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Everything posted by YT2095

  1. thnx man, yer a good un
  2. heheheh "space odyssey" now that would be a scary thought!, Imagine our orbit after that! (or would it change? I dunno, but anyway) No it wasn`t that, it was some docu about the Schumaker Levi 9 asteroids and it said something that if jupiter was a little bigger is could become a Sun (or words to that effect) I`m just glad one of the asteroids wasn`t a Monolth )
  3. what`s astounding here? or shall I guess?
  4. VS as against/competition? or do ya mean WITH? I recon together would be good, but I`de put my money on eat Static in a competition
  5. how `bout pong/tennis the 1970`s atari version, that`s at least gotta come a close second though 2 bats 1 ball, and a score each... takes some beating for playablity in my book
  6. I aint even gunna go there! twice the size you say? It`s a wonder it`s not become a Sun then, apparently Jupiter isn`t far off so I`ve heard.
  7. you`de probably like Ozrik Tentacles then, I do, but gotta be in the right mindset for it. Eat Static`s pretty good too
  8. does anyone here have an algorithm for random number generation? I know there are analogue ways (electonic) to produce this. and various digital ways using shift registers to generate a number sequence that doesn`t reoccur till so many 1000 steps. but is there an equasion/algorithm that will do this? I considered the use of Pi, as that seems to go on forever. is there an algorithm to calculate Pi?
  9. YT2095

    Amoeba Kills boy

    I shouldn`t laugh, but I too, pictured Steve Mcqeen in the "The Blob" for a second or two. was his immune system perculiar at all? as stuff like that can make you violently ill, but rarely kills?
  10. I like most things from Glen Miller (1940`s) upto Rob Zombie (Ozzy and Alice Cooper are faves though). but I can`t stand most of todays "modern POP" music, the charts stuff YUCK! it all seems to be mindless repetative rubbish to me we need more votes in the Metal section
  11. hehehehe. Original space invaders still kicks a$$
  12. they do have ground crews with something that looks a bit like a leaky parafin flamethrower. but for harder to reach areas (mountains) they use the hypergolic ping pong balls.
  13. MAYBE, it`s a bit like Tachyons (hypothetical particles that are only said to exist at speeds greater than c) allegedly they`re suposed to vanish too at velocities slower than C. could it be that they don`t VANISH as such, but break down to even smaller (undetectable) parts because the energy that displaces them wears off and they lose cohesion? a bit like blowing up a stick of dynamite in reverse. we can just about see the stick (quark) but where does it go after it blows? in reverse, we can make a lit stick of dynamite by applying enough energy, but with a fuse a millionth of a sec long, it`s soon gone again. I`ve probably explained it badly, I`ll get more coffee and think some more
  14. *sniff* *sob* I just had a look through the prospectus from my nearest college, and they`re not running my chem course this year AGAIN, it`s not even listed this year they are running a course called "Science" though??? what`s that all about? it`s only GCSE level, but it beats wasting a year doing nothing. does anyone what a "Science" course actualy entails?
  15. Sayonara, usenet, fluffynet,JANET, and even ran my own BBS back in the 80`s (2400 baud) had a MASSIVE 10meg HDD too so ma hand`s still up in the air
  16. YT2095


    Awwwww.. I`de never deliberately ignore anyone but I do read the log from the last night each morning (when my puter hasn`t crashed). I sort of keep office hours (more or less) and in UK time, I would miss quite a few from other timezones. same happens on my own chan occasionaly. it all has to do with this 24 hour thing, I`m sure if half of you wouldn`t mind sleeping in the day, We could chat more often
  17. that "nulldom" being your $ 0.0 account ballance before visiting the bank (the starting point of everything). well to consider that it`s just an idea that occured while bored some 15 years ago, it sure all sounds quite plausible (tho not complete in details). but I`m also sure greater minds than mine would have have come up with it long before me though, so its probably wrong, but it suits all my mental models when I think of things and I feel happy using it thnx for listening to it anyway
  18. YT2095


    hehehehehe, I`ve tried tried that argument, still no dice... I do as I`m told now (when she`s watching anyway)
  19. well yeah, the gay bit`s out the question, and I`m monogomous so`s ma wife. alt_f13, can`t say I have to be honest. I`ve tried beers from around the world but that one doesn`t ring a bell. Baltika 9 was my fave when I was in Russia though, it`s a beautiful beer, 8% but still crisp and refreshing, non of this syrup stuff that`s technicaly a wine.
  20. dragons eggs are typicaly an exotic thermite, usualy fine mesh alu powder shoichometricly mixed and pressed with a reactive metal oxide usualy copper or lead. the other sort that I`ve seen in use aren`t dragon eggs, but pingpong balls filled with potasium permanganate and injected with ethylene glycol just prior to release, these tiny devices atualy start fires, but in a controled way, to set up a "pre burnt" barrier that with fingers crossed, the main fire wont be able to cross.
  21. YT2095


    I`m in there most days UK time, no one ever shows till it`s time for me to power down and Daisy, yes YT-AKF is me it`s just that AFK (Away From Keyboard) means that I can`t chat at this time of the day without Annoying the wife coz I already spend too much time on here.
  22. OMG that`s totaly amazing! apart from the beer part it`s a match. worst part is though my Wife fits it too! and the handwriting part is just TOO funny we got 3 cats btw.
  23. At a push I supose Morse would have been the real father of Electronic Mail, telegraphs and telegrams. I wonder how they mannaged to send MP3`s back then though?
  24. a bit like the "Division by Zero Error" my computer takes great delight in telling me for no reason when I`m in the middle of something interesting
  25. Dave, Cool, your only up the road from me about 4kms then, I`m from Tipton here
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