So a guy just got hired at an apple shop.The first customer walks in. "How much are these apples?" The clerk says, "I don't know." When the man leaves, the manager comes and says, "You are supposed to say, 'Five cents sir'." So the next customer comes in. "How much are these apples?" The clerk responds, "Five cents sir." "Are they fresh?" "I don't know." So the man leaves. The manager once again comes out and says, "You are supposed to say, 'Fresh fresh fresh sir!'" So the third customer walks in. "How much are these apples?" "Five cents sir." "Are they fresh?" "Fresh fresh fresh sir!" "Should I buy them?" "I don't know." Once again, the man leaves. Flustered, the manager tells the clerk, "You are supposed to say, 'If you don't somebody else will!'" Afterwards, the fourth man walks in, but he's a robber. "GIMME THOSE APPLES!" "Five cents sir." "ARE YOU BEING FRESH WITH ME??" "Fresh fresh fresh sir!" "I AM GOING TO KILL YOU!" "If you don't someboddy else will!"