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Everything posted by mrblond5311

  1. (m) 24 I'm anti-abortion (as long as the mother can handle the birth) but pro-choice. I would never do it but I believe the mother has the right to decide (provided she's in good mental health at the time). I'm a strong believer in things happening for a reason and I don't think it's right for people to suggest how the baby would handle it after they grew up. If you think about it most of us weren't supposed to happen. We just did (opps) and our parent(s) decided to go through with it. Should we have been aborted? I would look at being the result of a rape as motive to prove myself. Although, I'm sure it would be hard I still think they could be a good contributing member of society. If they couldn't handle it then I think that would be the fault of the people that raised them; not because of the situation that they were created. As far as abortion time is considered I think it is wrong in any tri-mester because even if it's not considered a "life" yet you are still aware of what it will become. If you are going through preventative measures to prevent the birth than that's evidence enough of life to me.
  2. I've been working on this idea for about 6 months now & it should save my plant alone (we have six) over a million a year; hopefully. I just got a promotion this year but it's not exactly what I want. I'm hoping this idea and some of the others will get me the promotion I'm looking for and the chance to go to college. I'm not sure what I'll take in college though; probably something with food science and engineering....any ideas? I haven't really looked into it yet but I know I definently want to solve problems at work using chemistry and engineering. Thanks for the offer to answer some more questions. I might be looking you up when I work on my ammonia freezer idea.
  3. I've been trying to bring ideas that I have for work home but I run into problems since I don't have the equipment at home that I have at work (makes sense,lol). I work for a prepared foods company and alot of the ideas that I have they can't do right now because they're backed up with other things right now; some of them my ideas they're currently putting in place (simple ones). I needed the homemade heat exchanger (contherm) to test an idea I've been trying to get together for work. I'm doin as much research as I can but some things I need help with so any knowledge you can give me is much appreciated! We currently use heating & cooling contherms at work so I wasn't asking you to do my work for me. I just want to be able to test my theories at home before I try them at work & look like an arse; plus I feel like I'll learn alot more by talking with different people than just having my ideas shot down at work. I ask about as much as I can at work between mechanics, engineering, and Quality Technologist's. I have about 6 months before I can have the company pay my way through college so I'm trying to learn as much as I can now. I even have a textbook on Food Chemistry being shipped to me on Monday! Hopefully this will answer any questions you and YT2059 may have. If you need any more info just ask. I'll completely understand. The last thing I need is for people to think I'm just being lazy and having other people do my work for me.Once again thanks for your help!
  4. That'll work Thanks! I was thinking of something similar to that but more complicated.Your idea is better.I just need to hook a pump at one end of the tube to get it to cycle through. It's kind of a thick liquid. My wife's gonna hate me for hooking up a little "science experiment" in the kitchen,lol. Oh well. This'll be fun. Thanks again!
  5. Now what if I used frozen spinach, took out the lemon juice, added bicarbonate of soda, then mixed everything and heated it up. Would I still have the problem with the color loss? I'm not sure if the "ice" that's on the frozen spinach would still affect the color loss after it's heated up. I'm thinking that heating the dip with the ice in it at the same time may still enable the spinach to bleed. I need the heating process (I believe) to "soften" the spinach if not then the spinach is tough; but then again maybe the soda of bicarbonate would enable me to heat it less but still get the tender spinach I'm looking for. Lol, I'm starting to sound like an organic chemist for Martha Stewart. All the help so far is Much appreciated!
  6. That's what a few people have told me. Thanks for your help. I was just having some issues with a spinach dip coming out too green to answer the guy up there. The chemistry involved intrigued me so that's why I asked & how I found out about the chlorophyll a & b. It's amazing what you can learn with something as common as a vegetable. Now I'm adding lemon juice to the dip; would this acid affect the effectiveness of the baking soda or could I just compensate with more baking soda? Just looking to learn some things if anyone has the time, thanks!
  7. I was just wondering if anyone knew how I could make a homemade heat exchanger. It's more of a contherm concept but I need to constantly keep a liquid moving while I'm heating it up. The main idea of my contherm is to keep the liquid constantly moving through a tube while being heated from a source that isn't in direct contact with the liquid. Any help would be great, Thanks!
  8. I'm not sure if I'm in the right place or not but I just wanted to know what edible chemical could I add to spinach to make it maintain it's color when it's cooked or steamed? I'm guessing it would have to be something that would bond the chlorophyll A & B to the fibers of the spinach. Let me know if you can help me with this, please. Thanks!
  9. Seems to me like you would get better results by asking several large companies. Sort of like an alliance for cleaner air energy; but don't just limit it to energy companies. Get as many "big money" companies involved as possible. I'm sure most of them would love the publicity and definently would love the outcome. I know some people at Nestle' (worth over 100 billion dollars) that would be able to talk to the right people. Would you know how to propose such a thing to several big companies? I'm not really knowledgeable on this stuff I would just like to see more publicity about it so we can get something started before it's too late. Let me know if there's anyway I can help.
  10. Well, we know that but I'm sure they meant it in more of a hypothetical way.
  11. I might be wrong(won't be the last time) but I believe it has to do with the gravitational field being the same. I *believe* gravity slows time down (well clocks atleast) & the closer to earth you are the more of an effect gravity has. If you compared a clock in space to a clock on earth than the clock on earth would appear to run slower than the one in space;atleast to the observer. So I don't think it's really the clock's syncing together it's more because of the similar gravitational fields. Anyone else please feel free to be more in depth than I can. I'm sure there is a better way to explain this and possibly some links would help. Thanks!
  12. Thank You Joema! That answered some of my questions. Although I disagree with the part about there being no "center" of space. Wouldn't every point be considered a center since every distance around it would be infinite?
  13. gagsrcool : 2. It is constantly in acceleration at about the speed of light. Wouldn't it have to be faster than the speed of light or atleast the same speed?
  14. My question is what would it expand into then? It has to be taking space from something & therefore making something else smaller, right? I just think the whole question is irrelevant because of the time it would take to find the end if it exsisted. If it's infinite it wouldn't change our view of the space around us & if it's expanding we couldn't catch up with it unless it cooled down & came hurdling back at us & then it wouldn't matter because we'd be hurdling to obliveration ourselves. I view space/time like how longitude & latitude are set up on earth but we keep building on top of it instead of coming back to the same point. That's just my opinion though & opinions are the best answer I think we have right now. It's all in how you percieve it.
  15. Not to get off the main subject but has onyone heard of the military trying to create powerful weapons using sound waves?
  16. Is there anyway we could "loop" the laser back around by attracting it back to the point of origin & just make it continuous? That would solve the problem of the length if you could set the attraction behind a "reflector" that would send the beam back around again.
  17. I'd go with the IRiver as well. I've heard some bad things about the ipod & that there alot of bugs in them & they need their firmware upgraded alot. Hope that helps.
  18. Hey, if you have time could you explain to me how ammonia freezers work. I've been told that ammonia being pushed through coils in the freezer extract heat & then it's pushed out taking the heat with it. If you have time could you give me a more detailed description of what's going on in there, Thanks!
  19. I agree with having our age & level of education posted by our avatars. Maybe then people would have more patience dealing with my silly questions . I'm a 24 year old male who never finished high school partially due to family matters. My master plan is to move up through my company until I make it high enough for them to pay my way through college. Then I hope to Atleast go for a bachelor of science. Preferably somewhere in Physics? Would that count as "working" on a degree? I went with the less than high school, though.
  20. I know that light is affected by gravity. Scientists have been able to view light bending aroung objects in space. such as it appears as though a star is in one place but it's really in another due to the gravity of a nearby object "puling" the light around itself.....or something like that. I'm sure someone else can give you a better explanation but gravity's affect on light has been seen. Of course I could be taking your statement wrong. Reply back. I'm just wondering if this "pulling" of gravity actually changes c?
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