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Fafalone - I could care less. Whichever jackass switched my name is a real piece of work. It's amazing how angry and jealous people get when faced with truth. Truly amazing. BananaHoe - Yes it has. You're just to lazy to do the dirty work.
"only a theory"? That's the biggest load of shit I've heard. Every facet of evolution has been proven with precision that would break your balls. It's sick to think a moderator of a science forum would be that delusional about the truth. Truly sick.
Fafalone - You have shown you understand NOTHING about the process of mating. And you make up for it by idiotic statements that make you look like an all around troll. The process of the formation of a human being consists solely of amino acids AT ABSOLUTELY NO POINT IN THE PROCESS EVER. This absolutely does not occur. You should be outlawed from speaking because everything you said spreads anti-scientific garbage.
Fafalone - You sir are hugely mistaken. That organization is ABSOLUTELY NOT the brain science foundation I am speaking of. So it's funny how you do your little pansy google search and pick the first same-named organization. Did you bother to see how many of these there are? No. Instinct from emotion.......
YT - The answers to your questions are plain and simple, if you're asking an accomplished biologist like me. Most will banter and come up with non-sensical answers, such as fafalones. But it's simple. Life is a human life IF AND ONLY IF it's genes are human. That's it plain and simple. So let's move to the other question. Now you asked "what is life" but then said "what constitutes life". These are two different questions. The biological definition of life is literally "that which is alive". Most people here I've learned will flip out and not be satisfiied, but that's the scientific definition. What contsitutes life? Science claims this question is 100% unknown. We know of some fundamentals that apply to ALL LIFE on Earth. So I suppose perhaps you mean that. I'm not going to bother to go into those details for two reasons: 1. You may not care 2. If you did, you could find this answer in ANY biology textbook.
The answer. His own two eyes (in a mirror). Or...someone elses eyes. Most animals eyes dilate when they see another creatures eyes looking at them.
AO - Evolution is a proven scientific fact. There is as much evidence to prove evolution as there is ANYTHING in science. What do you mean SPECULATE on the origin of life. Life on Earth has been traced back to its complete and total change from non-life to life. The exact elements and origins on Earth where this began is known. What the hell do you mean SPECULATE. I suppose it's a speculation as to whether gravity occurs? You're truly a distrubed human being. It's comforting to know that less of you are around each year. Where you here these non-truths is really a sick horrible place. Can we really call that mass of tissue in your head a brain?
Light is a wave that is considered to quite possibly be a reaction to matter in another spacial dimension. This is the current thought which is indeed working with current POSTMODERN physics. (meaning beyond what is called modern physics, which is really quite obsoletely ancient).
Here he goes again - three trolls in less than 60 seconds - how did you get to be a mod? You've so far had nothing to say in 3 entire columns and yet managed to post too much. This is prime examples of the "avoid the truth" flight or fright reaction of mythopaths..... ...this is why us critical thinkers have to play janitor on the planet.
Yeah uhm. Don't post when drinking please. If you took the time to READ what I said instead of say "Oooh who can I mess with tonight" You'd realize I said LIFE CANNOT BE CREATED. A HUMAN BEING CAN BE CREATED. LIFE DOES NOT EQUAL A HUMAN BEING. Come on man - use some common freakin' sense. How did you get to be a mod?
Oh God. You just don't get it. It's like everyone here loves to try to pick the shit out of everything. No it's not contradictory. I don't let my feelings bother my attempts to think critically. Come on man, quit nit-picking. Next you'll attack spelling.
Fafalone - Incorrect. Life is not created, that's an irrational statement unless you are operating under a faith. A human being is created solely from a sperm and egg, which in turn combine their genetic information. However, in fact the entities of this process which would be considered part of this new life during this process NEVER include only non-living parts. For instance DNA is not living, but an organism which has it of course is living. The living being is never interjected during this process. So you are correct that the living cells are assembled from DNA - but the process from sperm and egg to this independant entity never leaves a state of in fact being alive itself. If you wish to know more about this process I could recommend a book. BananaMan - My colleagues would all (in a friendly manner) agree with you. I carry some angst indeed. And I can sound like a very unstable at times. Not in my work but in my personal life - I kind of modeled this feeling from a particular person who taught me in the past, and it fits. I'm not offended by it at all, it helps with my angst. Plus how can I get mad at a dancing BananaMan? It's such a pleasant site!
I don't mind if one of you personally goes to read the articles. I just don't like to post my name when there's things like google that will find it. I must admit I have a bit of OCD and some paranoia, sorry. I don't mind if you get it offline, I hope you understand. Let me see what I can find online, I'm very sick though and barely spend many hours awake, my apoligies. I am supposed to be "better" in 2 to 3 weeks.
Praise Jesus, Amen. Ooops, forgot I'm an Atheist. Sorry I am often an angry person, it comes from living in a world with FEELERS and not THINKERS. My apoligies!
Journals that cost a GREAT deal of money. Unless you go to a library. Check out some of the 2002 issues of the Brain Science Foundation Journal (not the B.S.F. medical journal, the non-medical journal.) I won't give you my name here, but my initials are B.P. and last name is italian, I had perhaps 7 articles in the 6 publications that year.
I have to make a freakin' comment here on this statement: "The embryos must be destroyed to harvest ESCs, which some see as ending a potential human life." Let me explain something that I know will flip peoples freakin lid. LIFE HAS NOT BEGUN IN BILLIONS OF YEARS. A sperm is a alive BEFORE it is ejaculated as it is NINE MONTHS LATER WHEN IT'S A HUMAN CHILD! Ok - LIFE DOES NOT BEGIN - it hasn't in billions of years. Killing a sperm is as much ending a life as a baby. Ever smashed an ant? It dies instantly. Smash a human child instantly. It's the same damn experience, except in human emotions. Killing embryo IS KILLING LIFE. With that said - big freakin' deal. I'd kill all sorts of things if I was getting a nice pay, university health coverage, dental plan and a 401k.
blike - nearly EVERYTHING is genetic AND environment. The important part is this: (And this is information DIRECTLY from my own published studies) 1. Genes can control ones handedness BEYOND any environmental factors 2. Environmental factors cannot overrule genes in all cases 3. Genes have the stronger influence by over 80% of cases
Exactly. You looked a random word up in the dictionary. Planck Units have 100% NOTHING to do with this column. As far as whoever mentioned being obnoxious. If you find the truth obnoxious you're in for a life of NAUSEA.
It's funny how we live in a world where idiots can attempt to use mythology to fight against some of the smartest people in the world, who have proven inescapable truths... ...and it's called a debate. Yeah. The day I become leader (if I wanted to) is the day the population drops to 10% of it's current state.
Like I says. Jakiri - Do you even know what a Planck unit is? Or was that dictionary.com's word of the day.
Come on man. What the hell. I can't believe people have so much emotional attachment to this crap. What's my take on it? It's a piece of shit someone who is delusional made up, duh! What's your take on a website that says the holocaust never happened? Think there's some truth? I mean come on people, it's 2003 GET SOME LOGIC!!!!!!!! We seriously need to have an Earthly class system - I can't have the same level of ability as these people, yeesh.
I think I already stated what it is. It's not much else - I would know.
Apparently this was my first: "String theory completely explains that these other things which are unfindable are in the other spacial dimensions we are currently unable to detect."
Max - you are incorrect. It's funny how you try to insult people while yourself looking so illinformed and helpless. SOME of math is universal. SOME is not. Humans have added to the universal math with INCORRECT math. You sir are stinking of incorrect math. Thus the stupid halves problem. Yet further proof that religious people cannot possibly comprehend anything in reality.
Blike - Asbolutely. Your handedness is almost COMPLETELY linked to genetics. There is but a small room for change unless you had one of each in parents....... The reason why? This could be many things of which we would never be able to discover: 1. A mutation that was beneficial. Remember our bodies are not symmetrical - it could have something to do with excess movement of the left arm changing the experience of the human heart in a negative manner. 2. It could be adaptive - perhaps usage of the right hand worked better against competitiors who would in turn be assymetrically in interactions. 3. Thirdly, it could be part of natrual selection in mating. Remember there sometimes isi 100% no reasoning behind why mates look for certain characteristics. One could look at the latter by studying relationship, sex, and ssuccessfull mating rates of both handednesses........ but this would prove nothing. Make sense?