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Everything posted by YT2095

  1. Electric wheelchair motors work great too, and they come pre geared you can get a good few amps out of them with just a pair of mole grips clamped to the shaft and turning it by hand! then get a cheap 120v or 240v inverter, as Deamonstar said, low wattage and the duration wasn`t specified a few AA batteries in a cheap camera flash unit can easily over power and blow a domestic light bulb I see the Fan arangement as being your biggest obstical (it would be for me anyway). but light and strong maybe something reinforced both materialy and structural sounds the order of the day there. Hope ya win )
  2. 1. she`de have no choice (no bouncey-bouncey else) 2. that would be her choice (but not one of the "Indoctrinated") 3. As an Indoctrinated citizen it would be my DUTY to never breed 4. It clearly WOULD have a significant impact, don`t see it from YOUR point of veiw NOW, Imagine THEN, and THEIR mentality
  3. I`m an indoctrinated US citizen (for example). it is NOW part of my psyche that phuking without a test would be like doing it with my own mom! so I know it`s wrong, but ...I`m in love with a foreign girl... naturaly I want to have her tested 1`st, for things like, HIV, and carrier genes that make poorly children, I DON`T want to have a poorly child, so we get tested, she`s clear we mate and all goes well. she gets tested and is a carrier, we DON`T mate, and all goes well (no poorly child). do that over 40 generatios and tell me that wont drop the odds faster than nature ever could
  4. in that case, I`m pleased we`ve sorted that one out, I like Kittens but razor fans are cool too???? I think I`ll stick to throwing vegatables at them for salad though paper clips and small teenagers are fun to throw at them too when you`re feeling particularly bored
  5. maybe just as well I didn`t contaminate myself then FREE THINKERS ROOL! brb, need to take my Prozak now
  6. depending on context of use, the pair are like a venn diagram, they have a good overlap, almost to 100% in circumstances, but yer right, no matter what comes 1`st, the other will lead on shortly after.
  7. I recon "Why" is the greatest question in Science. however, as stated, it IS often subject to abuse "HOW" to me Implies that you want to Build it (does to me anyway, I love HOW also) and when has Mankind not EVER avoided hard work if it was at all possible, nature of the beast, as you said, too much maths/computation, I recon that`s how Religion was born! lazyness and control of the masses. BUT I`ll not go there as it`ll start some stuff again
  8. lol, too true! though my opinion as to `WHY` is simply that it was inevitable. given the unimaginable length of time for it to occur in.
  9. ROFLOL @ Sayonara, do you go to USF too?
  10. Oh Right!!!! the guy on the BT adverts so what about him? LOL
  11. OK... before I get flooded with stuff here. 1`st. MrL, Why did you mention Rockets at all? 2`nd. Kedas, Hydrogen CAN and HAS been used perfectly safely, and although it needs modifications to a regular car (no Petrol tank etc...) it is no more unstable in correct conditions than Petroleum fuel, In fact Petrol is probably less safe the way it is stored than Hydrogen would be, I`de like to see an M-80 rip through a Hydrogen tank
  12. Sorry, not familiar with "hawking" or his works? beyond me dude? not that "into" stuff like that. I just go on the workings of my own observations and thinking, I take no ones "word for it" unless it suits me to get a greater level of understanding from where I can move on using it as a temporary model. IF all becomes congruent with that temp model that I`ll use it and maybe "stick to it", but I`m always open minded and subject to change I can`t say he`s crap or not, although I do like some of Einsteins work
  13. Safe? well, that REALLY depends on conditions in all honesty. If they use fuel cells succesfully then the transport of Hydrogen in suitable containers would be yes. I would gladly TRY and light a match in a pure Hydrogen atmosphere, fact is, it probably wouldn`t even light MrL, how can you possibly say "Looks exactly the same to me, except the gas drives a piston rather than just moving the thing by conservation of momentum" in that case then ethanol based cars are the same as there is more ethanol based Rocket motors than Hydrogen+Oxygen gass based ones. the rocket idea need not apply at all? it`s an irrelevance, it`s like saying bicycle tyres have something to do with it because we use air in them??? Think "Internal Combustion engine" based on the Deisel principal, just using different fuels, water being one of them (as an expansive and cooling agent) that`s virtualy free
  14. 7Hz can be quite nasty and even fatal at the correct power, you can`t hear it either. I have a book called "The Cycles of Heaven" and it`s all to do with stuff like this, and all based on Scientific fact, even down to cycles of the moon and womens periods coinciding through natural eveolution, and the 11 year cycle of solar activity. gimme a bit of time, I`ll dig it out for you all, It`s a good read
  15. Blike, in a nutshell yes
  16. and the rellevance is? Ya kinda lost me on that one?
  17. Oxy-Hydrogen has been used in cutting torch along with oxy-aceytalene,ethene,propane,butane etc... well instead of using deisel (hydrocarbons) why not a mix of Hydrogen, Air, Water. to create the *Bang* needed in each cylinder? plain Air Hydrogen would work sure, but the heat would be too high, and the gas vol too low, so as a "trade off" add some water, that will quench the heat by turning to steam and also increase the gas vol just that simple nowt to do with Rockets at all, that`s an unecesary sidetrack.
  18. Yup! same can be done with EM pulses or lighting, create that feeling of unease. there are such things as "Sick Buildings" even in modern days. one Office block had so many folk off work due to unexplained illness that they called in investigators, they found nothing at 1`st, eventualy it was all tracked down to a Air Conditioning fan that was oscillating at a certain frequency because it wasn`t fitted correctly, this caused subsonic pressure waves at an inaudible frequency that only internal organs responded to. it IS fact what you can`t see/hear CAN hurt you!
  19. Huh? We were talking the "Internal Combustion" engine here. based on the Deisel principal. Oxy-Hydrogen isn`t just the domain of rockets either for 2 reasons, Oxy-Hydrogen has been used in cutting torches for about a century, and Oxy-Hydrogen is no longer used as gasses as a rocket propellant. as for "Fuel cells" LOL, why suffer the losses used in energy conversion? why not use it neat, and bypass all the charging and losses used in: Heat, EM,RF etc,,, why not cut to the chase and use existing tech and just modify it a bit?
  20. Who is this "Hawking" person?
  21. I was chatting to a friend the other day, said he couldn`t sleep because he couldn`t resolve why 2 parts H and 1 part O as a gas when mixed doesn`t turn to water, I explained that, so no problems there... he went on to ask about water and a kazillion other things etc... between us we came up with a neat Idea (potentialy) for an engine, it seemed perfectly feasible at the time, I want to share it with you, and see what you all think, If it`s crap, move it to Pseudo Science... air`s 21% O2. so 5 parts Air to 1 part Hydrogen (molar) would roughly be the ideal combustion ratio. but it burns at about 3000 K (a big waste of heat for an engine!). So... Air/Hydrogen and a Water spray injected into the engine (all timed correctly of course). the excess heat would vaporise the water creating more steam and volume, and ALSO keeping the chamber cooler. if the H and Air mix gave 10 vols of gas, adding water would Increase it, and cool the excess heat turning it into usable power. Imagine a car that ran on Hydrogen and a glass of water input and ideas appreciated
  22. "Is a SnowBlower" no one was making any comparisons? simply stated, Where life began is irrelevent in this instance, it`s a sidetrack to the more important question of HOW it began work on the rest after
  23. hehehehe Right....Now having got all that established, and the "Second" as our unit basline constant. that the second is used to measure Change, and only when all change ceases is when Time stops. therefore by default, where there is change there is time. that`s why time exists on a 1 D plane, getting from point A to B (obviosly in a straight line) will take TIME. I know it sounds like I`m making Bold Statemnets of the bleedin obvious, but without these accepted "ground rules" there can be no argument/debate. Time is a function of Change and is measured in Seconds (multiples or divisions of) without Time everything would occur simultaniosly. (need a break, back later)
  24. 4.6% is still a significant amount when taken over 40 generations (1000 years at age 25 per person to bear offspring). each generation taking "onboard" how right it is to have your mating partner "checked out medicaly". and then cross cultural breeding, that 4.6 over 40 generation could be a significant percentage of the human populous, we only need to look at the spread of Aids within a single generation to gain an apreciation of what 4.6% NOW could do in 1000 years. I`de guess at 50% min erradicated as carriers.
  25. True, I guess it`s too late to call it a Typo? Seconds are the unit Time is what is measured.
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