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Everything posted by Trond

  1. That is correct, making it look like this http://img522.imageshack.us/img522/5292/eq5uc.gif
  2. Make an equation out of these numbers and symbols. You may only use each once. 2 3 4 5 + =
  3. How about this: "The fish weighs 2 pounds. Two halves make a whole, so if the fish's total weight is the sum of 1 pound and half the total weight, the other half must also be 1"?
  4. Then tell it again by correct use of grammar
  5. Then it is a language problem, not a mathematical one.
  6. It says it weighs 1, and then it says + half of that weigh. 1 + 0,5 = 1,5
  7. 1800 1900 2100 2200 2300 2500 Spoiler = Hint [hide]You won't be able to solve this without "time and date" knowledge [/hide]
  8. More hints
  9. Not possible http://www.cut-the-knot.org/do_you_know/3Utilities.shtml or with added rules http://www.puzzle.dse.nl/harder/gas_water_electricity_us.html or the words are the problem http://www.puzzles.com/PuzzleHelp/PuzzleHelpItems1_12.htm the reply on the third link was: "Reply: Dear puzzle ponderers: I have come up with a possible (viable) solution to the old puzzle about connecting up three houses with GAS, ELECTRICITY AND WATER. The answer lies in how the puzzle is worded. The instructions given are that in connecting the houses, no two lines can cross. Well, as water and gas are PIPES and ELECTRICITY is the only line....where is the problem? Ian (Mexico) Modified: November 29, 2005"
  10. Thanks for reply. Long story short, it's been many years so I'm taking lower level of math before I jump into this again. Is there a program I can use to make those symbols and print out?
  11. Example: x = √3x+7-1 x+1 = √3x+7 (x+1)² = (√3x+7)² x²+2x+1 = 3x+7 Question: Why +2x? x²-6-x = 0 Question: Why -6-x? x = -2 OR x = 3 Question: How can you see the answer will be -2 or 3?
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