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Everything posted by YT2095

  1. would one of the Autism types be the sort that comes about in a "normal" child after an MMR vaccine? a NON genetic based type. a bit like getting diabetes in later life or through ill health?
  2. Erm.... Do I get a say in this? LOL When do we leave? hey I heard about this guy once, he got a job as a photographer, but he bought a Hemeroid camera instead of a Polaroid camera he got fired for taking $h!tty pictures... ba bum
  3. Thnx Glider It`s still "dead" but it`ll get better. Interesing what you said about the "funny bone" it`s those areas of my hand I have problems too, I had to use crutches for 4 months, and since then, I`ve never got 100% feeling back in those fingers either and that was over 6 years ago? but the temperature in them drops too? I`m used to it now and it doesn`t bother me, but I`de love to know how to fix it, any ideas?
  4. wowzers, I think the odd part is, I actualy uderstood some of it thnx the place the blister is, is on the knukle of the second joint as it leaves your hand. the numbness... imagine you put your right hand down flat on a table (we only had right handed scissors) where the last knukle of your thumb touches the table is where it`s dead (and still is over 26 hours later). but it`s the weirdest sensation! not at all uncomfortable, but just a little disconcerting with some things. there seems to be no sign of it "wearing off" yet, and I did try a needle in it after reading your post, and there is feeling, but not sharp, more akin to a dull annoyance (so the underneath is fine as you said it would be). if you look at the area I mentioned the blister was (second joint from hand) then go 90 degrees (or parallel to the numb area) to the left, in that joint there is some swelling, and when I rub it lateraly along an edge I get a tingle in the thumb tip (so I know it`s still alive) it feels a bit like the "funny bone" in yer elbow when you catch it oddly or "twang" it. what`s actualy happened to it though? as there is no apparent damage to that area other than a sensitivity when "twanged". I`de love to see the nerve, a before and after shot. anyway I digress, what can I do to fix it?
  5. $h!t sorry dude, it (the url) doesn`t load as for the rest of it, It`s wee bit over my head. I only understand the VERY "basics" (maybe not even that)... a Star collapses after exhaustion and falls back in uopn itself, creating a small tiny sphere (about the size of a base ball roughly) but has the same mass as the original star (minus the bits that got lost when it popped). With an understanding of atomic structure (chemistry based mainly) I can only assume that what happens is that all the "free/empty space between a Nulcleus and orbiting electrons" is dramaticly reduced. and so it retains the mass, but loses its volume. from here it becomes such a dense but tiny peice of matter, that nothing will escape it as its mass does not equal the volume that it would under "ordinary" conditions (still a star and huge), so now, not even light will escape it, its gravity (usualy a weak nuclear force) is now compressed so much. if it messes with Light, then the rule book is out the window with regards to conventional Physics (and not too good with that either). THAT is about as far as I understand it
  6. erm... ok? what is that tho (the event horizon) I assume it`s a bit like photoshpere on our sun?. and isn`t there a little tiny mega dense black ball in the middle? and what would that be called? neat that someting gets bigger though! thnx it would seem odd to have all this stuff going IN and yet no sort of increase!
  7. But what he DIDN`T get in the picture was the sign saying; "Danger Low Flying BBQ`s" YT2095 listens to REM-It`s the end of the World as we know it.MP3
  8. don`t look into the light!... but it`s So Beauuuuutifull.... Fzzzzt..
  9. using Konqueror on Linux, my mate says it looks just fine! if ya give me some more time, I`ll get a few Amiga veiw points also <magnet^> konqeror shows it fine. looks good
  10. Yeah, but the look on your faces was classic at the time
  11. Hmmm... an Idea occured to me after reading a Black Hole thread. I maybe way off here! but aren`t black holes sometimes called "Quantum Singularities" Quantum meaning smallest part and singular (well that`s obvious). maybe a Black Hole is a 1 dimensional entity? if it`s collapsed everything and not even time or light escapes it, wouldn`t it also "suck in" known dimensions too? as it seems the 1`st thing your stripped of when entering one is Time, and then width (spaghetti effect) then I should imagine that on arrival you`de be robbed of your height too leaving a 1 D entity, or have I just put 2 and 2 together and made considerably more than 4?
  12. well the temp of my thumb is the same, so I assume the circulation`s ok as for the arm thing, I`ve actualy done that deliberately before, and the temp stays the same too, so I assume it`s the pinched nerve you mentioned also. I`m just hoping now that I`ve not actualy caused any real damage, it`s a bit of a silly way to have created anything permenant in the way of damage. I wonder if I can fix it somehow? LOL, Where`s Glider when ya need him!
  13. so does a black hole (I mean the bit in the middle) actualy get any bigger the more it`s "fed" or does it stay the same size and just become more massive? or... I think some of the above might mean that nothing ever reaches the middle bit, but it just kinda gets "locked up" forever? I realise my curiousity exceeds my knowledge in this area, but I hope my questions aren`t TOO basic
  14. I must confess to being guilty of doing the same thing myself. The lastest was a new microscope I bought for myself, but in the same week the wife bought me a webcam, well after examining everything I could possibly think of around the lab and the house (including some rather obscenely biological stuff). I then made a mount so that I could veiw these things with my webcam and see them on the monitor instead of the eye peice, I now have a rather extensive set of .Jpegs of completely useless pictures of close up things I`m torn between "Boys and their toys" or Children will play" the wife recons the latter in my case
  15. what causes loss of sensation (I`m not refering to any drugs or anaesthetics here). for example sometimes at night you may have experienced your arm go "dead". Yesterday I was cutting up some pretty thick cardboard with scisors, after about 15 mins I realised that I`de got a blister on my thumb (just a pressure type caused by the rubbing) but the most curious part was that half of my thumb was completely numb! and now, a good 20 hours later, it`s still numb? any idea why and what causes it, and how I can get it back to normal again? at least at night when your arm goes dead, it comes back within 5 mins.
  16. Peace Bro,,,, here, have a Flower YT2095 dances around the Forums singing harry krishna songs
  17. what particular keytone? but for arguments sake, lets use Propanone CH3COCH3 from here you may make a carboxylic acid (as VM said) Propanoic Acid CH3CH2CO2H.
  18. it sounds like one is Dimer and the other Trimer. but either way, like Mr_L says, you can still work it`s molarity out quite easily
  19. Hmmm... C2H5OH + HCl(aq).... Interesting! I`de say from pervious experimentation I`ve concted here, I`ve never mannaged to get those 2 to react, if it were to be pure Chlorine then yes it sure does react, but with HCl(aq) it wont, it CAN be used as a catalyst however but then you`de have to drink H2O2 (hydrogen peroxide) but even then the HCl(aq) would still be intact. Cool question though Interestingly enough, if someone were to be going into a Hypoglycemic shock, certain keytones are pressent in the blood, keytones and HCl COULD make Phorone (Very nasty substance) but probably not in sufficient quantities to cause much harm.
  20. Sorry to ask (I hope I`m not). can you put the raw basic idea down in laymans terms please?, nothing to long or complicated, just a short conscise version put simply It maybe the wrong end of the day for me, but when a part seemed to make sense, the next sentence threw me and I lost the plot
  21. It reads like a perversion of statistics to me, and they, when badly interpreted can be made to prove anything! example; 1) Every living thing must consume nutrients (Food) 2) Every Living thing eventualy dies. ergo I have proven that food is poisonous and will eventualy kill you. and ALSO that by NEVER eating, you would live forever (barring accidents). the 1`st 2 data are indeed facts... when presented with ONLY these two facts, it would be logical to assume the conclusion, but anyone will tell that it`s a totaly bogus stat. a favorite trick of politicians! and at least mine is not based on any presumption of a "Drug" that in now way even enters your data... have a rethink dude
  22. YT2095


    Nope it perfectly true it would do that, esp LSD (I don`t know how true the actual story is however). I`m serious, try rub a fresh cut clove of garlic or Vics vapor rub on the soles of your feet (better someone else do it or wear glove to avoid contamination and false data) I was amazed when I came across it by pure accident, I had a sprained ankle, so my then GF rubbed some Eucalyptus oil into my foot (it was all I had other than chili) about 6 or 7 mins later I had to mentaly backtrack to see if I`de actualy comsumed any by accident, I hadn`t, subsequent experiments with different odours produced similar effects, Fascinating
  23. Zinc Sulphide will do such a job also, it`s the stuff they use on NEWER clock faces or the glow-in-the-dark stickers you sometimes get for free in breakfast cerial
  24. Blike, I had a good search on the net and re our previous chat about storage, Leyden jars look quite promising I`ve built a few in the past before I learned about Tesla coils, and they`re so easy! but it was a long time ago and I`de completely forgoten about them, but I recon that could certainly be a potential (excuse the pun) storage medium for that kind of voltage (huge versions of course).
  25. but that`s almost like saying and extremely mild pain would be a series of MAX pains at interval? like morse code. I agree that when an acetylcholine molecule jumps a gap and "makes a circuit" sure it`s on / off, but a single molecule would be hardly be even noticable (if at all) so for us, it is more of an analogue process, hence we notice declining light or mild to extreme pain and all the bits in between, but certainly not as black and white as you stated surely? Don`t misunderstand me, I do agree with what your saying to a point, examining the retina and "image rettention" for example displays the properties you mention, a TV picture flickers at a certain rate and we see it as a continued image as if in real life, and below this freq we see the flicker, but for pain? I do thing think there are alot more "shades of grey" than on/off
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