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About starbug1

  • Birthday September 1


  • Molecule

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Molecule (6/13)



  1. As far as I know, it's one of the only standarized and consistent methods, but yes, I don't like it much either. This is why there are smart idiots. I believe it was William Percy who said, "You can get all "A's" in school, but still fail at life." This is that common sense or "street smart" way of learning rather than just memorization, which almost every person can do. Comprehension and problem solving should be the true tests of intelligence, which doesn't seem to be the case. I'll need to see a link for this one. I think this is so not because females are programmed that way, but because it's just something they do for consistency. I do believe this would be an imperfect example because it's not an accurate average. I know men who have the same knack for birthday's and dates as women do, and even some with a better ability. Memorizing dates from history works the same way, and you can't necessarily that women are better at that; I, for one, think it's a false stereotype that women remember birthdays and special occasions and whatnot. Women as teachers was more of a motherly thing, nothing to do with memory capacitance. And I always thought it was the wise elders who wrote the histories, most of which were probably men. Women taught because the men were busy providing for the family or tribe, in the simplest terms. Not sure where you're getting your information... you lost me, could you reiterate?
  2. haven't you heard, ignorance is bliss.
  3. On a tangent, those sources for thermal pollution are emitting gaseous pollution into the air, which has a negative effect on the atmosphere, which is, in part, cause for global warming. It's all relative.
  4. I don't think you heard me right. We were talking about truths, the BIG lie vs. truth.
  5. League of Extraordinary Gentlemen disappointed me. It's worse than what they do to the marvel and DC comics they try to make into movies. I'm probably the only person I know who would rather read the Moore book than go see the movie.
  6. I think this is one we can all relate to. Also, I'm pretty sure this fits into an interference or grouping explanation of why we forget. In the case of the carpender, not much memory is used to remember a specific nail. Besides, this doesn't belong in an example of relative mundane everyday experiences, facts, or memorization. You'd be hard pressed to find any carpender who remember that he just hit his 476th nail in right before lunch, or when Jerome fell off the roof. But I see your point. *This example may fit under the displacement theory--as you move on to a new nail, the memory of hitting (usually the seventh) nail is displaced--the best example for this is the memorization of 7-digit phone numbers, and I think the carpender example works in the same way.* Does this work for you at all?
  7. With global warming, I hope that people can start to see an effect by now.
  8. I think hybrid cars are great. I would buy one if they made them look a little cooler, and not so ugly like they are now.
  9. Regardless, the problem is growing, and it's more of a problem than it was 20 years ago. That's what the article was trying to show.
  10. Initially, four billion seems the most ideal, for reasons laid out by JustStuit and YT. However, a higher population upwards of 8 billion would give societies a chance to evolve faster and outward toward new locations, such as the colonization of cities build on the oceans (like in waterworld). Technology would be propelled faster with more people working at it, and Space exploration as well as any other advancement in science or medicine. Overcrowding is a problem, but when technology is utilized to better the environment, such as better waste systems and fixing the ozone layer, including finding a more economical and cleaner-burning fuel much faster, and when all of the earth is utilized for a livable habitat, a higher population shouldn't be a problem, IMO. And it seems to be going in that direction.
  11. Right now, currently, I feel more frustration than enjoyment; truth has not been a substituion for another happiness, and probably I'm not the only one either that feels this way. Hopefully, time will change that...hopefully when I'm out of high school.
  12. I daresay this will have both an adverse affect on nocturnal species population and be cause for a new evolutionary adaptation as well, if nothing is done to remedy the problem. Far as I know, urbanization is continuing to grow even into remote areas of the wilderness, but that comes given with the growing population, so the light polution problem seemed bound to happen from the start. Where I live, we have light polution glow from cities up to fifty miles away, and even in the less populated places, street lights and house lights, even if there are only a few, make it almost impossible to see all but the brightest stars.
  13. Ha ha
  14. I found the 5 theories on why we forget. However, I was wondering if there were any more, either not scientifically accepted or pending. Are there any of you that have your own theories on why we forget? The five I found are: The Atrophy Theory The Interference Theory The Displacement Theory The Neural Consolidation Theory The Cue Dependent Theory http://www.scism.sbu.ac.uk/inmandw/tutorials/memory/qu4.htm
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