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Proof of One

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About Proof of One

  • Birthday 03/24/1933

Profile Information

  • Location
    Orange County, California
  • Interests
    Jousting with windmills
  • College Major/Degree
    Cornell University
  • Favorite Area of Science
  • Biography
    Young in spirit
  • Occupation
    Irascible gadfly, iconoclastic heretic


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Proof of One's Achievements


Baryon (4/13)



  1. Nonsensical, infantile, bantering tripe. (BN,I,BT)
  2. Nonsensical, infantile, bantering tripe. (BN,I,BT)
  3. Nonsensical, infantile, bantering tripe. (BN,I,BT)
  4. Nonsensical, infantile, bantering tripe. (BN,I,BT)
  5. Please advise as where to send photocopies. The basics of Pulsoid Theory, for those too lazy to read or study very much, are, probably, most succinctly found in "The Mystique of the Ellipse" for those that are not interested enough to read a few successive Threads; or, for those who are unable to, or incapable of, understand logic. Of interest might be the Overview and Summary for those accustomed to reading technical journals. If you could count you would find 80, or so, Threads. I only started a bit over a month ago and am averaging about eight, or more, posts a day (many are starts of Threads) in all forums. You can find an Index/Table of Contents at: http://www.CQthus.com/PT/TOC. This site is kept current on an hourly basis. There would be many more substantive posts, if I were not bothered with baseless, nonsensical, infantile, bantering tripe. (BN,I,BT)
  6. Yet, quite apparently, not one that you can recall.
  7. Obviously, I am curious as to whether you can find a single one; then, I am curious as to which one you select and your reasoning for its selection. From a practical approach, I cannot take the time to refute a negative some 100, or so, times. And, lastly, I don’t believe there is one that you can find. You have made my point; as many learned persons should agree. Pick one. I should be able to define it non-circularly. Me thinks, thou protests too much . . . Tell that one to a lexicographer.
  8. Without further checking, I will accept your statements. I try very hard to not so do; I doubt very much that I made the statement as you reflect it. I am a professional. I have many accomplishments recognized by the physics community. I have no accomplishments that are formally recognized by said community. Not certain as to where the fault may lie. You will probably be missed by some. There is plenty of physics that I would like to discuss; you may pick any topic; and, I will see what I can do with it. You have made a general accusation, which is impossible to reply to; if you could be specific concerning the questions that I have refused to answer, everyone would be able to understand your position; and, just possibly, I might be able to reply.
  9. Apparently, you understand little of what the term speed of gravity means. As far as the speed of light, particularly, in the Congeneric Realm of Dissipation, I have not said that it propagates at the speed of Infinity; I have said that its speed like Cosmic Inertia is not constant. The internal speed of oscillation that is responsible for the ellipsoidal structure of a light wave is near the speed of Infinity. Either pay attention when you read; or, cite examples when you state your opinion as to what I contend. Your endless, non-informed carping must be irritating to many that would like to get on with the substance of this Thread. I note that it is the youngest of members which appear to understand the least.
  10. In that case you should have no difficulty locating a single one so that I can attempt to correct it. My offer is certainly better than other physicists that have been unable to do such with the conventional four dimensions. Perhaps you should direct your wrath towards the Pomo elite physicists, as well. At least I will gladly make the attempt at rectifying your perceived confusion. Just one word please, I must have 100 or more neologisms and acronyms from which to pick. Otherwise, I must assume that your plaint is without merit; or possibly, you don't understand the term "Circular Definition," which I provided you earlier . . . admitedly, without citing the Dictionary that I used. Should you be able to cite any Dictionary that has a substantially different definition, I will reconsider your point as significant.
  11. No. But, I am replying to a direct question. Something that I find quite lacking in the posts from several of the younger members.
  12. If you can find an instance of something that is circular, I will immediatly fix it. Your assertions, that are never supported, are becoming lame. Can you find no mistake in logic or math? I have posted at least 60 original ideas. There must be one that you can find some perceived fault with?
  13. I'll give you a few. All answers can be found at http://www.PulsoidTheory.com. What is the Elliptical Constant (EC)? How is the EC related to the Proof of One?; How do they both relate to Number Theory?; and, Why does Number Theory impact descriptive physics?
  14. Obviously, you still can't read; continue to post tripe; and neglect every direct question I ask. Some performance, indeed.
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