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Everything posted by JustStuit

  1. Posts in general discussion and maybe some of the other forums don't count toward your post count.
  2. Energy is only a scalar. You cannot put a direction on energy, the energy may cause the object to move in a direction but it is still a scalar. Momentum would not be conserved as a scalar because you rely on the negative momentums in order to put change in momentum as zero most of the time. A collide and stick problem all in one direction may still conserve momentum, but what use is momentum as a scalar anyway?
  3. That would be nice, but at my school of 2500 we only have 25ish calc students - juniors and seniors. I know most of the people could not handle it.
  4. If all the mass were to be confined to a smaller radius, it would cause the weight to be higher because the average distance between all the mass and you would be less. If compressed far enough, past the Schwarzschild radius, it would become a black hole. So yes, the weight would increase if the distance was lowered. The mass would stay the same. Think about mass on the other side of the earth from you, it exerts less gravity on you than the earth below your toes. If you brought all the mass as close to you as possible, your weight would increase. Don't think of the earth as one object, think of it as trillions and trillions of atoms. If all the mass was at the core and you were somehow suspended where the old radius was it would still be higher. All the gravity would pull down whereas before some pulled at an angle (mass close to surface 1/4 of the way around earth in either way.)
  5. The light reflects off them and back toward you. The light does not (usually) come from them, rather it is redirected off them.
  6. One side of my family came from Whales over on the Mayflower. I am related somehow to the child born upon the Mayflower. I'm also very distantly related to Ernest Hemingway (8th cousin I believe.) My mom does geneology. I had family members as soldiers on both sides of the civil war.
  7. BTW, I will tell you what I think, not you.
  8. I hope this doesn't have to do with your name
  9. .......Majority opinion != truth We get it, you can throw many links. None have meant anything. Facts are needed to determine the truth. Stop referencing conspiracy websites! They hold no credability. (I know I swore off this thread but...)
  10. You should have [math]\pi[/math] in there somewhere and 7.5' is too small.
  11. Oh, interesting. I didn't know they could. Thanks for the update.
  12. That would be irrelevent. She is not in government and is not in power. Any attempt would be strawmanning.
  13. However, two different species cannot create a fertile offspring.
  14. Wouldn't that prove why he wouldn't want to do it? Who are you suggested conducted this conspiracy, and why?
  15. Wouldn't the time only stop relative to the outside observer? It would still feel the same to you woudn't it?
  16. He should vote but I sure hope he would make sure his facts were straight before attempting to do anything about a 9/11 "conspiracy". There are so many other things that are much more deserving of time and resources then just saying there was a government conpiracy. If he has good reasons it would be understandable but he hasn't mentioned one yet. And what would he vote for? To punish or change the government for an event they weren't proved to be responisible for? That sounds treasonous to me. Just to change things because this little speculation that the government was responsible. Proof. You need proof. Also, I'm just wondering, why are so many people so set on this being a conpiracy? Can you please explain. It makes no sense. Do they hold a grudge? Fear? I don't get it.
  17. Indirectly sure. But not eating high calorie/fat foods or smaller portions would produce the same effect. Or just exercising.
  18. Here's something : Get out of the country if you think the government is so horrible! Your freedom is too great you can't even appreciate it. Unless you got some proof, you're just shooting in the dark. And I repeat, Why does it have to be a conspiracy? To get supporting evidense you must grasp at straws and horrifically stretch the truth.
  19. I believe you are refering to "momentum".
  20. That doesn't burn fat, it just limits the food intake of patients. Less food = more weight loss.
  21. Agreed.
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