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Everything posted by The Peon
Yes true, of course. But what I meant was that lemons could kill you with just what would seem a small amount... I mean water can kill you if you drink 4-5 gallons in a short period of time. But imagine if lemons could kill you just by eating, say, 10 of them. That doesnt seem alot and is quite possible. I was just wondering how many lemons the average joe could eat before it became toxic.
YT true, but remember you can only tax a solar panel once, and not that much at that. Maybe 6-10% of the value max. Now imagine being able to tax a fuel source that is constantly used over and over and needed over and over so long as you wished to travel.
I am excited with new genetic techniques that are coming along. I am sure they can aid in the discovery of the genes I believe to exist in the caucasoid gene pool. I believe all the physical evidence before us is overwhelming in my eyes. As you mentioned, which I took as an insult before thinking it over, we need to keep an infantile mind in some degrees. Often major scientific discoveries were made by people who have untainted open minds about new scientific ideas. I am trying to deduce my hypothesis (and the hypothesis of others) based on raw physical evidence. Although its a semi-flawed way to create an assumption, I think the evidence is pretty logical to a large degree. As mentioned before, assuming that the out of Africa theory is correct, I find it perticularly odd that such a young race as caucasoids are (30,000-40,000 years old) have adapted so well to there cold enviroment compared to the mongoloids (60,000-possibly 120,000 year old) who have been in a cold enviroment for a much longer period of time. In fact, I dare say that other than superficial differences like shape of eyes, mongoloids have only adapted the white skin for a colder environment. Mongoloids still have dark hair and eyes, broad negroid noses, and a slender frame. This is very consistent with there Negroid ancestors. Caucasoids exhibit strikingly cold adapted features, the extreme case being of course the ginger gene, which produces orange hair, green eyes and freckly skin. Thus it is my assumption by deductive logic that Caucasoids inherited a genetic legacy from Neanderthals, thus giving them a "boost" in cold adaptation over there mongoloid and negroid ancestors. But in the end of course, whats overwhelming evidence to one (me), could be a brush off evidence to another (Milken perhaps?). So evidence itself is all subjectional. One thing is certain, with time we will certainly know the true answer, that I am personally certain of. Well the debate is if it were possible to interbreed. With current genetic techniques we cannot tell if a hybrid could be produced, at least a fertile one. But it is my reasoning as presented above that it was highly possible, almost a certainty that a few hybrids were produced who then were able to pass on some of the Neanderthal genetic legacy into the local gene pool which then seeped into the greater Caucasoid gene pool over time. Edit: I just thought of one more thing... this of course means nothing unless you want it to though. Neanderthals reigned from 200,000 to 30,000 years ago. Homo Sapien left Africa roughly 160,000 years ago. Sapien arrived in Europe around 40,000 years ago. Sapiens and Neanderthals branched off from a common ancestor roughly 200-250,000 years ago. Lets do the math. Neanderthals had no contact with there direct sapien cousins for about 150,000 years estimated. On that same note, Negroid Sapiens have not had contact with there descendants from most other gene pools for roughly that same amount of time, and in many degrees if you look at pure blooded Africans and pure blooded Native Americans for instance, you see the same amount of time has passed between potential sexual contact as has passed between sapiens and neanderthals. But oddly enough, a Negroid from Africa can reproduce perfectly healthy and fertile offspring with a Native American with just as much success as a Negroid with a Negroid, or a Native American with another Native American. In conclusion, Negroids have been out of sexual contact with other Sapien gene pools just as long as Neanderthals were out of contact with there African cousins. Yet we make the assumption that Neaderthals and Sapiens could not have interbred even though Negroids can produce viable offspring with any of there descendents to this day.
Isn't it dangerous to eat so many lemons? I heard an urban legend (I'm sure that's all it was but perhaps an element of truth is in it) that if you eat so many lemons it will kill you.
Is this some sort of religious rant? I dont want to be filled with so much bliss I dont care for anything else. That sounds like a crackhead getting his fix. No offense... Do you really think if man faced a truely dire energy crisis he would not adapt? I think clearly what would happen is man would find another way, like he always has. Plenty of sources of energy exist where we would not have to rely on oil or coal.
On one hand you tell me to chill out, then in the next you tell me it's ok to pass the buck. Please review your language it's pretty condescending. Perhaps at this point I am being overly touchy, but to be honest after being told to have sex with a monkey, then being told it would be a "bit of a plus" if I knew something, and finally being told "it's ok.. you can pass the buck" please forgive me if I reply in a hostile way. As I mentioned before, your claims may or may not be valid. Ask a geneticist. I am not one and have no idea the chance of the two different types of genomes ability to create a hybrid. What I do know is that: A> Neanderthals and Sapiens lived side by side for 6000-10000 years, providing plenty of time for lots of sex. B> Credible modern day scientists admit the possibility of hybridization to occur, just as others deny it. I don't see how they would just brush off such strong and clear evidence they could not reproduce due to some chromosomal differences. In fact, the scientists who deny the hybrid possibility base there conclusions on mtDNA, and as an article I posted in an earlier page showed, this is a possibly flawed reason for rejection. Also, according to my understanding (I may be wrong), genetics is in its infancy as a science and much more is to be learned about this spectacular and powerful field of science. C> An apparant Hybrid skeleton was found in Portugal. D> Many genes such as the Ginger Gene are highly unlikely to have been mutated recently, and it is more probobal that it was an inherited neanderthalic gene. E> Mongoloids, according to the most currently accepted theorys have been in colder climates much longer than caucasoids, yet they do not exhibit even closely the cold adapted features caucasoids have. This could be due to inheriting Neanderthalic genes, which was a species of hominid that lived in the icy fringes of Europe for over 200,000 years or more. Thus my personal conclusion is that it is highly likely, dare I say certain, that some Neanderthalic genes however minute were passed into the caucasoid gene pool.
Relax man. We live in a pretty stable solar system. Either way, if man gets wiped out we can't say we didnt have a good run.
In regards to the body hair, I brought up that up because its yet another caucasoid trait that appears to be cold adapted that the mongoloids do not have. And as stated earlier, according to current out of Africa theory, mongoloids inhabited a cold climate for much longer than the caucasoids. Thus its yet another piece of physical evidence for trace genes in that gene pool from the Neanderthals, as Neanderthals would have most likely had large amounts of cold adapted body hair.
If you are typing of what I am thinking you are typing about, the process of imprinting takes an important role in sexual orientation. For instance, when younger, your brain defines what is sexually attractive to it. Thus, we tend to like and think of things which look "human" as cute. That is why when someone sees a little chihuahuas face they go "awww isnt it cute!" But when you see a squids face you are like "ewww." I dont think it has to do with color but more with structure.
OK I will do that if you promise never to return to this thread or trolling ever again. Thank you, your opinion on me is noted. Bye! *insert wavy smiley* Back on subject, I was wondering another thing about the human condition. Do any populations other than caucasoids exhibit large amounts of body hair? From all the pics of gene pools I've reviewed from around the world, it seems that caucasoids and some middle easterners are the only population to exhibit large amounts of body hair, on the chest and back area. Some gene pools in the US exhibit this as well but my guess would be from inherited caucasoid genes. Could this be a form of cold adaptation? I may be wrong in this instance though, so I would like some feedback on this.
Your post was interesting until the end with the insult you threw with no apparant smiley to show you were joking. I am still going to lean on what I've read from credible scientists though. Sorry. I would think no scientist in his right mind would mention hybrids, let alone claim a fossil from portugal is one, as if something that simple were truely a roadblock to hybridism. And by the way, ever heard of the humanzee? They had a chimp that died recently (if I remember correctly) that appeared to have a strikingly different DNA genome than that of a human or chimp. I agree with the hypothesis on that in that some sicko interbred with a chimp and a once in a billion thing occured. Although I did see it on the National Geographic channel so who knows the credibility of it. And regardless, Sapiens and Neanderthals lived side by side 6000-10000 years. Thats plenty of chances with mating that a fertile hybrid to be produced, regardless of how many "misfires" or sterile offspring occured. Discussion is over. You just cannot accept defeat, or the fact that I have posted credible evidence and sources while you are merely blabbing away with a psychobabble and invented garbage. Typical creationist/IDist. I am not going to keep arguing the same points. I'm positive that any who read this thread will easily understand the points I've made and agree with the credible sources I have posted. I am now in the opinion that you are a crackpot like most religious people. Enjoy holding hands with your imaginary friend. See you in hell. By the way, I am merely sharing a theory real scientist have come up with. I don't claim it to be mine. But I most certainly think the theory is true. Proof that you are a crackpot: And lastly
*SEE PIC BELOW* Please note that that was even before darwin! His thoery was based on his first observations, predarwin. Yet the church still clings to this rubbish as if it was gospel. More quotes for you: Here is evidence of the above statement: http://www.talkorigins.org/faqs/homs/rickets.html It even includes a pic for your viewing pleasure so you can see what rickets really looks like. A far cry from Neanderthals backward curving bones. And oh, by the way, the ricket sufferers in that pic look pretty damn caucasoid to me. Contrary to your statement that they don't get rickets. I think the rickets thing is case closed. I wrote a few posts on this allready above, which you obviously did not read. Please go over my above posts to answer this.
I was also not aware that Neanderthals had 48 chromosomes. I also had trouble finding information on this. I find it odd most credible sites and scientists I have read in regards to this issue dont state this problem, such as: That was from talk origins. I don't see how so many credible scientists would over look something so simple as a chromosomal pair blocking the potential for hybridization. Another quote below: I would love for you to point me in the direction of where you got your info from. Also, does a species having an extra chromosome pair totally block out the potential for a hybrid? I am not too clear on this and would like an answer. In the end, I guess time will tell now that clearer and better DNA analysis techniques are being used. I will continue searching for answers today to see if I can come up with more info myself. Oh and lastly, from talk origins: Again the possiblity is NOT ruled out.
By all means please do. She/He did not provide me with an email, but on the bottom is "its" yahoo ID. You might be able to scavange the email from that. When the scammer was referring to mailing, it was referring to mailing the cash to the address provided.
Out competed for territory is a distinct possibility. Sapiens out of africa had superior technology and hunting skills. As to why Neanderthals did not catch on and adapt is a mystery that leads me to believe alot more war between the two hominids was present than most would like to believe. Aggressive land claims and removals were probobly taking place over the course of the 6000 years or so it took to wipe out the Neanderthals.
A wide nose does not mean a large nasal cavity. You are looking at the exterior and assuming the interior. Thats a poor way to do scientific analysis. Im sure if you do some research you will find that indeed the nasal cavity in a neanderthal was larger and unique (more evidence they were not diseased humans) compared to sapien sapiens. I quote this from an article on the stanford uni website: "Several explanations have been advanced for the Neanderthal mid-facial architecture: 1.An adaptation for warming inhaled frigid air as it passed through the enlarged nasal cavities; a mean of condensing and conserving moisture in exhaled breath; and a secondary consequence in the facial region of severe chewing pressures centered at the front of the jaw..." That statement means nothing more than an assumption, baseless granted that all neanderthal bones are quite similar, contrary to a population that would have had many healthy individuals survive into fossilhood. Thank you for keeping your psuedobabble out of this forum. In my opinion the only head messed with is someone who believes in that. BTW what are you implying (sorry I should not be getting into this but I cant help it). Are you implying that God singled out the Neanderthals for some reason and placed them in an enviroment they would get rickets and live sickly in? Why did he give other races a better climate? Why pick and choose? Was it a random dispersion? Why did some races get great farmland, like Italians, while others got barren rocky highland like the scottish? Why were some people placed on small islands in the middle of nowhere, like the polynesian tribal members they found recently who were still living like stone age humans? I am not the best debater in the planet, and I am sure my arguments contain some logical fallacies. I apologize for that, but please bring forth more substantiated evidence when presenting your claims.
I have read this over twice, and it appears to answer your question with a statement ( though admittedly I am not a geneticist or a biologist so I am not 100% sure of the credibility of this article ): ""Whereas these modern human sequences differ among themselves by an average of 8.0+/- 4.1 (range 1-24) substitutions, the difference between the humans and the Neandertal sequence is 27.2+/-2.2 (range 22-36)" (Krings et al, 1997, p. 24) They make a big error here by comparing the range of human mtDNA variation (1-24 differences from the standard sequence) with the experimental error in determining the Neanderthal variation (22-36). This is an equivocation. If Neanderthal mtDNAis outside of the range of human variation, it is only slightly beyond that range and may be within it. The experimentally determined minimal distance between Neandertals and us is 22 substitutions. (Krings et al, 1997, p. 24-25) Modern humans can have as many as 24 substitutions among them, and they are still considered human. In spite of the press reports, the authors themselves acknowledge that this does not rule out the inclusion of Neandertals in our ancestry. They write, "These results do not rule out the possibility that Neandertals contributed other genes to modern humans." (Krings et al, 1997, p. 27) This is because of a phenomenon called crossover. Genetically, the mitochondria only can determine whose mother left her mtDNA in the humans. But other women left their nuclear DNA to us but they didn't leave their mitochondria. There is a phenomenon called cross-over which occurs on all chromosomes except the X and Y. During the formation of the sperm or egg a chromosome makes two copies of each. 000000000000 Chromosome 1 from mother 111111111111 chromosome 1 from father During meiosis, each doubles and you have this situation: 000000000000 Chromosome 1 from mother 000000000000 Chromosome 1 from mother 111111111111 chromosome 1 from father 111111111111 chromosome 1 from father Then cross over occurs which scrambles the chromosome's lineage. 000000000000 Chromosome 1 from mother 000000001111 Chromosome 1 from mother and father 111111110000 chromosome 1 from father and mother 111111111111 chromosome 1 from father This phenomenon occurs rapidly enough so that no one can follow a lineage of nuclear DNA. The implications are that as long as no direct maternal lineages from Neanderthal exist, there still could be Neanderthal genes in our lineage. The best evidence of that is from the H-O mandibular foramen. This is a weird type of hole in the jaw where the nerve goes through. There are two types of this foramen: normal and H-O. The H-O foramen is described by Wolpoff and Caspari, " "The mandibular foramen, for example, is an opening on the inside of the vertical part of the mandible for the branch of the mandibular nerve that reaches the teeth. This is the uncomfortable spot a dentist tries to reach with a nerve block for the mandibular teeth. In the H-O form the rim of the opening has an oval shape with the long axis of the oval oriented horizontally. Alternatively, in the normal form the rim may be broken, along with its lower border, by an unbridged vertical groove. The broken rim is the usual form in living populations. "The horizontal-oval mandibular foramen is virtually unique to European fossils. It is found in almost no other remains, including Late Pleistocene Africans and the Skhul/Qafzeh sample, the putative alternate ancestors of the post-Neandertal Europeans. But the horizontal-oval foramen has a significant frequency in the subsequent post-Neandertal populations of Europe and only decreases to rarity in recent Europeans. The exact form of the foramen opening is an example of nonadaptive equivalents. It is important that the foramen be there (the nerve must enter the mandibular body), but it makes absolutely no difference which form its rim has."~Milford Wolpoff and Rachael Caspari, Race and Human Evolution, (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1997), p. 296-297 In order to explain this without Neanderthal genes in the population of Europe, one must assume that the H-O form arose by mutation a second time, only in European fossils. This is not found in non-European populations! It is also only found in Neanderthal fossils with one exception. Frayer notes "For example, australopithecines totally lack the trait, and the H-O foramen is exceptionally rare in the fossil record of Homo before the neanderthals. In pre-Mousterian Europe the H-O form is absent in specimens such as Mauer and Arago 2 and 13. Each of these have the normal, V-shaped morphology. From my survey of the literature and inspection of casts and original specimens, the only non-European fossil which possesses the H-O trait is an archaic Homo mandible from Olduvai Gorge (OH-22)."~David W. Frayer, "Evolution at the European Edge: Neanderthal and Upper Paleolithic Relationships," Prehistoire Europeenne, 2:9-69, p. 29 Here are the frequencies of the H-O foramen The African Eves are the anatomically modern humans: European H-O Normal Foramen Foramen % % Neanderthal 53 47 African Eves 0 100 (the invaders) Skhul/Qafzeh 0 100 (the invaders) Early U. Paleolithic 18 82 (supposedly genetically separate) Late U. Paleolithic 7 93 Mesolithic 2 98 Medieval Europeans 1 99 David W. Frayer, "Evolution at the European Edge: Neanderthal and Upper Paleolithic Relationships," Prehistoire Europeenne, 2:9-69, Table 7, p. 31 As to claims of Neanderthal being a different species, this may be quite erroneous and unproven. Even if there has been 550-700,000 years of separation between anatomically modern men and Neanderthals, this does not mean that the Neanderthal were unable to interbreed with us. Consider the coyote and wolf, "The coyote and wolf have a sequence divergence of 0.075 +/- 0.002 and diverged about one million years ago, as estimated from the fossil record. consequently, because the sequence divergence between the most different genotypes in clade 1 (the most diverse group of dog sequences) is no more than 0.010, this implies that dogs could have originated as much as 135,000 years ago. "~Carles Vila et al, "Multiple and Ancient Origins of the Domestic Dog," Science, 276(June 13, 1997):1687-1689, p. 1689 Why is this important? Because the coyote and wolf can mate and produce fertile offspring, some believe that they are really the same species and according to some definitions they would be. If coyote and wolf, which diverged more than a million years ago, and Neanderthal diverged only 600,000 years ago, why must we automatically feel that they are a different species? While I haven't seen the Cell article, I will bet that the divergence is less than .075 because Neanderthal and modern man diverged according to the report, 500-600,000 years ago. Finally, there is a morphological intermediate between Neanderthal and archaic Homo sapiens in the Atapuerca people I mentioned on some posts about the earliest burial. They lived about 600kyr ago and are at the perfect time for the split between the lineages. If those people are the ancestors of Neanderthal, and they were human, with burial rites, then their descendants, the Neanderthals, also would have to be people. I think the biggest disappointment was the authors' using out of date articles to date the origin date of modern men. They did not even reference Templeton's work which most authorities agree, destroyed the 120-150,000 year old Eve theory. There still was an Eve, but Eve was much older. As noted above, there are up to 24 differences in the mtDNA of modern humans. This requires some time for this amount of divergence to occur. They write: "To estimate the time when the most recent ancestral sequence common to the Neandertal and modern human mtDNA sequences existed, we used an estimated divergence date between humans and chimpanzees of 4-5 million years ag and corrected the observed sequence differences for multiple substitutions at the same nucleotide site. This yielded a date of 550,000 to 690,000 years before present for the divergence of the Neandertal mtDNA and contemporary human mtDNAs. When the age of the modern human mtDNA ancestor is estimated using the same procedure, a date of 120,000 to 150,000 years is obtained, in agreement with previous estimates.(Cann et al., 1987 Vigilant et al. 1991)." Krings, Matthias, et al, 1997. "Neandertal DNA Sequences and the Origin of Modern Humans," Cell,90:19-30, p. 25 The authors are obviously using two different rates (or alternatively a different amount of divergence) to estimate the divergence of modern human mtDNA and that of Neandertal. The time it took for modern human populations to accumulate 24 differences among themselves, can not be significantly less time than it took for Neandertal to accumulate 27 differences. Yet the authors seem to indicate that it was. Mathematically, this is fallacious. The Cann et al and Vigilant articles have been disproven by the work of Alan Templeton (Templeton, 1993). Trinkaus and Shipman write: "Templeton also challenged the calibration of the molecular clock used by the mtDNA researchers. Instead of trying to pinpoint a specific date at which the mtDNA in all modern human groups separated evolutionarily, Templeton estimated the 95 percent confidence limits on that time. In other words, he defined a divergence period by picking the most recent likely date and the most ancient likely date, between which there was a period when the divergence actually occurred, with 95 percent certainty. Basing his work on conservative assumptions, Templeton showed that the mtDNA divergence lay not in the relatively narrow band of time between 166,000 and 249,000 years ago, as had previously been estimated, but in a broad swath sometime between 191,000 and 772,000 years ago. This time interval embraces the period in which Homo erectus was spreading out of Africa and across Eurasia--meaning that the divergence in mtDNA might well have occurred long before the appearance of modern humans." (Trinkaus and Shipman, 1993, p. 394-396) This can be calculated easily. If modern humans have a divergence of 24 sequence differences, and Neanderthals have a divergence from modern humans of 27 sequence differences, then at the least, modern humans should have split apart from each other only 24/27ths of the time of the Neanderthal split. So if the Neandertal split 600,000 years ago, the rest of humanity should have split from themselves at 533,000 years ago. This is not a lot of difference. Templeton lists a variety of divergence times for Eve ranging from 280,000 to 844,000 years for the length of time it took for the observed variation in modern human mtDNA to arise. (Templeton, 1993, p. 59). Finally, since the ability to reproduce fertile offspring is determined by nuclear DNA, not mtDNA, these differences shed no light on whether or not we are different species." References: Krings, Matthias, et al, 1997. "Neandertal DNA Sequences and the Origin of Modern Humans," Cell, 90:19-30. Lindahl, Tomas, 1997. "Facts and Artifacts of Ancient DNA," Cell, 90:1-3. Templeton, Alan R. 1995 "The 'Eve" Hypothesis: A Genetic Critique and Reanalysis," American Anthropologist 95(1): 51-72. p. 58 Trinkaus, Erik and Pat Shipman, 1993. The Neandertals, (New York: Alfred Knopf).
http://www.snopes.com/crime/fraud/nigeria.asp That's the original scam from years ago. You can see how it mutated like a virus to continue infecting idiotic minds.
Sorry to be so rude and blunt, but do some research before posting that parroted waste of text. First off, Neanderthal bones were not found in Africa, they were found in the middle east and Europe. Secondly, the nasal cavity of neanderthals would be considerably larger than any african today or ever, due to the adaptation for the cold, allowing more air to be heated in the cavity before entering the lungs, the opposite is true of modern africans. Thirdly, what bones are you speaking of? None are "curved" they are the shape they are supposed to be. Vitamin D deficiency? What are you saying? That africans cant live in cold climates? What about whites who wish to live in the tropics? And I dont even understand your last two sentences, but than again i'm not too bright. If I may point you in the direction of this article, you may enlighten yourself: http://www.talkorigins.org/faqs/homs/a_neands.html Learn and enjoy, then comment.
I just got this in my Myspace.com profile I made yesterday ( I was bored ). Who in in the planet earth would fall for this? Is this some sort of sick joke? I cant believe the nigerian money scam has mutated into this garbage... ----------------- Original Message ----------------- From: becky Date: Mar 15, 2006 8:35 PM Hello,My Real name is becky micheal Iam into computer engineeering Iam 26 years Old i leave in new jersey but i was born in mexico I contacting you and showing some intrest in you.Cos when i went through ur profile i really liked it and found both of us %99 compatible,the only %1 missing is that right now am not home,am stucked up in africa and i need help to get back home.if you can give me a try and help me back home am sure we can makes something work outa this. . I am a single woman looking for a caring and loving man to spend time with. I am a very passionate and loving person whos looking for the same. I like watching movies and going to dinner and I am open to any suggestions. I am also very open and honest so if you have any questions just ask Someone whos outgoing about everything and anything. Someone whos caring, loving, and loves to be touched in every way. Someone who likes to go out but I am also very open and honest so if you have any questions just ask Someone whos outgoing about everything and anything. Someone whos caring, loving, and loves to be touched in every way. Someone who likes to go out but at the same time stay in for a quiet evening. Someone who likes to pamper and also be pampered.thats will help me out from the problem i am into.....? i really dont wanna tell anyone about this cuz it's a shameful thing for me to say out but i will tell u briefly................. i lost my mum 6 months ago and dad is from africa and mum is america, i was born in mexico i school in nj, ever since when mum died i was so loanly, So i decided to go and look for dad in africa. but unfortunately for me i couldent find him so i lodged in a hotel here in africa so all the money i had with me was used for the hotel bills , the hotel manager seized my passport and my travelling document that until i pay up the bills they will give my document back to me and i will return to the state i will be very greatful if u can help me out. Hello babe u really have to help me out as soon as possible ok the hotel manager has siezed all my documents including my return ticket back to the states he says that untill i pay the bills he will give them back to me babe i promise to be very honest to you i will also like you to pick me up at the airport ok cus i will like to stay with you for a while if only i will be welcomed by you and your people u just tell me the nearest airport to you... i reall feel sad here the hotel manager is hurting me here to pay him his money hun i own him $450.. he told me that when i pay him his money i will get back my document back .. hun please help me out of here..if u wana help me to pay the hotel bills this is the details IF YOU WANT TO SEND THE MONEY ,YOU SEND THE MONEY THROUGH WESTERN UNION MONEY TRANSFER.................OK IF U WANT TO SEND THE MONEY SEND IT TO THIS NAME THIS NAME IS FOR THE CASHIER OF THE HOTEL AND HE IS THE ONE TO COLLECT THE MONEY OUT FROM THE BANK ..... SENDERS NAME........? RECEIVERS NAME.... FIRST NAME........TEMPLER LAST NAME........EBHOTEMHEN COUNTRY...........NIGERIA STATE.............LAGOS ZIP CODE..........23401 TEXT QUESTION....:WHAT IS THE COLOUR ? ANSWER............:BLUE I WANT YOU TO SEND THE CONTROL NUMBER TO MY MAILBOX OK I WILL BE WAITING FOR IT OK............THANKS MAY GOD HELP YOU TOO my yahoo chat id...becky_colo
Product: Stupid shock muscle builders. Sad part: I have heard people say these things work... yea, thats why all the professional bodybuilders and even the amatuer competiters use them right? Not. I used to be in the amatuer circuit and everyone knows these are bogus. What a sham. Here is an example of this garbage: http://www.buyamag.com/ems_tens_stimulation.htm
Some are more superficial in wants than you would believe...