Any instrument is going to take time to get good. It depends on how well you want to get and much time you got. As for recommendations, play oboe! It may not be easy or quick but.....I play it! You can get a nice starting wood oboe for like $3000 dollars too.
The law doesn't say minor only applies to females, nor that rape only applies to females. Therefore, there shouldn't be a difference in the penalties for the two.
I don't know if it is unhealthy, but I can't even eat when there is smoke around. On a cruise ship with people smoking all around I had to go to my cabin and order food. It makes it more enjoyable for most without smoke.
Even worse is people joining the forum just to talk about this
Edit :: Oops, forgot this is general discussion (thought it was your first post). But, people can still give good advice online or anywhere.
I'm not crazy! **glances around nervously**
I've actually heard that too. And judging by the professional players I know it may be true. But they are cool!
I've been in one (wind tunnel or something I forget what they call it) and it was pretty sweet. They have one near Orlando down here. Its like a really tall tube with the fan and mesh type metal floor, it was solid so there was no way you could get to the fan.
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