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Everything posted by JustStuit

  1. I found another - brownies! they are good and do away with depression at least for a while, not too long though... I like ending with... I don't know why.
  2. Tendancy to resist change in motion?
  3. I've actually done that on multiple occasions. My mind has found countless ways of keeping it self up - from proving theorums and trig to trivial things like that.
  4. I may try to get it to work lator when I have more free time.
  5. Yea I think so. Here's a site with pic's and how to make them if you're interested. http://www.theodoregray.com/PeriodicTable/Stories/083.4/ And heres a dealership site (expensive) but good pics http://www.crystalgrowing.com/bismuth/bismuth1.htm They probably won't look like that but I thought it looked cool.
  6. Hmmm.. sounds interesting. I don't know much about crystals but I'm sure someone else would have an idea.
  7. If it keeps you from boredom. That's a pretty funny story. I should laugh more or I'll become one of those strange gothic people. haha.. no that sounded forced. oh well... I'll continue my endeavor for....something.
  8. In my programming class in school we learned how the random numbers were just divisions by specified amounts of the time of the computer - which has about 7 decimal points if I remember correctly (these were old computers, I don't know if that matters). Even computers cannot yet create complete randomness.
  9. Nice idea. I think the senior benefits should start a little before life expectancy, within reason, because they will probably need help before then. With the help, more might make it to that age.
  10. What's your idea? Usually when you pick something it is what interests you. Maybe we can help modify it or specify or change it from there. We don't really know your interests well so maybe if you talk about those or something.
  11. Like what has been said, writing the stuff down and flushing it out always helps me. Or stay up last posting. My bro plays cod and he's pretty good. I tried it once and I was ok. His name is xenocide or something. It's a fun game I guess... But playing vid games keeps me up so I try not to do that. Sometimes the sleepless is unavoidable. When I do my running or gym at like 5 o clock (at night) that usually helps. Closer to bed and I just get riled up and overactive in the brain and body. It sucks to not be able to sleep when you want to. Sleep is a weird thing - you can't control it very well, just like happens, can't control thoughts in it and it's very mysterious. One of many things I have thought when trying to sleep. many...
  12. I have this problem quite often. When I start thinking about something I go through a large process of ideas and consequences. I can't sleep until this is done, it's very late, like 4 or 5 in morning, or I write or post something about it. I used to think it was caffiene or insomnia but I realized that I was thinking too much to sleep. This can get pretty annoying.
  13. I think I may have to go buy a pair now
  14. this thread is turning mighty interesting...
  15. I'm in a better general mood now. Thanks for the support and views on the subject. Life's not so bad i guess. sometimes...
  16. I didn't learn latex until like yesterday so no problem. I still don't know it well.
  17. How do you guys know about this stuff? Isn't marijuana illegal? I wouldn't know
  18. It is confusing when people don't use the latex. I'm trying to learn how to use it more.
  19. I read this book by Paul Davies which explained the why the twin paradox supported Einstein pretty throughly and it seemed concievable. I don't remember what he said but I can look tomorrow.
  20. Oh I misunderstood. Most of the time we use [math] f'(x) [/math] or [math] f''(x) [/math] but we use [math] \frac{d^{2}y}{dx^2} [/math] also.
  21. For derivatives they usually use dy/dx or d/dx or with whatever variable, what is up with the squared parts of it? Maybe we haven't got there in my calc class.
  22. Horse manure seems to be a good fertilizer. And the flies and bugs. And decaying corpses and dead horses. i rhymed. Oh and they ingest a lot of vegartarian foods before dying.
  23. well good night guys... maybe life will be better in the morning
  24. Yea I've already had one relationship go bad and its pretty discouraging.
  25. Since gravity pulls to the center of the mass creating it, I don't think there are any forces if you are in the center without any outside forces.
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