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Everything posted by IMI

  1. I find it odd that somehow, in America, media portrayals of violence have become more acceptable than those of sex. Death and dismemberment is a regular occurence on television. Movies containing violence are often rated merely PG-13. Nudity, on the other hand, is never shown on television. Movies that merely show a woman's breasts are automatically rated R. If it is brief enough it might make PG-13 but usually not. And we wonder why we have become such a violent society. Personally, I'll take breasts over guns any day
  2. I see. It does sound fascinating. Be careful, could lead to AI From what I know of databases I don't think it would be terribly complicated, just time consuming.
  3. My bad, I thought I had quoted someone else who had related this thread to politics. I was furthering that facet. No way for y'all to know that if I forget to pull in a quote though! Sorry
  4. I gots me a 2001 S281SC super-charged Saleen Mustang. She's purty and she goes real fast!
  5. Web sites like Merriam-Webster online dictionary, and Ask Jeeves, already have some type of text recognition where you can input a phrase and it will search based on the words inputted and how the words are combined in relation to each other. So, the first part of your quest is already done. You would just have to modify it to give you the types of results you are looking for.
  6. Would the input be verbal or via keyboard? They already have programs that translate verbal dictation into typed text. These programs, though not perfectly yet, can also discern between such words as "hear" and "here" by looking at surrounding words for context. You might be able to integrate such a program into your interface thus saving you at least that much work.
  7. Sorry I am posting to this so late but I wasn't around when it was active and I find it fascinating. Funny how the same people who are banning GTA (or want to) are the same people who are sending REAL people (military) to REAL places (Iraq) to kill REAL people (Iraqis) based on FAKE intelligence
  8. If there was a species of life out there that was noticably more advanced than are we then they probably would have contacted us by now. Or...are they smarter than to do that Maybe they have been here and realize that if they interacted with us they would be dumber for it. If life does exist elsewhere, and I believe it must, who is to say that conditions that led to it must be similar to our own? Say, for instance, they are not carbon-based. A whole different set of circumstances could have led to their existence. At any rate, if we find it it's more likely to be less advanced than us. If it finds us it is likely to be more advanced than us. Hopefully we won't stumble upon any less advanced lifeforms. If we did we would probably just enslave them. We humans seem to do that to that which we deem to be inferior.
  9. Violence is usually employed when diplomacy fails, and rightly so. The offender determines the level of correction based on the level of non-compliance they decide to escalate the situation to. At a point, threat and deliverance of violence becomes the only stimuli that the offender will respond to. Of course, there are those that resort to violence too quickly. There are also those that don't do it soon enough, if ever (UN). Violence has it's place; Last resort.
  10. Me thinks, Mr. Kettle, that this man's criminality is more the issue than his addiction. Whatever his need be, whether it is drugs or food, he resorts to violence to obtain it. Many more addicts obtain their drugs without harming anybody except maybe themselves. The programs that are now in place to help addicts are sufficient. Getting the addict to adhere to the "rules" is the hard part. Aside of putting the addict in jail, where he may still be able to have access to drugs sadly, there isn't much more that can be done. The tools are there for the addict. He only need use them. BTW, sorry to hear about this traumatic event. You've every right to be angry. It is unfortunate that people can actually be so consumed by addiction that they lose interest in everything from personal hygiene to eating to sex. Once they begin putting others at risk, either directly by violence or by leaving dirty needles about, they should be removed from society. I don't favor laws that protect us from ourselves, persay, but when someone proves to be a detriment to society we should not hesitate to remove them.
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