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  1. Thanks for the link. Will check it out as soon as I have some time off my studies.. These pages has some interesting vid lectures as well: http://www.vega.org.uk/video/sort/az/ http://www.wlap.org/ http://www-project.slac.stanford.edu/streaming-media/
  2. You have to define 'Information' before you can measure its value. Is information something that exists only in our minds? Are 0's and 1's actual information before we process it? Are there any information stored (hidden variables) in particles before we measure it? Quantum Mechanics suggests that there aren't - and that particles only attain 'real' properties when measured or otherwise observed. If you are referring to entropy the question is of quite a different matter. And I would believe that the number might be measurable unless we assume that the universe is infinite, which of course would imply that entropy also be infinite. But in a closed system, such as you reefer to, I think that entropy might be measurable.
  3. "The Ghost in the Atom" - An very interesting edited radio interview with some of the greatest pioneers in quantum mechanics. "The Inflationary Universe" by Alan H. Guth - A great book by the co-founder of the inflationary "big bang" theory. "The Elegant Universe" - Also by Brian Greene, and a more detailed description of the basic principles of string theory. "Journey into Gravity and Spacetime" by John Archibald Wheeler - A semi-technical approach to special relativity by the master of GR for the layman of general science. - These are all popular science books, if you want to go technical I have a lot more to recommend. Also I believe you can get a great deal of info from browsing Amazon.com reading comments. If you if you want to go into detail on relativity (which you should) this site has a great walkthrough of some of the greatest books on the topic: http://math.ucr.edu/home/baez/physics/Administrivia/rel_booklist.html Happy studying ;P
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