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Tim says: Why? I don't think you understand what is meant by etheric substance and etheric pattern. Everything has an etheric counterpart because every subatomic particle of matter and every quantum particle of electromagnetic radiation also exists as an etheric particle. Our medicines are ultramolecular and therefore etheric, which means they do something to the etheric pattern. Making it once again integral would be a logical general assumption. The physical body takes shape according to the etheric pattern, which DNA and RNA are only mechanisms for, so our curing of the etheric pattern sets aright the chemical level of being as a whole. It does it indirectly by permitting the organism to do what it is supposed to do if it had been functioning optimally. That's how I understand it. If you want to make ultramolecular, subAvogadrean drugs act physical, I think you have some insoluble problems ahead of you. The fact that materialists have problems with these concepts is not my problem, but they are the ones who cannot cure so it doesn't matter to me what they think of me or homeopathy since quacks are hardly in the position to make evaluations of us. I'm not going to stand in your way, though, if you want to pursue this line of reasoning, for there are a great many like you who have produced a lot of literature in the process. I always found it hokum because they ignore the fact that we use ultramolecular drugs. To me, this is a simple thing that cannot be ignored. And I don't know why you want to make this medicinal activity a mechanism since it would be an etheric mechanism forever indecernible to physical apparatus and senses. What you are talking about is the mechanism of the Law of Similars. That is completely different than figuring out the mechanism of homeopathic pharmacology, for this does seem to lend itself to a physical mechanism since aggitation of half-full vials (succussion) through serial dilutions is a physical process. Something therefore must occur that's measurable. The result would be these crystals Lo discovered. I think you're wanting to make them act physically and chemically, thinking that a mechanism is involved, instead of realizing that they're the result of what we're looking for. Is that clear? This terminology may confuse you into thinking of a mechanism. We sometimes hear that the globules, granules, powders, tablets and liquid medium is the "carrier medium" of/for the medicine. Those people seem to properly understand what's involved, for it essentially says the same thing I did when I invoked the notion of the etheric pattern of the medicine holding dimensional space via the crystalization of water and alcohol molecules Lo discovered. If, on the other hand, you are thinking of something being carried piggyback like an invisible chemical, OOps! try again. I understand the difficulty of this conceptualization, but stick with it. OOps! You seem to have a misconception about this scale of potentization. They are diluted at 1:50k rather than 1:100 or 1:10, but they do become subAvogadrean at either Q3 or Q5. I don't understand why you think there is a difference. What Hahnemann overcame with the Q-potencies was the adverse effects of centesimals. For unknown reasons they cannot be repeated without adverse effects, sometimes not even after a month. Those problems went poof with Q-potencies. Hering gave Hahnemann the idea for this. I beg to differ with you. In cases of malposition of the fetus, I've administered the drug with a stethoscope positioned over the abdomen because I'd heard it is instantaneous. I've confirmed it is instantaneous commotion, for lack of a better word for whatever happens, followed by rapid innervation to proper position in a few minutes. These are field effects, sir. I touched one etheric pattern with another one that closely matches it, and the effect was thus instantaneous. I don't know what happens or how, but I do know it is not chemically mediated. We essentially touch the Soul (in the parlance of most people) with the person's simillimum and create magical results like snapping our fingers and saying, "poof! you're cured!" The drug does this, though. Rather, the person's etheric pattern cures itself once the drug touches it for a nanosecond. Robert M. Schore, M.D., gave me that thought of it acting for a nanosecond. Ask him what he meant; it might help you understand what I'm trying to say. What happens in the physical organism after we administer the simillimum could only be effects precipitated at the etheric level of being, so I used the word "reflect" to represent that. As for the "rest of the sentence," I suspect you mean what I said about the immune system being the most aggressive and organism-wide system reflecting this process. This is mentioned because lots of chronic diseases are foul ups of the immune system as autoimmune diseases. Lupus, arthritic, scleroderma, Hodgkin's, any number of systemic diseases appear to be autoimmune diseases and are thus ones of the immune system being directly involved. We thus often see it as part of the symptom picture. But my point is that it is not the only one because lots of other processes we cure do not involve the immune system (IS). Psychiatric patients have disordered Minds or are victims of some brain pathology, and the IS is not a player here. The other examples I gave also show this. If you ask me particulars, I'll probably not know the answers and doubt that anyone does, for nobody has ever looked at these things in this way. Allopaths are famous for viewing effects and calling them causes, and they've been going through these gyrations of assigning causes here and then deeper causes there forever. Yeah, but we live in a time that they have all but admitted to it. They have over 20 synonyms and major manifestations of it now. For instance, of the latter we have cosmic microwave background radiation. Tell me what they're talking about since cosmic rays are already particles and waves. Another example arises from a question: where are all the neutrinos since they have a half-life near infinity? Virtual particles and the vacuum energy of empty space are the two most visible examples. Are you going to tell me that these are not etheric particles and energy? Of course they are! DeBroglie: the subquantic medium. Einstein: the cosmological constant. Chiu: the neutrino flux. H.C. Dudley: the neutrino sea. Quintessence from String Theory explains matter inside of black holes, and those ain't physical particles. Tachyons are the only explanation for the wave phenomenon of the propogation of light. Blackbody radiation is another field effect that's universe wide. It's probably an unsustainable example, but I have yet to confirm its questionable status as a manifestation of the Ether. How about their notion of parallel universes and dimensions? What are they talking about if not the Etheric Plane? Our drugs force the issue too, so they're going to have to accept the Ether; so it's their problem, not ours. Somebody told them the Ether doesn't exist, but who told them to stop thinking? Ah.........what? You think they're not? 6.023 x 10 to the 23rd power times 10 to the negative 24th power and you are improbably going to have anything of the original substance remaining, which are a 24x and 12c potencies, but at 30c and higher, they're definitely subAvogadrean. Of course they're subAvogadrean. What am I missing in what you said? \ They believe all sorts of crap, so I don't give a damn what they believe as quacks and supporters of quackery. Only effects, but all sorts of things are accepted on the basis of effects. No physical apparatus or sense can detect higher planes because their subatomic particles nutate at different rates not en rapport with each other, and that cannot be changed to give direct evidence. This is the nature of the universe we are talking about. These idiots think we can change the universe if they want evidence that's impossible to provide. Tell them to ask God for evidence. What the hell do I care what they think anyway? It's part of the Brotherhoods' Cosmology, so there are and have been lots of people who've spoken and written on it. I think Richard Kieninger was the most lucid and succinct authority, though. Try THE ULTIMATE FRONTIER, or ask H. John Zitko. Shakespeare was an Hermetic Initiate, and Galileo was an Initiate in legitimate Theosophy from the Athenian School of the Brahmic Brotherhood before it disappeared in the persecutions of alchemy. (Don't make the mistake from that fact of thinking that the Theosophical Society of Blavatsky and Annie Bessant is legitimate because it isn't.) Thomas Paine, Benj. Franklin, Geo. Clymer, Geo. Washington, the Marqui de Lafeyette, Lincoln, Geo. Lippard, Wm. Lloyd Garrison, Paracelsus, Hahnemann and many others were students in the legitimate mystery schools of the Rosicrucian Brotherhood. (Incidentally, Rosicrucian is not found in the schools' names, but it is found in their legal documents establishing authority and affiliations.) Burkes Hamner [sic] was the Scribe of the Essene Brotherhood. Hamid Bey was the Scribe of the Coptic Brotherhood. John Richardson was the Scribe of the Brahmic Brotherhood through The Great School of Natural Science. Moses was a High Adept in the Hermetic Brotherhood. Issaiah and Zoroaster were Adepts in the Essene Brotherhood. All of the authors of the Bible save Paul were Initiates. Buddha, Confuscius and Lao Tzu were all High Adepts in the Brotherhoods. Adept means 6th thru 9th Degree Initiates, Egos who are able to advance without being incarnate; High Adept means 10th thru 11th Degrees, Egos who incarnate just before attaining human perfection who are invariably incarnate in order to immortalize a body for later use when needed. (That will likely only have meaning when one realizes that First-Degree Initiation has seven inviolate requirements, one of which is controlled clairvoyance and the brain state of mystic awareness (i.e., the ability to incorporate Egoic memories from previous lifetimes into brain consciouisness), and that they have managed only about 1% (sic) of the business of human perfection completed through 12 Degrees of legitimate Initiation, which has nothing to do with physical organizations.) The Toltecs and Mayans as well as kinsmen in S. America also knew these things. Try the last paper in OBSERVATIONS IV by R. Kieninger for a mouthful on the scientific explanations of the planes. Also ask Tim Wilhelm of The Stelle Group that question. That's unfortunate, for I thought I said that rather well.
Tim, I am telling you that these are ultramolecular drugs; you cannot think of them having chemical effects. So long as you do, you will find zero. As subAvogadrean, ultramolecular drugs, they are etheric medicines. It appears that they hold dimensional space on the Physical Plane by doing something to water and alcohol molecules, but it could only be the etheric particles of the original substance that act on us, just as we have always said. As for the immune response, there are lots of activities asside from it that homeopathic medicines affect and cure. How would the immune system be involved in psychiatric cases or broken bones and repair of wounds, or in diabetes or strokes, or in genetic diseases and ingrown toenails? Know what I mean, Gene? It appears that the immune system forms the most aggressive and organism-wide system that reflects the correction of the etheric pattern, but you have to think more deeply about the human organism to grasp this construct. Every physical particle of matter has an etheric counterpart, and that collective of etheric particles constitute an etheric pattern. In the human and animal organism, it is called the Vital Body. That is not the same thing as Hahnemann's generic vital force or vital principle of life, for it also includes the other two levels of man and the other plane of animals. In the plant world, that etheric pattern is sometimes called the vegetable spark of life; and in minerals or inorganic matter, it is called the etheric pattern. So there are trillions of them comprising our etheric pattern. The homeopathic medicine logically somehow sets that in order, remembering that arcane sources speak of it going out of kilter by being "no longer integral." It is therefore reintegrated, per se. Whatever happens, it occurs at that level since they are ultramolecular drugs. The physical body takes shape according to the etheric pattern, so we see cures occuring like magic according to absolutes called natural laws because these are field effects of the whole organism because the whole etheric pattern is corrected. Do dat mak sens?
Sayonara³, A little bit more basic than that, for that involves the Law of Similars, and we are quite a ways away in our understanding of ultramolecular physics from being able to answer that question. The thing Tim and I are keyed in on is that he thinks a scientific mechanism exists for homeopathic pharmacology, which I do also, and I feel that I understand the extention of it since we will discover only an effect. Tim and I got together for this search at homeopathyhome.com when he asked if a scientific mechanism for homeopathic pharmacology exists. The mystery is that these are subAvogadrean, ultramolecular drugs that therefore should NOT have medicinal effects but do. The allopathic assumption is that all medicinal effects are chemical effects, but they are once again wrong, and any high-potency self-proving will shatter that unscientific assumption upon which homeopathy has been, and apparently generally still is, a priori (i.e., from general principles and assumptions to particular facts and conclusions) dismissed by people who thereby do nothing but demonstrate they are NOT scientists. Sad thing is that this is the vast majority of people we are encountering who represent themselves as scientists, so none of them are helping; they only ask tired old questions they should have already answered had they acted like scientists and read Hahnemann's ORGANON and then tested his findings per those instructions. As a Hahnemannian homeopath at 25 years of professional work later this year, I say, Argh... to all of that nonsense. So Tim and I are looking for help to resolve the issue because most of the advances in science show that somebody earlier had figured out something then presently accepted, but the earlier findings either didn't have a home or the findings were simply ignored. We key in on the discovery of 1996 by Shiu Yin Lo of nanometer-sized, room-temperature ice from succussed high dilutions, for these strange water crystals would seem to be the hypothesized "hydro-alchohol polymeric matrixes/matrices" or polymers of James H. Stephenson, M.D., in the 1950s and '60s. For the details that I threw in to what Tim offered and what followed, see that thread this way: http://www.homeopathyhome.com / Discussion Forums / Search / (Member #) 7153 (me) / On the Scientific Mechanism. ----------- Assuming one read that stuff, we are looking for two things: 1) big brains who can see something we don't, or 2) lost information about water and alcohol polymerization or strange electromagnetic properties seen in solutions. Tim found some interesting links he should post here. Otherwise, we are constantly just answering questions about homeopathy, and that doesn't seem to go anywhere since so much is asked according to allopathic constructs, which are generally either wrong or half-right. It goes something like that. Thank you for the question, for I was losing interest in this site after another general failure at http://www.sciforums.com
Tim, Phosphorus is what I saw come up in an initial repertorization; no Calcarea carbonica or Silica that I recall. I sent them off to you, though. Related, Klaus-Henning Gypser, the author of the paper in the ZKH on Herniated Lumbar Disks, recently wrote me. You should ask his advice after you get the findings back.
Tim, I found the link to the site. Good points, but I doubt that anybody gives a damn there either. There is a mania in allopathic medicine about causes of diseases even though their causes eternally turn out to be mere effects and will no matter what point they reach in the physical organism for two reasons: 1) infectious diseases rely upon a predisposition to infections arising from the immune system being either immature, dysfunctional or fully compromised; and 2) chronic diseases (the whole of the other class) arise from a disordered or no-longer-integral etheric pattern that Hahnemann generically referred to as the vital force or vital principle of life. They thus don't care about symptoms. German chemistry took over allopathic medicine about 100 years ago, and it has maintained this stranglehold ever since then. They have a notion about disease and drug mechanisms at the cellular level and are really not interested in any other view since they firmly believe they are closing in on it. But I understand the passion of it 100% and you are absolutely right to pose the question. And why, I finally ask, are you not pursuing homeopathy yourself, sir?
Atinymonkey, I thank you for the posting. It's not a common subject, and it's thus refreshing to examine a part of history I've found that got us into the mess we are in now with oil dependency and cars built on the now-famous Western premise of planned obsolesence. You said at least two things, however, that I am finding either dispute with or the need to clarify what I said; one of them is this: That's not what Joseph Borken recorded. He said that Rockefeller, through Standard Oil, bought the world patent rights (save I.G. Farben's patent rights for Germany) in 1926 for some gargantum figure. Standard did indeed want to participate in the process, but I.G. Farben kept everything secret and then sold it when the Reich was broke and I.G. too. And Rockefeller had 100% of the patent. Borken is a good authority to me, but maybe some things are sticky details. ------------ Then I have some problem with this remark: I tell you again that my father flew in these raids, and those guys wanted to know why they did not bomb the fuel factories. They didn't until, I believe, June of 1944. Three months later, I think, the war was over in Europe because it brought the Nazi war machine to a standstill, just as my father said everyone knew would happen. I am fully aware that heavy industry was targeted, for my father flew into Regansberg (sp?) and another hell-hole to get at the Messerschmidt factory and the ball-bearing factory; however, I got the impression that the term "heavy industry" was a euphemism having to do with I.G. Farben's factories in particular, for the one at Auschwitz was never bombed nor any other till three months before the end of the war. This is a very important point. I am telling you that you are going to be totally outraged when you discover from the three books referenced that there was an overt plan/conspiracy by industrialists and bankers to bring Hitler to power in order to gain control of the natural resources of the world. That's basically what happened too. IBM was part of it; the three Swiss banks that laundered the stollen Nazi gold took part in it, as did the Swiss munitions industry; Standard Oil/Exxon has certainly been part in it as evidenced by their worldwide drilling efforts; I.G. Farben and other petrochemical and pharmaceutical conglomerates were and are part of it; Eisenhower's "military industrial complex" is certainly part of it, and myriad small and large other corporations are tied into it whether they want to be or not. These are very disturbing facts. It does not proceed to conspiracy theorists' bold assertions; it only reports the facts of a documented and discovered plan by Western industrialists and bankers to gain control of the world, which they managed and which apparently had its formal beginnings with the instigation of the U.S. Civil War followed by the consequent Industrial Revolution and the worldwide control they have increasingly tightened without very many people either noticing or carrying much since the eternally unstable and fragile economy is what appears to perpetuate it along with fear. Incidentally, Borken's book contains the only reasonable explanation I have ever found for the Kennedy assassinations, for both of them seem to have accepted huge graft payments, via their father brokering the deal, for the return of I.G. Farben's U.S. holding, Aniline Dye Co. (I think). Regardless, it is a total enigma that the three I.G. Farben synthetic-fuel factories were not bombed till very late in the war, whereas the Allies knew very well that Nazi Germany was almost totally dependent upon them. Enigma is the wrong word for it; it smells of international corportism and treason as we find common today being foisted upon people by the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund and the other part of the banking triad of evil that changed names from the International Chamber of Commerce, etc. Argh..... --------------- Yes, it is expensive, and coal is also limited. I think the important additional fact involved here in the hydrogenation process is that with it they doubled the output of gasoline from petroleum. Still, my point was that billionaires clearly want to bleed the earth dry of petroleum and spend us into no-man's land with internal combustion engines before they finally let us use electric, fuel-cell and solar cars, to say nothing of the fact that they haven't even begun to tap the coal deposits for hydrogenation. We will never have a problem with fuel energy, just with the powers that be telling us their lies. I can let this element of this die here with that said and anything else you might want to add. --------------- Also, my father was just a waist gunner on B-17s. But I contest that there was any war strategy when all of the airmen knew that the primary targets were the fuel refineries they would occassionally fly over and about which they knew existed while Germany was blockaded and thus made totally dependent upon. To quote my father, "What strategy? to kill us?"
I'm not aware of any problems with electric cars here, but it may have been some special production with high efficiency. I do, however, remember that everybody from whom the cars were taken wanted to keep them.
Atinymonkey, you said: First, please believe me that any insult in a generic sense (I don't know what I said) was not directed at anyone personally. I'm not impressed with academia as an institution, but most of my colleagues and friends are academics who are far-sighted people in their fields. Moreover, I'm actually quite impressed with the brain power and knowledge of people at this site, which is refreshing, as Tim could vouge for. However, I am quite positive that it was a whole series of synthetic-gasoline and synthetic-rubber patents that Rockefeller acquired from I.G. Farben and Hitler called coal hydrogenation. I don't know what information you're relying upon, but I am rather certain this is part of the historical record. And I would go so far as to suggest that this is simply not true: "the ‘gasoline’ was simply a thinning of the actual Petrol using composite chemical compounds or ethanol." As far as it being development of the engines, I.G. Farben is the petrochemical conglomerate dominating the whole of Europe to this day; they had nothing to do with engine designs. Where did you get that? Moreover, I believe the Nazi trucks were Swiss vehicles. And your remark that the "gentleman's agreement" having been only applicable at the start of the war and then being voided when London started getting bombed is not relevant since the Nazis did not, to my knowledge, target any heavy industry but instead engaged in attempts to break the will of the British population by bombing cities and thus civilians. Likewise, the remark from the manager of one of the fuel-production facilities was quoted late in the war, not early. As for the firebombing of Dresden, an artistic center with absolutely no strategic target, that was demanded by the Soviets for war crimes on Soviet soil to which the equally evil and ignorant Western Allies acquiesced and thus made us all guilty of that murder of 400,000 civilians. Personally, I despise all men of war, and that is a perfect example of the problems we get into when we permit crazy men with weapons to wreck havock on us as the military and police. Of course, why Truman didn't drop one of the two bombs out to sea in clear view of Tokyo, but instead murdered another 160,000 civilians once and then another 150,000 the second time, is also incomprehensible to me. I personally think we should have executed Truman and all of the generals for those war crimes. It was, moreover, observed by Will Durant (when analyzing Islamic culture and history and the remarkable lack of policemen) that "a society can be judged by the size of its police force." We of course fail compared to Islam, which is quite ridiculous given how foolishly we view Islamic culture and history when compared to the fact that Europe wallowed in filth and ignorance while Islam had lit streets and universities. Anyway, Dresden was not a site with any heavy industry either. I think you are totally wrong in every regard there. I know this history because my father flew in B-17s. Where did you get your information? I've never read Albert Speer, but I'd say he is reliable since he was really mostly just an architect given too much responsibility. In fact, as I recall, it was Speer who told Hitler that the war was over if the bombings of the fuel facilities continued, which they did, for he couldn't continue to skeletonize one facility to keep the others working. Please read that work. It and two others tell a horror story we see to this day: IBM AND THE HOLOCAUST and THE SWISS, THE GOLD, AND THE DEAD. It scares the heebie-jeebies out of me that billionaires appear to control the world and actually openly discussed their Plan (via the International Chamber of Commerce) to divy up the world's natural resources after WWII, which is exactly what arcane sources reported and which is why IBM's owner and CEO, Thomas J. Watson, was a supporter of Hitler and the Nazis and was an evilly illegal smuggler of punch cards and spare parts into Germany all during the war and should have been executed just like so many others, like the many Swiss bankers and industrialists, John D. Rockefeller and all of the executives of Standard Oil, and the owners, executives and attorneys of about 1500 other US firms whose international corporate agreements interferred with our war-time industries for a full two years. Again, fortunately, all people like that will never live again, and we will eventually run out of evil people. Unfortunately, there's a long line of them risen up through college fraternities and sororities indoctrinated from youth with the remark, heard at any campus office of them, that they are the "future leaders of America." We call them Republicans but should call them what they actually are, as shown historically, i.e., fascists, rich-and-powerful "elitists." Argh and double argh...
Tim, you said: You mention papers I have not read; I read his book. I'm pretty sure he mentioned nanometer-sized room-temperature ice he calls "water clusters." And he shows a bunch of photos of them with a scanning electron-microscope (SEM). It's a bit difficult to conceive of how what he showed from a SEM could be picked up with a light microscope. Are those photos in the papers?
Tim, You mentioned something from Hahnemann I couldn't recall, and I then reconsidered what you said: I think that all of the footnotes in THE CHRONIC DISEASES and THE LESSER WRITINGS OF SAMUEL HAHNEMANN were contributions by that good-for-nothing LPH named Richard Hughes. That's doesn't make the activity wrong, but it simply struck me that such a large number of placebos were given as well as not recalling that practice from Hahnemann. Anyway, I'm pretty sure that Hahnemann didn't send anybody home with over 100 blanks or blank powders. Actually, upon rethinking of that, I also doubt that Richard Hughes ever gave any placebos because he was too stupid and too allopathic, so I'd have to look at that boxed-up book to pronounce on it. Ask Hans.
Tim, I hope you realize that the following quote you invoked means that somebody read James. H. Stephenson's papers: I still mean to give you those titles but keep forgetting when I am around them. I also mean to give you the reference from Bernardt Fincke that seems to have been the first indication of such thinking about water polymerization, unless I am remembering it incorrectly. It's simply that my papers get lost in my literature and that the old papers are in large bodies of journal literature.
I've got a question for Tau: Where are all of the neutrinos? It is one of my premises about ultramolecular drugs that physicists have admitted to over 20 synonyms for and major manifestations of the AEther over the last twenty years, and one of the latter is Chiu's neutrino flux and H.C. Dudley's independently arrived at neutrino sea in the same year (1960, I believe). Dudley posed that question because the neutrino has a half-life near infinity; so where are they if they have not dissolved or disintegrated into the AEther? Also, as a fascinating fact about neutrinos, Chiu gave us the calculation that we walk around in a sea of neutrinos that pass right through us in a concentration of 10 to the 11th power neutrinos per cubic centimeter. Where are all the neutrinos?
Intelligence says: Here's this paradigm about the Big Bang and the ancillary construct of a supposedly inflationarily expanding universe that I have collapsed as nonsense for over 30 years that I'd like to hear some of you bright people address since I find it encountering walls every time I have previously presented it. So I will try again and be interested in responses. The whole thing seems to be predicated upon an erroneous assumption, just like all other mistakes throughout the history of science since the Italian Renaissance; to whit: photons do not lose energy to the surrounding space in traveling the vast intergalactic distances that would account for their spreading in wavelength as the red shift underlying the premise of a Big Boop and expansion of the universe. That assumption is a biggie, for p. 32 of the 1999 issue of SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN inadvertently admitted that another class of quantum particles (viz., cosmic rays) "lose energy" and thus dissolve or disintegrate into the cosmic microwave background radiation. Before going on, consider what that means. We have a quantum particle, which can be identified as a particle or a wave, that does something additional: it goes poof into the cosmic microwave background radiation. I still have not figured out what is meant by that, but it seems pretty important. Anyway, that mechanism of lost energy of quantum particles was the explanation given by arcane sources in the early 1970s, when the notion of a Big Bang was first introduced. Now it is nearly four years since that inadvertent admission of this explanation found itself inside of academia without any recognition of its importance. I am inclined to believe that the whole of the scientific community is composed of dullards to not perceive the explanation collapses Big-Bang Theory. What is wrong with my reasoning here?
Jinx points out: Hey, man, I did not know that. We have nanometer-sized ice at room temperature in homeopathically prepared succussed (vigorously shaken) high dilutions. It seems to be the mechanism by which James H. Stephenson's polymerization hypothesis has found an answer. But how is a big question. I like this fact. What is to be done with it is another question requiring bigger chemistry brains than mine, so I will be interested in what Timokay makes of this fact. Thank you, albeit inadvertently. And please tell us your views on homeopathic pharmacology.
Peter Dunn makes a truly brilliant remark: I quote Richard Kieninger from OBSERVATIONS IV, the last article reproduced in it: [OOps! Will have to come back with it.]
Star-struck says: A friend of mine on the inside of that technology at the level of experimental engineer told me that it would take, at most, two years to change over all of the machinery of production and implimentation across each Western culture to electric and fuel-cell cars. It's absurd to not do it, so please rethink that stance. Besides, we're talking about cars so much faster in acceleration and deceleration than fossil-fuel vehicles that we are concievably duscussing crimes akin to J.P. Morgan's not allowing Nikola Tesla to rewire the turbines at Niagra Falls to ultra-high-frequency alternating current (14,000 cycles per second instead of the 60 common in the US and 120 in Europe) that makes him personally guilty for all of the deaths from accidental electricution. We should not be driving around with opposing traffic either, and who the hell is responsible for maintaining deadly situations whereby speeds of 70- and 80-mph impacts exist unless the automobile industry that wants cars replaced rather than made safe and that last? Argh... Fortunately, all of these people will never live again due to too much negative karma and embalming practices sustain their body's etheric patterns, and we will eventually run out of such evil people. tic toc...
Star Struck says: Uh oh! That's so wrong. Look into that again, please, for you will find that the electric car was killed about three years ago. Some outrageous reason was given for it, and I think that about 2000 or 3000 production vehicles were recalled. The appearance of it is that too many people wanted them. Details, details...
Star Struck says: A couple of responses belong here. First of all, we have seen that electric and fuel-cell cars are obviously a much better technology. This demonstrates that, unfortunately, our industries are in the hands of a few billionaires (200 is the figure I always encounter) with self-interest shaping how they permit technologies to find a place in the market. A good example, which is shocking, is a story now nearly 70 years old found in THE CRIME AND PUNISHMENT OF I.G. FARBEN: THE UNHOLY ALLIANCE BETWEEN HITLER AND THE GREAT CHEMICAL COMBINE (1979). Rockefeller resurrected the bankrupt Nazi war machine in 1926 by giving them a king's ransom for the world rights to the I.G. Farben patents on synthetic gasoline and rubber. They only initially acquired the gasoline rights, but it seems they have since acquired the synthetic-rubber patents per that contract. The Nazi chemical company (Bayer is one of them) had perfected three major synthetic products that kept Nazi Germany self-sufficient in gasoline, rubber and nitrites (for gunpowder). Interestingly, the war ended three months after the Allies finally bombed the three gasoline facilities, and the manager of one of the coal-hydrogenation facilities for making synthetic fuel remarked in public that there was a "gentlemen's agreement that heavy industry would not be bombed in Germany." Anyway, there is no reason for us to be in the Middle East, no reason for our using petroleum when Exxon (Standard Oil) has the world rights to coal hydrogenation, and no reason we should be driving around anything but very fast, very cheap, very safe and very clean electric cars. So it is irrelevant how much reserve oil there is, for the billionaires rather obviously mean to sell us hokum tell the oil runs out and then provide us with reasonable technologies. And mind you, the petrochemical industry includes the allopathic pharmaceutical industry. They are selling you total hokum, abject lies about everything, folks. You are foder for them, make no mistake about it; for until you demand homeopathy en masse, they have you in agreement accepting No cures for any viral, chronic or psychiatric cases. How stupid and ignorant does that make you to listen to anything allopathic physicians say when that therapeutic incompetence means they are actually total quacks?
Kylon says: I have a pet peeve about allopathic research, so I want to ask a question about the notion of advancements in biomedical technology. How in the world does one arrive at a conclusion supposing that knowledge of cellular mechanisms could possibly outstrip or exceed the knowledge of curative therapeutics provided by the 10 natural Laws of Medicine found in homeopathy, especially when we have already demonstrated that there are no incurable diseases? What more do you want than that, and why is it still ignored by a supposedly scientific world? What is the problem here?
Another correction: It isn't MesoAmerica but South America where a much older civilization or series of them are being admitted to, begrudgingly. I believe it is Monte Verde that's been dated at 10,000 years ago. Arcane sources go back to 78,000 years ago, though; however, that is not in areas now above sea level due to how Pole Shifts reorient the Equatorial Bulge and thus become the mechanism by which continents "sink" (misnomer). Another issue that Ivar Zapp discovered about MesoAmerica is that the sea level was 400 lower in the area around Central America during the late Pleistocene. That would have made a large portion of the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribean Sea terrestrial. This in turn points to lots of work of underwater archaeology and seems the obvious solution to things like the Bimini Road. He centered his analysis around the stone spheres in Costa Rica. Turns out that they existed, before some were moved by rich Costa Ricans, in triangles that formed intersections with Pacific islands and ancient sites like Stonehenge, Giza, Malta, Crete (Phonecians) and others. His thesis is that it seems to have been an ancient maritime university. Another factor verifying these kinds of notions are the Portolan charts discovered by Charles Hapgood. They will astound. These issues of prehistory are way too numerous to accept the current paradigm of Mesopotamia as the first civilization as other than total hogwash accepted by only the most ignorant and misinformed of people. I like the disintegration of such paradigms, for Hahnemann said in his reply to a Royal looking for somebody to cure insanity in a family member (Duke Klockenbring, an apparent pseudonym to protect the man), a job that Hahnemann got the next summer (1791) and successfully cured with homeotherapeutics, that the prince should look for a physician with a number of characteristics, one of which is that he should be "no stranger for everything else necessary for man as a citizen of the world..." You name it, if academia accepts it, I can likely collapse it as rubbish based upon some basic erroneous assumption.
NSX asks: Right hemisphere of the cerebral cortex. Funny man.
Sayonara asks and says: "Based on what evidence did the MesoAmerican cultures precipitate the Summerian Civilization?" I've found a number of reliable authors on this, but Ivar Zapp is a new one off-the-scale reliable with loads of evidence. He's a good read too. I know about him only because a friend of mine published him and sent me the book. I believe the core of the argument centers around the reed boats of Peru, reported in detail by Pisarro's men, and the fact that the progenitor of the Summerian Civilization is reported as having come on such a craft. Not having looked at it in a while, and not remembering details because it is so packed with them, I am rather sure he gives a few other details suggesting this is an obvious conclusion. For instance, I am pretty sure he gave linguistics evidence and alphabetic evidence. Other than that, given that we have to rely upon mythology in these old cultures, I believe he went into details about connections between the two cultures. It's hardly the core feature of the book, but I remember it as being a primary premise. One of my favorite recent reads I mean to carefully study next time, for I like books without conflicts with facts. If he's got such problems with facts, I did not spot any the first time through, and I find that exceedingly rare. ------------ "Can you go into more detail about the mammoths? Not heard about this." Yeah, this is very important. Charles Hapgood is the primary authority here, although his references are extensive. Seems that flash freezing can only happen under very special conditions. The owner of BirdEye Frozen Foods wanted to know how that was accomplished, and Ch. Hapgood was thus asked as the only person studying it in the West. Otherwise, without flash freezing conditions, muscle tissue is destroyed by the ice crystals forming inside of cells, colloquially called "freezer burn." Hapgood discovered many details about the mammoths that make it impossible they were in other than temperate regions when they died in the last recognized mass-extinction Pole Shift; i.e., the actual last Pole Shift seems to have been the Biblical Flood now recognized only as a "local affair" but nonetheless accurately dated and confirming the date given by arcane sources as 5650 BC (e.g., Zitko said in 1936 in the multi-part LEMURIAN THEO-CHRISTIC CONCEPTION that it was "about 7600 years ago"). Still, that was apparently only a "minor Shift." Hapgood found that their stomach contents and teeth spaces had foods indigenous (sp?) to areas akin to the hills east of San Francisco and the highlands of Northern India: buttercups and sage grasses and some others. Interestingly, there are apparently some surviving mammoths in Northern India, including the hump, sloping backbone and curled tusks (Discovery Channel documentary in Usa, although I think it was a BBC documentary originally). There's also something wrong with their skin not being adapted to cold climates, and the finding seems to be that hair has nothing to do with cold-weather adaptation -- rather, it is the amount of fat in the skin. They don't have it. Lots of details are in that chapter and many other books. The point is that they could only have been flash frozen and even gotten into the ground that quickly turned to rock-hard tundra if it was soft and then suddenly turned ice-box cold. A related enigma that makes it clear we are dealing with a Pole Shift at the end of the Pleistocene, 12,000 years ago, is that there was a similar flass-freezing Soviet find of a sabertoothed cat/tiger alongside a 90-ft. fruit tree with fruit still on it on the New Siberian Islands just inside the Arctic Circle, meaning that it was in July or August that the Pole Shift occured. ----------- You're a very clever man or woman; you ask good questions and make intelligent replies. I hope I did not offend you at the 2nd homeopathy thread. We're looking for evidence of water polymerization and probably electromagnetism as the mechanism for it. This appears to be the mechanism for homeopathic pharmacology. When this is confirmed, we will be dealing with a paradigm shift the likes of no other, for we will have admitted to the existence of Newton's AEtherial Medium and thus to the AEtheric Plane of existence. Wow and zowie. I cannot imagine a bunch of materialists easily giving in to higher planes of existence since it is a sacred cow to them that reeks of religion to make any sort of admission; however, this is now enevitable with Lo's findings. Know of any lost or misplaced research about water or alcohol polymerization or of electromagnetism to explain pecularities from shaking (succussing) solvent-solutions? Tim and I are hoping that somebody knows of something discovered that got shelved without a place to put it, for most of the discoveries of the last century seem to have had somebody already having discovered something later recognized. We need some help here, though, for there seem to be some missing pieces. I'm not sure what they are, but any little bit of information may be helpful.
Leonard Shlain's THE ALPHABET VERSUS THE GODDESS... is a most important read, in my personal opinion. He seems to have discovered no direct relationship between handedness and left- or right-brain dominance, as his thesis would have suggested would exist. Can't recall exactly what he said except that it seems to be primarily a cultural bias in favor of right-handedness. However, I wonder if he is correct, for all of the babes I have ever gotten close to were left handed, and they counterbalanced me very nicely with more of the idealism of gestalt thinking characteristic of right-hemispheric dominance. As for the notion of something being genetic, I find those very spurious sorts of assumptions very easily made in our times. As with another link or thread here, I am primarily here about homeopathy. Therefore, I will be unlikely to see any responses, but I will be at links begun by TimOkay.
I'm at threads opened by TimOkay if you want to reach me. I'm otherwise too busy to attend to many threads on many sites while we look for help to resolve the mysteries of homeopathic pharmacology. Edited: This of course proved too interesting to ignore once I read responses to the question and found many additional comments to offer.
We don't know why and how ultramolecular, subAvogadrean drugs still have medicinal effects. We don't know why and how mere camphor antidotes all homeopathic provings ("tests or trials") and prescriptions. We don't yet know the actual mechanism of the Law of Similars or any other of the 10 Laws of Medicine. We don't know why people maintain faith in allopathy when it has never shown itself anything but abject quackery with no cures of any viral, chronic or psychiatric cases while Hahnemannian homeopaths have. We don't know why people still believe in a Big Bang when the explanation for the red shift was given in the early 1970s, when the notion was first put forward, and was then inadvertently confirmed about cosmic rays on p. 32 of the Jan. 1999 issue of SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, but it is human nature to believe authorities even if they are total fools, as evidenced by the total quackery of modern medicine and yet the blind obedience by boty the masses and others. We don't know why people still hold with a steady-state Crust when Charles Hapgood and Albert Einstein showed otherwise in the 1960s. We don't know why academics still maintain that civilization started in Mesopotamia when we already know it started earlier in MesoAmerica and was apparently the source of the Sumarian Civilization; and that of course says nothing about the facts that the Egyptian Civilization and the Harappan Culture of the Indus Valley appear on the historical scene without a period of progress because they obviously came from preexisting civilizations. We don't know why people hold to the nonsense of an Ice Age during the Pleistocene when the geomagnetic evidence clearly points to a Pole in Hudson Bay at that time. We don't know why fools continue to ignore the evidence from the flash-frozen mammoths that indicate nothing else than a Pole Shift or cataclysmic shift of the lithosphere as a whole across two pivot points near the Equator could have done that. We don't know why people still ignore Nikola Tesla's work. We don't know why people still believe vaccines are a pretty good idea 30 years after Thomas McKeown showed in THE ROLE OF MEDICINE, inadvertently confirming the views of Hahnemannian homeopaths, that they had nothing whatsoever to do with the disappearance of the contagious diseases that ravaged the world before homeopathy reappeared through Samuel Hahnemann after having been three times previously destroyed by the Church and the Brahmans as Hermetic medicine, Spagyric medicine and an unknown form of homeopathy in the BHAGWAT PURANA.