wouldn't.
  9. Light speed is slower in the atomsphere with the presence of air atoms/molecules, but the speed of light is based off of the speed in a vacuum. In space light travels the speed of light but in air it is slowed from hitting molecuels and travels a *little* slower.
  10. hmmm....spacetime
  11. I think nearly every country uses and needs oil except maybe some of the poorer third world countires. Take this away and all would be affected.
  12. lol nice reference. It is a nice idea to minimize error by calculating a smaller interval.
  13. Oh I see. Estimate a smaller interval to achieve a more accurate result (however accurate it may be.)
  14. I find it weird that we would pass on a bunch of meaningless DNA but I guess it could be possible. Seems depressing that only 1% of our code is important if true.
  15. This would involve being able to measure one minute on the machine which would involve something which tells time. Not to poke holes.
  16. It may be easier to grip and write
  17. cubic metre per kilogram (m3 kg-1) not too sure though, that's specific volume i think...don't remember the difference..actually I don't think I ever learned. http://www.gordonengland.co.uk/conversion/siderived2.htm not sure if this will help
  18. Stop stealing our cold
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