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The Peon

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Everything posted by The Peon

  1. Any racial myths really tick me off... IE: Blacks have large members, jews have small members, asians are naturally superior intellects, etc etc etc ad infinitum. I dont want to hear this garbage again until I see solid statistics proving otherwise (and dont say asians are smarter cause they score higher on "IQ" tests in some surveys. For one, IQ is NOT a measure of intelligence, and for two, they have a superior education system *at least in china and japan from what ive read* than the west).
  2. I had totally forgotten about that... I remember reading it in an old Natural History rag. Really cool stuff. The wasp is like "We are the borg... you will be assimilated... resistance.. is futile."
  3. Good question. From what I remember reading, humans have been a pair-bonding species for a looooong time. Im talking back to our early trasistion to eating meat and becomming bipedal. You see, as the males began to leave to hunt, gradually to ensure the sick or less able males didnt mate with the females and thus take the chance for the stronger males to pass on there genes, pair-bonding became more and more important to hominids. A male could feel safer leaving his mate knowing they had a bond, and a female could feel secure in the fact that others around would respect that bond. In primate societys like Baboons and Chimps, the pack is usually always around eachother wandering and looking for food. Thus the strongest male could always keep track of his mates and stop weaker or sickly males from mating with them. As mentioned, as hominids took to hunting, this was more troublesome, and thus the pair-bond emerged. I can assure you that pair-bonding was more geared towards the ladies biology. For instance, a male produces enough sperm to populate NYC in ONE day, while a female only produces one egg a month. Thus, a male could sex everything in sight without quelm (much as he tries to today) while a female needed to be selective about her mates to ensure strong offspring (much as she does today).
  4. Awsome info Helix, thats what I was interested in. And good question Mattbimbo, I too would like to know the answer to that. Im assuming its similar, given people greive and all over a dead pet. Perhaps every time we pet our cat or dog oxytocin is released. But it has to go beyond mere touching, cause some people can even feel sad over a fish death which is never touched.
  5. 27 year old male, anti-abortion. Too much of ones personality is coded in DNA before you are even born to even think about abortion in my opinion... thus I think its murder to abort even a 1 day old pregnancy.
  6. Good question... I will have to see if I have it set up properly. Damn... Need to reset comp to see if this works. Edit: Bah still no luck... wtf... Any ideas how to get this to work? DING! Got it.
  7. Is the chat room dead? I only see a blank box when I try to get it running...
  8. And I am half caucasian and believe I possess neanderthalic genes. I would go into detail but you might think im insane (which is highly likely).
  9. I remember reading once that you dont need to brush directly after meals to benefit... That the flouride protects for up to 12 hours, and that as long as you keep the "window" of flouride active, your teeth will be healthy.
  10. o_0 I think some scientists believe asians possess erectus genetic legacy, although Im not too sure about that.. im much more convinced on the whole neanderthal thing though. Ginger gene bearers get me all fuzzy inside.
  11. LMAO at this thread! Most stupid thing I ever did: Get married at 20 years old. Wisest thing I ever did: Learn from my divorce 4 years later how to really treat a lady. Ok more stupid stuff: a> Sister pissed me off, locked herself in a car. I decided to punch through the window... it worked, much to my knuckles dismay (and many stiches later, my dismay). b> Decided to jump a barb-wire fence. Upon going over my foot got cought in the barb wire and I was hanging by my skin. c> When I was 8 years old, I decided to use a machete my grandfather had as an "indiana jones" toy. Well I wound up almost cutting off my left hand. d> Deciding to go down a water slide into deep water without knowing how to swim when I was about 5 years old. e> Driving a stolen car into a tree at 60 mph to see "what an accident was like." I was 14. Many more but they are even more embarassing.
  12. I guess the part of my question that remains unanswered is, why when we see a so so girl do we suddenly feel a crush towards her, while when we witness a stunning girl it may be a momentary attraction but then it goes away. Why are we "drawn" towards certain individuals while we brush off others who are just as attractive if not more so? Is love possibly more of a concious decision than we realize? Is some hidden smell involved? I mean whats the deal?
  13. LMFAO!!!!! Cameran Diaz was the biggest bitch of them all. She was with Justin Timberlake at the time, and she went to use the bathroom. Well when she returned I did not recognize her (she is very ugly in real life) and I held my arm out. Well instead of telling me who she is, she starting walking into my arm as if somehow it wasnt there. Well she did this for about 15 seconds until her personal bodyguard realized what I was doing and whispered in my ear who she was. What a skank...
  14. Check my sig. Plus I added another awsome one I found in this thread.
  15. Ooo dear... well I used to be a bouncer at an A-list club in Miami... A few off hand: Mike Tyson Carmen Electra Britney Spears Justin Timberlake Cameron Diaz Wayens bros (all 7-8 however many there are) Martin Lawrence P Diddy (came by often, almost weekly) Ugh... you meet so many celebrities it becomes a norm, actually a pain in the ass because you have to go out of your way to "watch" them when 400 people are in the club, and you only have 12 bouncers. Its stupid and a waste of manpower. But yea, its exciting at first. BTW out of all the celebs I ever met, believe it or not but Britney Spears is the biggest tipper. She dumped 5,000$ tip on the staff one night...
  16. A natural part of greiving is to try and "reach out" to a dead loved one, and I believe this is merely your brain trying to do so. Im not trying to make you feel bad in saying you "imagined" the whole incident, but given the strong hellucinigenic effects of LSD and the known psychological process of greiving, it is highly likely that your mind was playing tricks on you. As for a "spirit realm," if it did exist it would not be supernatural, but a natural process in the universe if im not mistaken. However, its highly unlikely that is true, since I believe we are inviduals not based on a spirit, but due to the physical makeup of our brains. Thus, the genetics you inherited, combined with enviromental stresses mixed with some free logical thinking on your own made you who you are, not some spirit. I can rip your heart or lungs out and you would survive for some brief instances before you died, but if I ripped your brain out you would be gone instantly. I recently had a close friend die... and even with all the logical thinking and knowledge I have of these things, I still found myself wondering if he was here watching me... its a natural thing man. Anyway thats my 2 cents, but like most things in science, since it cannot be disproven you never really know.
  17. First, its nice to return to these forums after a few months and still see so many familiar faces. So my friend the other day told me his girl friend told him she "loved him but was not in love with him." This got me to thinking... what are the chemical and physical properties of love? What chemical process occurs when one sees someone and instantly feels a "crush" while he can look at a super model and be like, eh? How can someone feel attached, "love you," but not be "in love?" I remember reading some time ago about a chemical called oxytocin that causes one to feel attached through experiences, but im not sure if that all that is to it.
  18. I think this would be a horrible idea. Species have already radiated to fill all the niches these "removed" species have left (or are in the process of such). To reintroduce them would create havoc on the current ecosystem... IMO...
  19. I think mammals got "lucky." Reptiles are truely masters of survival IMO.
  20. If you are injecting steroids, I highly suggest you review the side effects of abuse first. An enlarged heart is no laughing matter, and it WILL happen if you use. I was interested in using when I was younger and working in the "security" field, but after seeing 2 people die on the message board I was reading about them, both kids under 30 years old, and from enlarged hearts I ran for my life. If you insist on doing them, plenty of websites explain how to do intramascular injections. Just make sure you aspirate because a dose of roids in the bloodstream can be fatal. Please reconsider using, the short term benefits of being muscular do NOT outweigh the long term health effects.
  21. The Peon

    string theory

    Also read about M-theory.
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