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Everything posted by eruheru

  1. i found two other similar sites http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-2238147753029342223&q=christmas+lights http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=8642937975406152279&q=christmas+lights
  2. he actually stole it from his school you could post an ad like that in your local newspaper
  3. i see
  4. do you not have a google account? if you PM me ill send you and invite
  5. i "inherited" the computer from my brother and since it was really slow i put ubuntu on and replaced windows entirly so i dont have any important data on it. would it be better to contact dell or western digital?
  6. google anylatics is really good for stats
  7. would dell or western digital have some sort of warranty?
  8. the computer boots now after it was off for a few hours. but it still makes noises. im possitive its the harddrive. any idea why this happens?
  9. my computer started making unusual scratching and clicking sound and a sound like something was restarting in the cpu. i pinpointed it to the harddrive. now my harddrive isnt detected and wont boot. HELP
  10. if its an ani gif on a web site you can view the desktop as a web site and add the picture URL to the list, then resize accordingly.
  11. eruheru

    nerdy motto

  12. thanks for the help everyone. i just installed ubuntu 1.5 and it worked!
  13. eruheru

    nerdy motto

    my dads school is sending some kids to science olypiads and asked me for suggestions of a motto for the back of their shirts. naturaly i came to sfn for guidance :}
  14. this link might have been posted already but here goes http://people.howstuffworks.com/dirty-bomb.htm
  15. it doesnt matter who he killed. ultimately lives were ended without truely just cause. who are you to decide whose life is expendable over another?
  16. is there a way to measure the memory size of the brain?
  17. perhaps it is related to the rate of consumption?
  18. how do i find a video card's bus identifier?
  19. perhaps it wouldnt be because the internet cant adapt on its own. although im starting to believe it is
  20. i used sudo xorgconfig and now its displaying "i cannot start the X server (your graphical interface) It is likely that it is not set up corectly."
  21. there probably could be life that we dont know about.
  22. could scientists create a sonar like devise and scan the ground near stonehenge?
  23. this might have already been quoted but "Many that live deserve death, and some that die deservive life. do not be too quick to deal out death in judjment, for even the very wise cannot see all ends"
  24. im currently attempting to install hoary hedghog. im having dificulties, but im gaining a lot of experience which is worth it for me.
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