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About Selena
- Birthday 07/23/1982
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Early Childhood Education
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Children's Book Author
- Quark
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Quark (2/13)
Well, all of that's too bad I was really hoping Q.M. would solve my problems by providing a realistic - although currently impossible - communication method. I guess nanoscale worm holes are my next best bet. You guys are great! (even though you dashed my hopes! )
Yep, completely unrealistic science fiction... Thanks I love a wild goose chase. I guess I need to explain my intentions more. I classically write multicultural children's books for first to third graders. With the help of my dear translator I am moving on to an older age range and a more complex story line. My two main goals in this are to continue on with the multicultural theme and to inspire an interest in science in young (and mostly female) audience. Thusly, I need to have an accurate science base, which is why I've come to this highly reputable site and completely humiliated myself by showing my ignorance. Thanks for being so helpful bascule and really driving this feeling home. Seriously though, thank you so much to all of you who have helped me and taken the time to make serious posts; I greatly appreciate your patients and contributions... I've gained a lot of insight from you and now have a good idea of what I need to research (and the corect terminology to use while doing so )! And to the rest... it's just not worth airing my opinion...
Okay, I've never heard of this; can anyone give a brief synopsis? I can look it up, but would like to hear some of your guys' views... Ahh, now we're talking!!! Yes, and no for FTL. FTL implies travel and thusly is misleading. (My translator's here and just told me what I'm looking for) I/we need some form of communication that does not involve physically sending something to another location (waves, photons, etc...) and it needs to be instantaneous (or damn close)... This could totally work... Is in line with what I need. Thanks so much! From Translator: In order to use quantum entanglement would we have to delve into the multiverse theory to establish plausibility?
Yep, swansont wasn't talking to me... I think I fully understand every 10th word or so from that thread and all its links!!!! Well, I'm guessing that that is what I was looking for (although my science translator isn't around to verify that ). And, it does seem like faster than light communication is not possible though that method... But now it's time for me to ask my stupid question . Most of what I understood the problem with bascule's hypothesis was causality. But I'm not asking about breaking the laws of causality, because I'm not asking about something received before it was sent (does that make sense?). Very poorly described, what I was told is that this is kinda how quantum communications work: You have two qubits that are connected in someway (not physically or in any anyway that was explained to me, just... connected, or maybe related is a better word?) and when one moved (wiggled I think was the word that was used) so did the other, through means that science couldn't really explain. Through this relation / connection it was possible to relay information without sending anything (like a photon or via a radio wave). And thusly instantaneous communication is possible (theoretically). So, my stupid question is, am I way off base in this? Did this information come from fiction, or does it have a real scientific basis? I am so out of my league it's not even funny!
Sorry swansont, I'm not through with reading the thread! I should have a response within the hour!
I'm not worried about my time frame - it's sci-fi remember - and the story line is strong enough to support the science. My main concern is getting the science as close as possible. I don't want to violate the laws of physics or thermonuclear dynamics, etc, in the story. I will of course have to make most of it up, but I want those things to be based off of current scientific theory or fact. So, are there any other relevant theories (no matter how implausible) that might help me in this endeavor? Any other ideas or suggestions for my main three problems? Increasing Ganymede's gravity Creating an atmosphere And, creating a permanent heat source
Well that's going to be my main problem. It has to be boiled down for me to understand it (I can grasp science concepts fairly quickly, but I'm no where near the level of understanding advanced quantum mechanics!) and then I need to boil it down even farther for a 7th grade audience... I can always make something up (you can't predict invention) but I'd much rather use science fact and precedents... Anybody have any suggestions for a type of communication that could totally replace radio (and by that I mean all radio - cell phones, satellites, everything)
Okay, I totally get that... I'll look for the information that led me down this path so I can ask better, more specific questions... Thanks for helping!
I'll accept changing the orbit, so long as what ever I decide to do doesn't guarantee and degrading orbit!! Helium doesn't actually damage the vocal cords (or so I'm told), the effect is caused by sound traveling faster through He than N or O. I played with the idea of adding equal amounts of Sulfur Hexafluoride to balance things out, but decided against that! I am still unsure what to do about heat considering the time frame... Less than 100 years in the future. Jupiter is a heat source, and if the change in mass (for extra gravity) causes Ganymede to move close to Jupiter, that's one possibility but not nearly enough because I don't want it that close! I don't like solar mirrors, and I am hesitant about relying on industry or greenhouse gases... Hmm I do like the idea of using neutronium or quarkonium to increase the gravity... That just might work... Hmm Thanks so much, you've given me a lot to think about!!!
Well, that's defiantly one way of increasing the gravity... But I don't think that's going to work for me Most likely for this I'll make something up (I was hoping to avoid that)... What about changing the rotational speed? Centrifugal force works against gravity, so if you slow down the speed of the rotation, would you have marginally higher gravity?
I was under the impression that through quantum communications (forgive me, I don't know any of the correct terms here) you could have instant communications no matter the distance. I believe this was related to qubits and entanglement, but I really don't remember the details.
So, for starters, all of this is completely impossible given the time frame I'm using in the book and current technology. (I feel the need to state this because I've only been on this site for 2 hours and I already look like a moron! Normally it takes me much longer to accomplish that! ) Ganymede already has a negligible oxygen atmosphere. My though is that you find a way to make the atmosphere stay put (increase gravity, put up a dome, whatever) and then heat things up a bit. You melt some of Gan.'s ice stores, creating H2O; you burn the H2 to increase heat, and release the O into the air. Then you pump in some He (helium) from Jupiter's atmosphere and you're good to go. The end atmospheric goal is 40% oxygen, 59% helium, and up to 1% of other - non toxic preferably - gases. Also, you want to keep the atmospheric pressure low (thus the higher O content) because it saves you work when you're creating an atmosphere. The only problems are that oxygen is highly flammable, and helium causes voice distortions (kinda cool, but maybe not). So, what problems are there with this scheme that I'm not seeing (other than the things I'm avoiding, like Ganymede's gravity )?
Hello all! For those of you whom haven't run into me, I'm writing a young reader's Sci-Fi book and need some help. Part of the story involves advanced forms of communications (mainly because it is essential for the plot that radio be completely out dated). Thusly, I need to get a good understanding of the next 'wave' ( ) of communications, e.g. quantum. So, can anyone explain to me what the theory behind it is, how it's expected to work, and its practical applications? Thanks for the help, you guys are life savers!
Hello all! I am in the midst of writing a young reader's Sci-Fi book and am having difficulties with some of the hard and theoretical science aspects! Is anyone here willing to help me out? The sub story is based around terraforming Ganymede and part of the problem I'm having is in finding general terraforming theories. I've found tons of specific stuff for Mars, the moon, and Venus, but most of that doesn't help me! So, the main points I'm stuck on currently are: Increasing Ganymede's gravity without altering its orbit or destroying it Creating an atmosphere (I've got a good idea for this, and will go into details if asked) And, creating a permanent heat source Any questions, insights, opinions, etc would be greatly appreciated! Thanks everyone