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Everything posted by MaxCathedral

  1. What did cause the Cambrian explosion?
  2. I used to believe in just a local flood...except if it was local, why didn't Noah simply walk out of the area.
  3. Max: Man, you are tough..and what kind of genii is this...lol. Actually I am reminded of Socrates mind game in the Republic. If given a ring that made you invisible, and with the guarantee of no punishment for any action taken. Would you still stay moral? Tough question. As to your question, I pick number two: 30 percent to go infertile.
  4. Thats not good.....thats not good at all.
  5. I found this thread completely fascinating from brad's opening statement to Ophiolite and YT2095 powerful one sentece statments. Is Logan's Run the "final solution"... Lets hope not... By pure coincidence I am reading John Kelly's very readable book The Great Mortality : An Intimate History of the Black Death, The Most Devastating Plague of All Time. The first 80 pages set up the scenerio of the Black Death, citing wars, climate, sanitary conditoins (in Paris you simply had to yell "look out below" three times, before throwing your human refuse from your third story window) and overpopulation. The Plague was bad enough, but when it morphed into being air borne...whole sale death. 600 a day in Venice die for example. In some instances...14 hours after contact..dead. Kelly cites 33 percent of Europe died, but feels this figure is not accurate stating that in overpopulated areas...60 percent would have been more correct. at its arc you could walk thru miles of forest and hear nothing but the 'rustle of leaves"....cause everyone was...gone... anyway, my point is..will nature grace with a another mega plague. We are way over due?
  6. LOL, that works for me..LOL
  7. How will the Cosmos end? As universes move away from each other and suns die..will the Cosmos, simple take on the big freeze. Or in a ball of individual burn up as the Suns enter their last stages will each Universe be burnt to a crisp....crashing into each other... Shades of Worlds in Collision!!!!!
  8. Deathby, No, no..you do yourself a diservice..there is some great stuff in there. Some Famous Creationist moments. 1. the "speed arc" of natural selection. 2. The dubious nature of convergent evolution. 3. The how did it all begin anyhow. 4. Darwins' Black Box and Behe's argument for Irreducible complexity. 5. And the Puzzles Pieces don't fit analogy. To be sure each has their followers in the Creationists camp, and until evolutionists can produce...a clear, easy to under missing link fossil. It aint gonna happen.
  9. Max: It has been proposed....
  10. Max: good points all..and still busting up over "crickets chirping"...clever
  11. Battle lines have been drawn.... 1968, Eppeson vs Arkansas..made it illegal for a teacher in a state funded school to teach evolution. 1987. Edwards vs. Aguillard, Supreme Court rules against laws requring equal time for Creationism. Why has the Evolutionary Community failed to win over the Creationist Community. They have the facts, yet war still rages. For instance Evolutionist claim transitional fossils exist. Creationist laugh at these claims, calling them open to interperation and that no transitional fossils exist, at all. Someone is lying. Can someone present just five proofs that evolution is fact. Can someone present just five proofs that creationism is a fact. I would love to read them as I am sure others here would.
  12. Max: Hellbender, I stand corrected. Thank you. You are of course right.
  13. I am not trying to be clever. True natural selection, survival of the fittest all play into who survives and who doesn't. But does the very machinary of Evolution have a purpose, plan if you will? Some Evolutioinists would argue that it doesn't. Thoughts?
  14. I will go you one better, according to Brian Sykes, in his book the Curse of Adam, Y chomosone is slowly disappearng. And one day...Men won't exist at all. In several hundred thousand years, there shall be just women.
  15. Was it the opposable thumb, bipedalism, maybe a branch that broke off and the development of language, and thus communication? Maybe it was the tool making? What was it that created the hominid to the modern man we know now?
  16. Max: your kidding me...
  17. To avoid a 7000 posts, lets skip over the never ending debate over what constitutes a transitional fossil, or inter species evolution. Micro vs Macro. What (for me) Darwinists have never been to come up with is the Origin of the FIRST life here on Earth. I thought I would bring this one to you Evol boys, to keep this from being a "mad dog" debate. Max.
  18. Max: That I did not know. Wild. I wish someone would buy me a poster periodic Table for Christmas.
  19. What exactly is Quantum Physics? My minor research informs me that it deals with small variations in energy. That the classic model of the atom is wrong. That its very, very hard to understand...lol. Enlighten me with some basic concepts.
  20. Yes, It does, thank you. The tendency for all matter and energy in the universe to evolve toward a state of inert uniformity. The above statements implies that everything has a beginning, and then begins to move to disorder? Yes or no? Am I reading that rignt?
  21. Element Abundance Hydrogen Helium Oxygen Neon Nitrogen Carbon Silicon Magnesium Iron Sulfur
  22. Define Entropy. No, its no joke. Define it.
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