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Everything posted by YT2095

  1. klaatu berada nicto.
  2. you don`t need Zinc, you can use Aluminium instead, that will work with HCl or NaOH (both easily available).
  3. seek Guidance from Yoda, you should sorry, I couldn`t resist, but who the hell talks like that in the Real world anyway? Martins Poetry observation seems perfectly justified me thinketh.
  4. YT2095

    I'm Back!

    Great to see you back again!
  5. You`d be crazy not to while you have this opportunity.
  6. what is the resistance of the electromagnets windings?
  7. fresh water fish can tolerate a small amount of salt, so it really all depends on the quantity and fish breed.
  8. yeah, I have some 10F caps here at 2.5v that are about 1/3 the size of an AA batt.
  9. YT2095


    I think you`re ALL mad! and I`m qualified to say this because I`m not insane (my mom had me tested when I was a kid and they said I was Special, no mention of "Insane" ever!).
  10. yeah, I can see what you mean, and I never considered the idea that the event horizon may not be perfectly "Smooth" and could very easily distort any image beyond recognition if there were fluctuations in it. Oh well, Thanks anyway lads, it was worth asking
  11. I`v had an idea and wondered if it`s Scientifically sound (or not), it`s a little complicated but I`ll try to explain it as well as I can. 1`st my Premise / assumptions: 1) if you throw a clock into a black hole you`ll see it fall and the seconds hand will appear to be going slower and slower and then eventually stop. 2) this clock will also be red shifted. 3) if we look at the EM spectrum you`ll see that below visible light is IR, then microwave then radio, we have instruments that can detect signals at any of these frequencies also. now assuming the above is correct, I postulate that it Should be possible to use instruments to "Tune in" to the past and possibly even detect/ "watch" the formation of the black hole that`s creating this effect. since the images of the events that occurred at the creation of the black hole are Kept there by it`s own gravity, would it be possible to "see" some of them by tuning in to a very low frequency to pick up these Very red shifted photons that eventually manage to escape?
  12. "Plant uptake of arsenic in vegetables grown in garden soils contaminated with arsenic from mining activity in south-west England has also been reported (Thornton, 1994). In this study, 32 home garden sites were examined. The soil arsenic at these sites ranged from 144-892 mg/kg and averaged 322. In normal agricultural soils in England the range is 2-53 mg/kg As with an average of 10 mg/kg As. The arsenic content was determined in six garden crops: lettuce, onion, beetroot, carrot, pea and bean. The arsenic uptake (mg/kg dry weight) was species dependant with the highest amount in lettuce (average 0.85, range 0.15-3.9, n=28) and lowest in beans (average 0.04, range 0.02-0.09, n=7). The effects of soil constituents such as iron, phosphorus, and calcium on arsenic uptake were examined. In lettuce, the uptake increased with increasing phosphorus in the soil and decreased with increasing iron content, presumably due to competitive sorption reactions between phosphorus and arsenic in the soil and with precipitation reactions with the iron to form insoluble iron arsenates. The UK statutory limit of 1 mg/kg As (fresh weight) was not exceeded in any of the vegetable samples." taken from: http://www.noccawood.ca/stilwell1.htm So... it would seem that Iron is your Friend, which is good because a bag of iron sulphate is readily available at almost all gardening stores and is really inexpensive (it`s usually sold as Moss killer).
  13. very dilute silver nitrate is all you need, don`t use tap water to dilute it with though as it will go cloudy and you`ll lose some of the silver, use deionised water instead. Using the Wax method as outlined by john is a good way to go about this, but you`ll need to make sure there is a constant flow of the soln over the exposed area as it quickly becomes used and uneven, so a method of agitation or movement of the ring or liquid will be needed (regular dipping on a wire will do).
  14. just a throw-away thought, but in ref to the OPs general stance on Science, wouldn`t science be pretty lame if it DIDN`T update and Expand upon/Improve itself as technology/instrumentation and indeed Ideas! became available? you word it as if it`s a Bad thing!???
  15. the problem here is that different plants take up different elements in different amounts and so it`s impossible to determine. also it`s very unlikely unless the site is freshly contaminated that there will be any elemental arsenic present, it`s likely to be locked-up as arsenides and arsenates (these are the most stable), it`s worth a mention that arsenic although Toxic esp as gaseous (hydrogen arsenide/ arsine) is not a Cumulative poison like some heavy metals for example, and is cleared from the system with relative ease in small doses. in a nutshell, without more specific data and a site survey it`ll be impossible for anyone to give you an exact reply.
  16. LOL, I rem taking one just after leaving sk00l and it said I should be a Pilot or a Nurse, which is kinda strange considering I can`t stand hospitals or heights
  17. maybe it`s just me, but I`m still struck by Why he should have to include 2 pages of "how to behave myself"?
  18. hang on a sec, if You were the Victim, how come they`re punishing YOU by making you have to write this? surely any such task should go to the perps? unless "• 8th-9th page: how to behave my self at all times" is a clue to some untruth here?
  19. shouldn`t "fallacy" be spelled with a "ph" ?
  20. YT2095


    I just found this: http://en.battlestarwiki.org/wiki/Cylons_(TOS) there`s probably some other cool stuff to read on there too. lets just hope there`s no Writers strike or that it gets bastardised like some of the other notable sci-fi series` have done in the past or just Vanish from the screen overnight!
  21. YT2095


    I`m absolutely gunna watch it! the only "Confusing" part for me about the whole thing is that in the Original BSG the Cylons were supposed to come from a Lizard-like race that died out.
  22. your logic is flawed. if 2 people make the same claim, how can you believe one and not the other?
  23. I think it`s worth pointing out that if such examples as this: are to be used, then the answer has to be "Perhaps", because if a machine was exactly modeled as a human brain, and not all humans can perform this task example (I couldn`t) then it stands to reason that not all simulations could do this either.
  24. your best bet is to post in the Forums asking about this, as I don`t reply to Any email addresses or queries that lead Off-Site.

    I and other will be more than happy to answer any questions you may have in your post here ;)

  25. YT2095


    as in cru station?
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