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Everything posted by Intelligence

  1. Yeah, if I was to do that I would want to have a very lengthy proposal and plan based on research in books - which can be done in due time. Thanks!
  2. I agree with banana man. "Evolution" is merely a side effect result of "evolutionary agents". So the fact that guys look for certain attributes in chicks to mate with means that chicks with those attributes are more likely to pass on those genes and thus more women in the future will have those. This is an agent known as natural selection which as a side effect causes EVOLUTION. An evolutionary agent is a PROCESS. But evolution is not a process unless you mean to use it as a summation of all agents. Usually evolution is used to describe looking at the processes, such as saying the evolution of fish... ....i think that looking at the most fundamental early life would lead to an understanding of similiarites you MIGHT find... Let me list a few too help matter troll 1. bacteria have flagellum which allow the to move. before this no life could move itself. these of course can be called legs and arms 2. the ability to sense the environment. There are innate universal qualities in the universe. matter and waves. the ability to sense these and respond is essential 3. life requires energy which could be gotten in common ways by purposelly putting energy in teh form of "food" into ones body, or to have a part of the body that automatically turns a wave or matter on the life to get energy such as photosynthesis. 4. reproduction. essential to life obviously. or is it? That's all I can think of at the moment.
  3. Hey banana man - is this another troll? Or did this perosn just get the ass end of the gene pool.
  4. You are a complely and totally worthless. A neuroscientist IS A BIOLOGIST for fuck sake. Neuroscience is a branch of biology. Holy christ. Whether or not you agree with me or not does not change the truth. I suggest you attempt to disembody your idiotic need to please your emotions and instead realize when the truth is NOT WHAT YOU WANT IT TO BE. Seriously troll - get some education or go to the following site which is geared more towards you: http://www.disney.com
  5. Yes I'm familiar with alice. Used to a free and pretty poor program. Not I think they have some other alice thing which is differnet. Alice really is merely an AI attempting to converse. There is a big different her e- mine has the purposes of understanding what was said in each sentence. As a result it would be able to converse but alice is not based ont eh same fundamental and is also not nearly as "advanced" although because mine is a different fundamental it would require LESS work to make it better. Yeah i agree it's a huge task - maybe soon I'll get someone from the computer science center at my school who is a totally programmer geek and wants to work together. It's worth a try eh!
  6. I should point out a few more things. This NN does not simulate a biological neural network - it does not simulate neurons, synapse, reuptake and gradient potential gates.... ..because it doesn't need to in order to achieve it's goal. The project will largely consist of an understanding and proper dissection of a sentence into it's usage parts and labeling of each word as it's type (noun, adjective etc...) I am organzing all this myself, it's just programming which would need ot be done. ALso this isn't a paying job - it's merely a project. I plan on eventually purchasing a .com of which I have already chosen (unless it changes) I am completely unfamiliar with how the programming would go so I can't make a comment on that - I can speak further on the individual actions it would need to take so you can get an idea of what the programming would look like. Thanks all!
  7. I am a neuroscientist and have an interest in the near future of designing a neural network. The purpose of my neural network will be to understand the structure of input sentences and to communicate in return to these sentences based on either programmed database information or based on user input information. Would anyone be interested in working on this? I am unfamiliar as to languages which are "best" for this although I do know some use C++ and that would most likely be fine. Please let me know!! My goal would be to have a website which will run this for testing. It's a simple and finite goal for NN I can do all work except the physical programming but can provide alot of information, thanks!
  8. Complete? No not at all... What do you mean "until" it's accepted by peer review. The entire physics community backs string theory more than not. The majority is definetely for it and this is evident in my contacts. This is why it's being developed so fast.
  9. Superstring theory publications appear regularly by Kaku and are constantly rewriting physics.
  10. I think that string theory completely explains thatthese other thing which are unfindable are in the other spacial dimension we are currently unable to detect. I can only wonder.
  11. Apparently strucks typing muscle ARE INDEED whizzing out of control causing him to troll. HAHAH! Thanks for the welcome Jakiri.
  12. I think he's one of those kids in H.S. who kept asking questions over and over and had no idea how annoying they were. Anyhow - the answer is NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. It has 100% NOTHING TO WITH damned muscle. Do the particle in a god dam particle accelerates hav MUSCLE??? Didn't think so man.....
  13. Struck - it depends on the method of therapy. Which is to say therapists are idiots. It's like going to a fair to choose whether you want to know your future through palm readin, tarots cards or a god dammed glowing ball. Is this you who has this problem star? If so perhaps I can help. Briefly explain the incident that caused this and who it was and where this person is now.
  14. I know you were. However in reality that's the best it gets. Therapy - this person in question should talk to a therapist regualarly. A therapist is able to guide the focus of the session in a way that will attack the multiple issues involve and provide insight that will expel these angry notions. It's just the only way to do it. It's a simple answer but it's the answer nonetheless.
  15. as stated above by jakiri particle are able to LIVE LONGER when TRAVELING FASTER. NOW - You are thinking wow if I travel at C I could get some much more freaking stuff done!!! WRONG. Indeed you would live longer, but in fact it is found that one can only complete the SAME IDENTICAL amount of tasks which is in ratio to the increase of time. In other words if you were going at such a speed that you would live twice as long......your mental processes, your physical movement, your perception extra would be HALF THE SPEED. Further sealing the deal that to YOU nothing is changes. You cannot tell time is slower and you can't tell your processes are at a much lesser speed. GOT IT? GET IT? GOOD.
  16. He said it. A particle has a known lifetime relative to the observe (whcih could be considered a static third particle) When they go fast they live longer. Simple as that. I also will in my next post point on an interesting extra finding.....beware of the truth.....
  17. The following answer is HIGHLY EDUCATED, and based on CENTURIES of SCIENTIFIC STUDIES. Your answer... ...Therapy.
  18. Hi Kedas - I think I have a comment which would help. The twins age changes relative to eachother when their speed and acceleration changes relative to eachother. If they're both flying through space at 99% C they are the same age. Think about it this was: let's say you have a twin. Right now you're both hurling through space at a sick speed. But you're the same age because you're both moving through space at the same speed as the earth is.
  19. I'd like also to comment on this because you brought up the intelligence is a fluke thing. BTW, just to clarify I am a neuroscientist.... ...intelligence is a weird used for ao process that involves a massive amount of small processes. Let me give an example. Physics could indeed be used to describe the entire mating cycle of a man and a woman. One could explain through physics alone the entire process of impregnation, conception, embryonic growth, and birth. However this task would be so detailed and difficult to display. This is why we have other means through biology, of describing this task The same thing goes for intelligence. There is nothing mysterious about it. It is a very large and complex dose of physical processes. However at the current time this is "beyond our reach" and so we summarize for ease. But ultimately it can be explained and it is no mystery. We advances in brain science - we have the structure to take the stand point that intelligence is not really anything special, but is perhaps something WE happen to only notice in certain creatues for a purely subjective reason.... So my point is that if one takes an objective approach, one would have to fully understand the details of the process we call intelligence. And in this most people who get the ability to physically study this find that what we call intelligence is merely a very complex form of some much simpler fundamental processes that even "unintelligent" creatures perform every second of the day. Thanks for listening.
  20. I'd like to point on some BIG issues with your post. 1. evolution leads to 100% nothing. There is no path to evolution at all whatsoever. 2. Even if it did "lead" to something - there is absolutely nothing it will always lead to. So saying evolution leads to intelligent life is completely and totally wrong. 3. The answer to your comments on evolution being similiar on another planet is absolutely not. Life would not have to be anything like at all. 4. Every single issue of environment and experience over billions of years makes up what occured as of this very day. None of this would be similiar at all on another planet. 5. Your comment on "anything intelligent would have our form". Now I don't mean to sound rude but this is very egotistical. HUmans are by far no more adapted or able than any other creature on our planet. .... ...every single creature on this planet is the product of billions of years - we're all just as adapted and able as eachother. we have two legs because it suits our environment. Some animals have 100's of legs because it suits there environment. You are no more adapted and able than a mosquito, than E.Coli, or than a potato plant.... Sorry if I sound assertive but this issue is a big one with us biologists... Even if a planet was identical to ours as in your comment - this means little to nothing. Evolution does occur strictly, or even mostly, because of physical non-living environment. It is a result of interactions with other life. To answer your question - No, intelligent life (whatever you mean by that) would have as much a chance of looking like a praying mantis as it would looking like us.
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