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Everything posted by GeminiinimeG

  1. Ok i did not understand what you just replied with, can you please go into greater detail to explain this to me, it seemed not to answer my question
  2. ok wouldnt you see the same thing no matter what. I mean if light travels in a straight line it means that you still going to see the same picture, perhaps your going to see a wider image because the straight lines are spread out wider or mayve your going to see regular image that is wider and has dark spots because light would be spred out like this.... Regular speed |||||||| Speed close to that of light | | | | | | | | Speed close to that of light spots between light rays would be dark becuse theres no light there for your eyes to capture. Interesting theory aint it, I am not familiar with this field so this is just a Theory
  3. Ok I read on the internet somewere that gravity has the same speed as light does. If this is true how come a black hole can suck light right up? I know this people have done lots of research in order for people to believe what they state, but I believe this is impossible and gravity must have a speed wich is greater than the speed of light in order to suck it up in the matter wich is seen through telescopes. Can someone who knows much about this subject explain how this is possible please. I am barely coming out of highschool and havent studied much but science is an easy subject for me and stuff just makes sense so please tell me how this man is right. Heres a link to the document http://www.newscientist.com/article.ns?id=dn3232
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