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Everything posted by tomgwyther

  1. Wouldn't a little diesel generator be the simplest solution? Or if it's a travelling hot dog stall; i presume you have a car. You can get an inverter which plugs into the car's cigarette lighter. They cost about £50 ($75) and would easily run your hot dog steamer, plus a few other appliances.
  2. Sounds like Hypnagogia. it's a state which i can also induce a little bit, especially at the weekend when my sleep wake cycle is a little chaotic due to my work (Musician.) For example, whilst lying in bed, one stares at a fixed point and after a while peripheral visual information is lost as is auditory sensation (until I can just hear my own tinnitus - Ringing in the ears) This is not especially abnormal or extraordinary. Playing music in your head from memory is also quite normal; I rely on this abilty for my work in fact. that said, being able to actually, physically hear music or sounds in your head maybe of concern as this is not normal. Things that might help: If your drink caffeine; reduce or even eliminate you caffeine intake. The same goes for alcohol (or any other drug for that matter.) Better still is to regiment your sleep pattern. e.g. Make yourself go to bed at 11:00pm and make yourself get up at 7:00am. This will be difficult at first, but after a week or so it will become natural... you'll feel much better for it. here's a very useful link which describes the condition in far more detail. My link
  3. When it's said that the black hole radiates heat, what exactly is meant by this? More specifically, is the heat/thermal energy being radiated from within the event horizon or from outside the event horizon? If the radiation is coming from matter before it crosses the event horizon the it's just a simple case of a fast moving dense swirling disc of stuff getting hot, noting particularly paradoxical about that. If the radiation is coming from within the event horizon; how is it doing it since the horizon is defined as the boundary across which nothing can escape, not even thermal radiation.
  4. I've heard of him and looked into some of his ideas. he is certainly an idealist; genius though, I think not. i watched the Zeitgeist addendum movie with some enthusiasm. a lot of the information contained in the beginning of it, I was already aware of. i as a bit disappointed to find out that the man billed as being a city planner/social engineer with many years experience, turned out to be some old guy in Florida who liked to draw pictures of futuristic looking towns. That said, I still very much agree with the Zeitgeist movement. A transition from a debt based to a resource based economy would be beneficial to humankind. sadly, those who try to implement such a transition often find them selfs demonised or dead. Hopefully more and more ordinary people will come to realise where the system is broken and work co-operatively to fix it. Phase one is to expose those persons or organisations responsible for implementing and maintaining such a system.
  5. Nice music, very well though out and composed. if your looking for better sounding MIDI instruments, you can use 'Soundfonts' in cakewalk. Also you can get many great DXI plug-ins for it. i can also recommend 'Propellerhead reason' for sequencing and more realistic MIDI instruments. Have you tried using 'Sonar' for final mixing and mastering? I swear by it. It's derived from cakewalk so you'll find it easy to use. here's something I put together. The orchestral parts were sequenced in 'Reason' then track-layed to a 24 track digital audio. the mastering was done via Cakewalk Sonar. have a listen p.s. I'm the guy on the piano in the video.
  6. Great video of the vocal chords in action. The video is real.. .That's what they look like. looks like it was filmed using an endoscope. One problem with the video worth mentioning is that: The vocal chords look as if they're oscillating slowly when the person sings, they're actually oscillating thousands of times per second but the 25 frames per second on the camera give the illusion they're moving more slowly.
  7. How does sound travel through different mediums?
  8. A Faraday cage is most certainly the right approach. you might also look into the cable(s) connecting the speaker to the computer. Such a cable is more likely to act as an aerial, picking up unwanted signal. Consider replacing your speaker cable with EM shielded speaker cable.
  9. Not that it was government funded but: IIRC. A chap named john Scott Russel noticed how a wave from the bow of an abruptly stopped boat would continued forward along a canal for several miles. He experimented with so called 'solitary waves' and found that such waves - of different amplitude and/or frequency - could pass each other without interference. Which, I believe is the way modern fibre-optic technology functions today, his theory was used within the development of said fibre-optic technology. I found this transcript of his original findings... `I was observing the motion of a boat which was rapidly drawn along a narrow channel by a pair of horses, when the boat suddenly stopped - not so the mass of water in the channel which it had put in motion; it accumulated round the prow of the vessel in a state of violent agitation, then suddenly leaving it behind, rolled forward with great velocity, assuming the form of a large solitary elevation, a rounded, smooth and well-defined heap of water, which continued its course along the channel apparently without change of form or diminution of speed. I followed it on horseback, and overtook it still rolling on at a rate of some eight or nine miles an hour, preserving its original figure some thirty feet long and a foot to a foot and a half in height. Its height gradually diminished, and after a chase of one or two miles I lost it in the windings of the channel. Such, in the month of August 1834, was my first chance interview with that singular and beautiful phenomenon which I have called the Wave of Translation''. i have no doubt that there are countless other inane discoveries - government funded or otherwise - which lend them selfs, if not partially; but absolutely - to the modern conveniences we enjoy today. 'Velcro' for example
  10. It reminds me of the USSR's Ekranoplan, albeit with an electric propulsion as opposed to internal combustion engine. Here's a short (8min) documentary on the Ekranoplan.
  11. Got it fixed in the end through fiddling within BIOS, luck and blind chance. I'll check out Ubuntu forums if there's another problem though. Thanks
  12. Hello all I recently downloaded and tried to install a newer version of Ubuntu. It appears to have installed but now the computer wont boot. Looking in the bios, it says "Primary IDE not detected" i can boot from the Ubuntu CD and access files etc on the hard drive, so that rules out a physical connection problem. All I can put it down to is the upgrade from Ubuntu 8 to Ubuntu 11. previous set-up was: Hard drive partitioned into two - 25% Windows XP, and 75% ubuntu 8. On boot up, it would ask me which operating system I wanted to use. I'd select which one and all was fine. On installing the new ubuntu 11, It asked me if i wanted to simply upgrade from 8.0 to 11.04; leaving the windows partition where it was. I went ahead with this. Now, on re-start, it wont boot at all. both partitions seem to be in order; it just wont boot up from hard disk - however I re-arrange the boot sequence/fiddle with bios settings. Short of formatting the entire hard disc and starting from scratch, how can i get it to boot up. please help Thanks
  13. Hola Jose, Y bienvenido a SFN. I think I understand your idea. I had a similar idea years ago, based on one of these... The person would put their hand on top of the device. Objects infront of the person would be scanned by radar and pictured as raised bumps on the surface of the device.
  14. I'd go for Bhutan For many reasons; cheif among which would be that It's a constitutional monarchy, and the only country to have a measure of GNH (Gross national happiness) Another choice might be Costa Rica. Again many reasons for such a choice. primarily the good weather, it also ranks near the top of the Human development index, and, it constitutionally abolished it's army. Failing these two choices, the area where I currently live (New Forest national park. U.K) is pretty near perfect. It's just a shame that the institution which calls itself my government is such a nefarious farce.
  15. IIRC, In physics there is no such thing as a Sucking force. That is, the lower pressure on one side of the car isn't really what makes it move in high winds. It's more a pushing force of the air on the other side. Or to put it another way; nature abhors a vacuum. it will want to move the high pressure air, to where the low pressure air is. If there's a car in the way, it will move that too. p.s. Have a look at this link to see what the pushing force of air can do to a car. Enjoy!
  16. In my local area, it's quite common for alcohol to be sold in plastic bottles. Depending on which pub you visit: A fight could break out in which a glass bottle could be used as a very effective weapon; or an argument could break out as to weather the drinking vessel is an amorphous solid or supercooled liquid.
  17. It would be a good way to sneak email/text messages past an automated, computerized government watchy thingy. e.g. "ltes asasntesite the prsedinnet and tkae oevr the cuotnry wlihst bolnwnig up stfuf up in the prcosess."
  18. Sir, You have most certainly come to the right place. One thing we specialise in is taking down out-right liars such as you have described. If it were me, I'd issue this psychic with a formal 'cease and desist' letter; asking him/her to stop making libellous comments about you to your family; with the threat of court action if he/she does not comply. If you do decide to try and trap the psychic into making obvious false assertions, be sure to record the conversation - with a mobile phone set to record; tucked into your inside pocket. It looks like quite n easy libel case from where I'm sat. p.s. as for the psychic ability thing: ask them if they can offer information about me (say I'm an old friend or something) If you Google my name (Tom Gwyther) there's all sorts of info about me living in England; being a jazz pianist etc. See how accurate this charlatan really is.
  19. i suppose it would get infinately close to the wall but would never actually touch it. i.e it would go: 500m then recalculate and go 250m, then go 125m then 62.5m 31.25m 15.625m 7.8125m 3.90625m Etc.
  20. I'm inclined to agree with you. Occasionally you'll hear of a violent murder or murders which it later turns out were perpetrated by someone whom had a history of violent behaviour and mental problems; the first reaction of the masses after such an event is usually "Why wasn't he locked up/ medicated etc. Locking him up is the lesser of two evils.
  21. This would go some way to invalidate the hypothesis that WTC7 collapsed in the way it did due to fire and gravity. Even including awareness of the building's unique construction - That being the void space at the bottom of the building; a void space where no fires were burning. Buildings just don't fall down like that. Glad you saw the Tim Minchen reference. I really should have cited him. I included it because I see the Gravitational collapse due to fire hypothesis as being as questionable as homoeopathy, astrology afterlife and such. BTW. The leg, the piano and the wife are still up-for-grabs!
  22. leaving aside, the other buildings (WTC 1, WTC 2, Pentagon) and leaving aside who and for what reasons and with what consequences. Certainly leaving aside conspiracy theories of varying scope and magnitude. I feel compelled to ask a question about Building 7... If anyone can show me one example in the history of the world, of a steel framed building suffering a gravitational collapse under it's own weight due to a fire, moreover a localised fire which would cause all points of the building to fall simultaneously, so it falls into it's own foot-print, and could demonstrate with historical, logical, experimental physical evidence to support such a hypothesis... I'll give you my piano... one of my legs... and my wife. p.s there are also over a thousand professional architects and structural engineers who would like to know.
  23. The same is true of archaeological finds. I found a pristine stone age axe head when I was about 15. Whenever I walk around the country side, especially a ploughed field; it's not uncommon for me to find an arrow-head, skinning knife or other similar knapped/worked stone.
  24. "Four hours of TV a day raises heart risk" The above sentence does not make sense. Probably because it comes from The Daily Mail. Was there anything specific you wanted to discuss?
  25. My bad. I neglected to mention some definitions Brass: A continuous piece of pipe lengthened or shortened by adding other bit of pipe Wind: a piece of pipe with holes in it Silver: The metal such a pipe (Or mouthpiece) is made from. I was also under the impression that the second hand smoke residue you were after might include phlegm, bacteria etc. In which case there's an abundant supply of second hand smoke residue from many different smokers.
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