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  1. You could say that jews had economic power in europe, even in medieval times. Jewish people lived seperatly from the gentile population so social and political power would not matter. If jewish people wanted to they could have discovered the scientific discoveries made by the white gentile people of europe long before those gentiles had made them. But jews did not care and had no understanding of what science is, they had to wait for the white gentile people to define it even though they had alot of time to think about it over the years. How much do you think it takes to make scientific discoveries? All you need is a chemistry set, alot of jews were alchemist in medieval times but those jews made no fundamental discoveries in chemistry. Alot of jews throughout their history in europe were doctors but there were no medical revolutions eminating from these jewish doctors. The reason why I say this is because if you listen to jews talk about the history of science they usually imply with everything they say that jews are the reason why science exists and that is completely incorrect. If it wasn't for the white gentile people who defined what science is there would have been no scientific revolution in europe even with the jews there.
  2. The article says that ashkenazi jews had a evolution bottleneck in medieval europe with respect to their having to work jobs that envolved money. But most jews in the mediterranean world and middle east worked jobs that envolved trading, very few jews worked manual labor jobs. Sephardic jews in spain held alot of the high status jobs in that country before the inquisition, so why did it not happen with the other groups of jews?
  3. Most all the scientist in today's world are jewish or have jewish ancestors. I was just wanting to know if jewish domination of the sciences goes further back in time.
  4. Do most of the European scientist that people think are germanic or celtic actually have jewish ancestors? Are there any books that give information about jewish people in northern europe at the time when romans came into northern europe? Would anyone know of if roman males who invaded northern europe also bred alot of germanic and celtic women?
  5. Why would alot of the mathematicians scientists and artist mostly come from the regions where germanic people had settled and remained pretty much in control? The celtic people had lived in pretty much all of Europe for a long period of time and they did not advance technology that much compared with what the germanic people had done once they had control of most of europe. In the book called "human accomplishment" the birth places of scientist are shown and most of them are born in places where germanic people are heavily settled. Also at a website titled mactutor it gives the birth places of mathematicians and most of them are were born in places where germanic people were heavily settled.
  6. Would most of the scientists artist and mathematicians that where born in northern Italy be of germanic or celtic stock? Like might Galileo be of germanic ethnicity? It is said that germanic people had invaded northern Italy in ancient times and that celtic people had been settled there for a period before rome came into existence.
  7. Does anyone have any idea of what ethnicity Isaac Newton was?
  8. I was wondering if anyone knows of any books that give information on how to culture bacteria for observing under the microscope? Is a cetrifuge essential equipment for a hobby microscopist?
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