Zero Wing
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Everything posted by Zero Wing
That was the first place I looked, and all it says is "look, i come in three sizes!". But I found a result that starts from the 'beginning', so it's answered now.
I just want to interrupt for a half-way random note; those guys are all ivy league, and tough to get in to, so if your act isn't at it's best right now, at least keep other schools that are sorta "up there" with them in mind. I know U of M has nice med/tech programs, esspecially in enginineering. Ok, as you where; just saying.
I did, smart-ass. If you don't want to answer a question, then don't answer it.
Ok, as far as I know from what i've heard, it's theory and can't exist on earth, but... How would something like this work and be implimented? In a sci-fi manga i havn't read yet, it's used for armor, but that's all I know..
Superficially, we may be the same. However, the differences in intent, morals, and mind-set make too obvious; it's not like anybody on the planet has a longer record than the middle east when it comes to unnecessary riots and war over some of the most stupid things - so what Israelis live there now; they're not leaving, so get the f*ck over it. Muslims are the only ones you ever hear about when it comes to rioting over something like a damn cartoon. It's called 'turning the other cheek', something every other religion has learned to do. Over here, we make fun of jesus all the time, and even the born-again people and evangelists just ignore it, or at least quietly condemn it. Muslims for some reason just have to find an excuse to start something, and is extremely childish in my view. If they all went and nuked eachother into oblivion, chances are i'd be the last to care - we'd probably be better off without Islam.
Cancer? So reproducing the cell at a decent rate so the new type can completely take over is too difficult right now? I always thought it was because the virus was for some reason unreliable in that the imune system would eventually catch on. Or do I have it completely wrong...?
This is why I hate religions, Islam being the most infantile. The only thing they've done is run around the desert destroying each other and anybody else that doesn't agree with them (jewish population) for the past 3,000 years. This is rediculous - esspecially when concerning something so simple. God doesn't exist, and whatever the religion's aims are, (i'm not sure even they know anymore) they can't be achieving them. All the muslim world (at least in the middle east) seems to be doing is pissing people off, and jumping at every little excuse to go be-head somebody. Excuse me for this last blunt comment, but they're seeming more and more like just a giant waste of space.
I was wondering about the different methods being tried right now in order to modify an animal's (humans, more specifically) genome (as an adult). Is the whole virus thing really working, or no? Is it going to have to be an over-hauled embryo who's stemcells you'll have to pump somebody full of to completely modify them? Nano bots??? Not at school at this moment, and the internet's way to big to narrow it. Could somebody help me with this?
Does noone know the answers to these questions?
Ok, here's my actual question; how can the body convert already specialized cells back into stem cells? And do these cells being converted really come from other parts of the body? Don't they need them?
...well, there's no reason for somebody to go through the trouble of writing it, if there's no idea (sci-fi, or not) behind it. Can you explain what the person is thinking here, or where it's coming from?
I was reading this little paper i ran across, and wasn't sure if i was getting the jist of this right. The corresponding figure is here. Is this guy saying that muons can be created by rapid accelleration of electrons to sub-light speed? And if it's not to much trouble, could somebody give me an idea as to what you'd use to achieve that?
That makes sense. Thanks for the view.
Well, yeah, sorta. But i was thinking that an emp blast to your system would shock them all to deat. However, that brings up another question i never really asked myself too much, or at least not enough. Where does the energy [for the nanobot] required to do work come from? Generated in the same way our natural cells do? And if so, wouldn't that require an extra load of nutrients the person would have to consume?
Engineers design things because they're needed, not to waste time and money on some idea with not even a forseeable practical use. Problem with this concoction eliminate?
I had a nano-conversation about this with a physics teacher in my school, and he said one of the reigning theories concerning conciousness was that everything percieved at any given point in time was the product of wave function fluxuations, which is supposedly how the brain retains (and perhaps archives) memory.
Not to be blunt, but what the hell would you want to make that for?
Yes, but the microchip isn't everything; it can only handle specific diseases/disorders. For some, bionic eyes are the only answer, and aren't impossible. We're learning more about the nervous system all the time, and are currently capable of re-attatching limbs. There is a working prototype of a bionic eye as we speak, but still only produces very low-res images due to the fact that it's hooked up to a distributive processing unit, rather than a genuine brain that can constantly (and quite literally) re-wire itself to the changing of every intake of light. Bionic eyes are much closer than most think. Now on to my actual question i came in this thread to ask.. Any word or reads on how nanobots will self-replicate? We here it uttered as a potential problem all the time, with that sci-fi novel from '86 and it's 'grey goo' always popping up, but how would the process of self-replication actually work?
Facility for this reactor i've been looking up...
Zero Wing replied to Zero Wing's topic in Engineering
I know that Northrop-Gumman is going to put this reactor in their Global Hawk UAV, but they're going to have to build this thing somewhere... -
Anybody have any sort of article that sheds light on what type of facility (pictures, even), where, and what-not the quantum nucleonic reactor will be built? What they're using to produce the isomer required for it? Basically manufacturing info on it in general - it's for my Intro. to Engineering class, but so far, i've only come across the usual *gasp!* nukes for jets! -articles.
The chip works by stimulating the retinal cells with microscopic jolts of electricity, allowing the pretty much useless cells to perform their job null of inhibition. The science works, and has been working in dozens of clinical trials for a good (roughly) couple of years now. So far, the chip has been a stunning success, with no failure what-so-ever in any patient. I read this out of an article in another magazine (not Discover), but forgot it's name. But then saw it again on 60 minutes - and like always, had interview testimony from those testing the device.
Superluminal communication through entanglement
Zero Wing replied to bascule's topic in Quantum Theory
Just found this on another site.. So no go? But can't you just backwards-interperate the oppisite state in order to make a successful communication? -
Superluminal communication through entanglement
Zero Wing replied to bascule's topic in Quantum Theory
Superluminal communication through entanglement
Zero Wing replied to bascule's topic in Quantum Theory
Yes' date=' and knowing that, what is the exact question you're getting at? [b']What is it about entanglement that you want to know?[/b] Whether or not you can use the up/down spins to replace our current have/have-not communications in order to achieve long-range communication? If so, i believe that's very possible, but if not, please detail the question concisely. Not trying to be pushy, just want us all to be on the same page.