Everyone gets 'empathy.' Of course many people have told you that. It just seems like yours was amplified according to your environment (Probably). Why? That's the question I am trying to figure out.
You not having a mother for the majority of your life is one problem.
What else has gone wrong?
For what I've seen in my life (Alot of grossly cruel things) I have to cry when I see someone in pain, I cry watching many movies. Maybe it's the same for you.
Also Mike, my life is based around the internet. I feel this is the only place with no racial discrimination, or discrimination based on other attributes. (Well, not there is quite a bit, but nothing in comparison to real life)
Unless I'm at school or work I'm here, browsing forums or talking to my buddies. (I do go out once and a while.)
It's normal, it's a lifestyle.