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Everything posted by YT2095

  1. holy smeg dude 500 notes!!!! I`de want whole room full of chicks for that kinda cash! (if I wasn`t married of course... Ehem *cough*)
  2. but the lack of a coherent signal (carrier wave) by default would be the lack of a signal, and so it would be silent (no carrier therefore nothing to modulate), where does the incoherence come from?
  3. I`m sure everyones seen a blank TV screen and heard and seen the "static" on there or tuned between a Radio station and heard the same noise? I`de like to know WHAT we`re seeing/ hearing when we do that. yes some will be transistor noise as the electron pass the depletion zone, you can often hear a hissing sound when you turn an amp up to full volume without an input... that`s the transistor noise only and not the same thing the same effect can bee seen on a vacume tube TV or radio however, and these don`t suffer from transistor noise nor do MOSFET radios. now I`ve heard that this "static" is remnants of the "big bang" and other such things as 21 centimeter hydrogen band signals eminating from stars and the like. what I`de REALLY like to know is what it actualy is that we`re watching and hearing? any ideas/theories?
  4. I didn`t watch that particular program no, but I`ve seen similar and I don`t admiting it`s brought me to tears before now, however unmanly or unscientific an emotion that might be. but yeah, we`re real phuk ups to each other! and sadly like most things it`s the weak and innocent that suffer 9 times outa 10. I guess the only positive thing is that some of us recognise it and KNOW that it`s wrong, maybe given time there will be more similar? If you can`t pray for them to know better, then VOW never to become like them. (and I`m not a Religios man)
  5. here`s an interesting (maybe) thought, grounded in fact. MANY of yesterdays explosives (still currently used) circa 15 to 20 years ago, were the exclusive domain of the Military only, and some others (mostly heaving charges) for industry, mining etc... these things are NOW in the hands of the public or garage/basement chemists. such things as RDX, PETN, C4. OCTAGEN, ANNM, PE4, I could continue! were exclusive THEN! I or anyone else with basic chem 101 can make these things in a kitchen now! I just wonder how long before the substance mentioned in the topic can be replicated by such teeny bombers or terrorists in a basement/garage somewhere!? and never say never! C4 was classified for the longest time!
  6. YT2095


    that`s an idea, strap on a bottle of Freon to your paintball magazine!, they won`t break, but he wont be able to say ya missed either
  7. I should imagine that since we`ve given up C as being a constant in your argument, then all rules would be out the window, and the cat would be seen, but at a greater time lag depending on how fast beyond C they traveled at.
  8. YT2095


    so one of these padded ski jackets that make you look like the Michelin Man (pref in combat colors) would be perfect to take with you then? Muhahahahaha I feel a <Cheat Mode> coming on
  9. well I should Imagine that a prostitute could/would register legaly at a local clinic/health center. as would brothels. and then beconsidered a legitimate business, subject to certain pre-writen standards. She being a contractor to said establishment. As for canabis well I should imagine that you would be able to purchase pre-made (factory) reffers much in the same way a cigarettes and keep the .GOV happy by the Tax they get. TAX on the other hand is one of the 2 reasons they won`t do it. it would be impossible to totaly regulate it, of course it would, there will still always be illicit trade in these things.but for every plant you grow yourself for consumption, you take from the pocket of a dealer (that wouldn`t think twice about getting you hooked on something else to make you a regular!). Tax and Religious zealots are the only two REAL things making this impossible atm.
  10. yup! sounds about right!
  11. LOL @ Giles, you`re right, it was kind of an exersize in futility! I think we all meant well though
  12. Isn`t that a bit like saying "if there were a substantialy cheaper way to get from A to B we`de all do it" yet not many folks run economical cars? I think they`re stuck in a rut due to cold war politics and now underfunding to boot, that it`s going to be very difficult and take alot of time to come up with newer methods! and if they always thought the way you mentioned, we`de still be all lit by gas mantles and oil lanterns.
  13. I don`t get the "coincidence" bit? If you`de have said "stupid by giving the benefit of the doubt" you`de have been on the nail
  14. on a re-read with the focus on AT as in self defeating (may as well do it in a box and expect it to move) perspective, then yeah, I can see what your saying, but I didn`t read it like that 1`st time round, so the fault IS mine, hands up guilty. I just didn`t expect anyone to mean something like that and be serious at the same time to me his question had merit in the way I read it.
  15. how does it work on a boat in the sea though? or when we go camping and used a battery amp? is it that the 56/60 Hz wavelength is so long that we can`t escape it on Earth? and would it happen in a Faraday cage?
  16. YT2095

    Stalking dementia

    ""I believe (though I'm not certain) that more recent research has shown that the aluminium deposits are a function of the pathological process, rather than an aetiological factor, i.e. it's the disease which results in the aluminium deposits, rather than aluminium causing the disease. "" I think your right, I have a medicine here called Aludrox it`s for bad acid/heartburn, it`s basicly a suspension of aluminium hydroxide Al(OH)3, which in turn would become aluminium chloride AlCl3 and water on reaching stomach acid HCl(aq). AlCl3 being soluable could get into the bloodstream I assume? so If they can sell this medicine in a high street chemists, It would be a safe bet that the alu hasn`t any effect. although it can also be used to lower blood phosphates? whatever that does I don`t know? I think that`s another one for you Glider
  17. I think I`m begining to get the picture a bit, any object that effectively hits this speed will continue going until it leaves our gravity pull. but if powered then it`s not a problem at any speed barring fuel costs and practicality. So these high altitude spy planes that almost skim on the edge of space, if they reached maximun height, then went nose up and fired a missile, could THAT get into orbit? then it`s simply a case of removing the warhead and putting equiptment in there instead. I should Imagine some of these huge 1000 lb bunker buster or cruise jobs could do it? maybe take up solar panels or food or something usefull? I can see how the ballon idea would be impractical now, the wake from the rocket leaving would also make a mess
  18. so this escape velocity`s all about initial velocity needed to break Earth gravity perpendicular to it`s pull. so trowing a stone up in the air at this speed and will get into orbit? but if it`s a powered craft (fuel permitting) you COULD get into orbit at any speed eventualy? hope I`ve got this right
  19. Is it though? Surely it would be more cost effective and safer to get half way there under conventional means? I think there`s more to it than cost, I just don`t understand this escape velocity thing? and why it`s key?
  20. well obviously not AT the sails, that would be self defeating, and serve only to create stress in the ships hull between the mast and the fan. the idea was to mount the fan at the front blowing bacwards at the sails with the rudder or tiller bar at dead ahead, and to use the sails as a steering mechanism like used in hovercraft or hydo planes. afan`s much more efficient than bellows and more constant. his idea would work, but not in the arangement he specified. the bellows would be better employed under water to create a jet type arrangement. that was my point.
  21. YT2095

    Chem Database

    Practicaly every Chem you can think of, and what contains it. http://hpd.nlm.nih.gov/cgi-bin/household/list?tbl=TblChemicalsα=A maybe of some use to someone here
  22. can anyone here explain to me what escape velocity is all about? and why it needs to be so fast? To me I can`t picture any problem in my head about a vehicle going upwards at any speed slow or fast that would eventualy get into orbit, even if it were just at 1 mile an hour (ignoring fuel problems). and why couldn`t we take a helium ballon up to the edge of space and just launch our satelites from there using smaller rockets just to go that extra bit of distance?
  23. NSX, thnx, It beats sitting around for a year wishing we could be doing something more constructive. Glider, yup, that`s the one it also has elements of psychology involved too (something I didn`t know). I though it was all some sort of acupressure(sp?) but talking to the "patient" is also a big part of it too.I dare say I`ll be her 1`st guinee pig, so I`ll let you know in about 6 months if there`s anything to it
  24. I think most people at sometime or another heard the sound an Amplifier makes when you touch the input lead, that sort of Burrrrrrr, sound. I`de like to know what causes it? now at 1`st the answer may seem simple but for a few reasons. the same sound occurs even on battery powered amps in the middle of nowhere. the sound is always the same frequency too? about 50 to 60Hz ish. that made me wonder if it was something to do with mains electricity around the Earth. or maybe the fact that were struck by lightening about 50 times per second at least somewhere on Earth at any given time (but the frequency seems to constant for that to be possible). It occurs on ships in the middle of the sea too. would the same be heard in the space station ? any ideas?
  25. of course a fan would work! how do you think these hydro planes work? the sort they use in the Everglades and marsh areas, I fail to see what`s "stupid" in that?
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