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Everything posted by michel123456

  1. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ocean_thermal_energy_conversion
  2. you could put a warning above or under the ad banner. Stating fro example: "SFN is not responsible for the content of this ad, it has been chosen by "someone else" (a bot?) on the basis of your recent browsing history". Or something like that...
  3. Oh. That's all about money. Would you find it natural to find a internet site about healthy products that advertises Mcdonalds? It is ridicule. ---------------------- Do everybody here see the same ads?
  4. I don't think it was intentional. But IMHO advertising should be controlled. Isn't it a paradox that advertising inside the post is against the rules but advertising by anyone outside the post is allowed? (note that the ad is a link, it is not simply a picture). My link that was deleted in post #1 was nothing else that the link of the picture.
  5. No not really from my POV. It seems to me it's getting slow when cross-posting happens. But that's maybe me, I don't use up-to-date machines and my connection(s) is (are) slow. That's a side effect of economic crisis in Greece.
  6. I beg your pardon? freedom of speech on SFN?
  7. Yes. Anyway I find the situation bizarre. Like an announcement of Al Qaeda on the site of the CIA.
  8. So you have no problem in hosting creationists on SFN?
  9. The infinite is infinitely larger than any large number. A large number is less than infinite by an infinite amount.
  10. There is an obvious lack of understanding from some members here of what infinite means.
  11. Can you mix God with technology? The answer is Yes:
  12. Maybe the Forum could provide a database for that kind of questions. A FAQ section. First thing to do: unplug the fridge. Second thing to do: don't put a thermos bottle in the fridge, put a hundred.
  13. yeap. If you can use operator, then you have; 1/0 ------------ in Wikipedia, the [math]\infty[/math] is not in the digits list.
  14. it's not a number, but it's maybe a digit. It's an 8 rolled down.
  15. It's the 3rd time I see a similar question on this Forum. I guess there must be a teacher somewhere putting the same exercise again and again.
  16. If this is a digit here you are: [math]\infty[/math]
  17. I do not agree with everything posted by Relative.
  18. I was very surprised today to see on SFN page an add for a creationist book. Can't you handle that?
  19. It is the Archimedes principle. When applied to the globe, you get a centrifugal force (the buoyant force oriented from the center outwards). Since the globe is not expanding, there must be another force going inwards equal to the buoyant force and that is a centripetal force (as Relative stated). A force called gravity. And looking at the structure of the globe, indeed we observe more dense materials at the centre and less dense outwards, from the core to the atmosphere. Everyting fits well. What number do you want?
  20. Yes, I see it the same way.
  21. Maybe. Forget it. Since it's about hovercrafts, you could use names of winds.
  22. My opinion is that you are messed because the idea is to link the team members with animal names, where the animals name are objects (the bikes)but some members are not exactly humans which makes things bizarre. You must have plenty of other things in Canada to refer to. ---------------- And animal name is not very "futuristic" To me futuristic would be a code name like B0456hfddyrdvbn (VBN for short)
  23. I find that hard to believe. Checking Wiki source here, mentioning "Computer Model of the Sun at 4.5 Billion Years" from a 1965 book (B. Stromgrew (1965) reprinted in D. Clayton Principles of Stellar Evolution and Nucleosynthesis. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1968. There must be something more recent to double check.
  24. You are describing the heat produced by 100kgs of hydrogen fused in helium inside the Sun as corresponding to "the heat a hundred kilogram person creates just walking around every day". It is a nuclear reaction though. How come that the produced heat is so low? Or How come that the produced heat is so high when Iggy walks around?
  25. ? I used to imagine the sun core as a furnace.
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